Persuade me ...

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" I'll see you tomorrow Jean." Isla left Saint Thomas' Hospital in central London and headed to her mini. She had been working as a physiotherapist for two weeks now and was really enjoying her new profession.Slotting the key in and starting the engine she was on her way to Macy's apartment where the girls were having a sleepover. Jamming out to Capital London her phone started ringing. As it was connected to her car she pressed the answer button. " Hello!" Ellie's loud voice streamed out of the car speakers. " Hey Ellie Is everyone there?" Isla said at a traffic light. " Yes all except you drinks,sweets and pizza are waiting can't wait to see you." Ellie looked at the feast. " Don't worry I will be there in seven minutes." " Oh yes just a reminder Don't forget the game is on next week, Saturday." Macy's voice shocked Isla.

" What game you never mentioned a game and I never agreed." Isla totally forgot. " You did too and I quote Yes ill come just for Mason you said that at Starbucks just two weeks ago." Macy was jogging her memory. " I'm parking know ill be up there in a min and just you wait i'm not coming to that game." Isla refused to go. " Ok but you did agree." Isla flew through Macy's apartment doors dropping her bags next to the couch. " Isla i'm telling you now you promised." The girls laughed at the now angry Isla. " What game is anyway." She really was clueless. " England!" Amber,Ellie and Macy shouted in unison. Isla was not really into football and certainly didn't know who was on the England team. The girls were buzzing to go and had landed front row seats thanks to Mason . " Come one Isla this is the rematch everyone has been talking about since we lost to them in the euro final this game is against Italy." Amber explained shivering at the upsetting memory of the loss. " Its just football." Isla rolled her eyes and took a piece of cheesy pizza.

The girls jaws dropped at the statement. " What?" Isla chuckled at the girl's expressions. " Just a match this is a one in a lifetime match it will go down in history and it's only the world cup qualifiers." Ellie was astonished at the girls lack of football knowledge but then again she wasn't a football type of girl. " Don't you want to support Mason and the team he will be happy to see you there and you already agreed come on Isla please don't be a let down." Macy said looking for a movie. " Your coming now no if,buts or maybes you coming." Amber joined them on the couch with a bag of malteasers. " Fine fine i did agree in the first place." Isla smirked. " You remember i told you." Macy was now laughing her head of as the movie The conjuring started. " Right shush now its starting." Ellie eye's were set on the tv. The girls giggles were still in the background but the start of a amazing sleepover was on route.

Isla had no Idea that Jack was on the team she was only aware that Mason and Phil were playing. Amber , Ellie and Macy had a plan they could tell that Isla was heartbroken and from what the boys had fed back to then so was Jack. Apparently Jack had been bombarded by paparazzi too. Asking questions about Isla and the his relationship status. Were they official? Where is the special girl now? Jack clearly wasn't the same since the holiday and after the little attack reminded of Isla. He wasn't the same the first day back at training too. Very quiet and just focused on the ball. These two were meant to be written in the stars. Isla was trying her best to move on her nw job was keeping her busy but she knew the hurt was there. And that Jack was constantly on her mind. For the first fee days back from holiday . Isla had sat in her room for two whole day crying and watching love movies. These two needed to be together this was the group's secret plan. 

The persuading bit was over Isla was in and Macy could now tell Mason and Phil that part one was done. Just like their first date a big secret. Jack had no Idea that any of the girls were coming. If he did know that maybe Macy , Amber and Ellie was coming he  might expect that Isla was going to be present so Mason and Phil just said that their not going to be here. Well thats what he thought.


" Hi sorry excuse me is there any England tops available." Amber was desperate to go to the game with some merchandise on since the in the euros all the tops were sold out everywhere. " Yes the kits are on the top floor." The helpful lady pointed to the lift. " Thank you." The girls pressed the top floor button and rushed over to the kits. " Ahhh this is the home kit for this year we will take four." The girls quickly discovered their size and went to try them on. " Oh in love mine going to get Phil Foden Fan hashtag one on the back." Amber looked in the mirror posing. " I'm going to get Foden's biggest fan printed on mine." Ellie stuck her tongue out. " Mason is already printed on mine he's going to love that we are supporting them." Isla was last to come out the dressing room. " Guys what do u mean your going to get your shirt printed on?" Isla was now looking in the mirror unsure about her outfit. " I've never had a football top before never really been a fan."  The girls looked proud to see that now their best friend finally understanding. " Just one problem who am I going to get printed on the back." Isla's face fell a bit . " I know how about Prescott." Amber said bringing a huge smile on Isla's face. " Yes lets do this girls!"

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