Love to Hate me

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After the long night Jack and Isla had had they finally pulled up to the villa where the rest of the group was having a catch up and reflecting their brilliant holiday since it was their last week next week. Walking in they were smothered with hugs and welcomes." Were back!" Isla said alerting their busy friends. " Hey girlie looks like you had a lush night from what I've seen on Jacks insta." Amber said raising a eyebrow laughing. " That's cause we did somehow Jacky makes my day all the time." Isla looked over at Jack who was now blushing really hard. " Jila Forever!" Phil shouted putting his arm around Jack and Isla. Whiles Isla and Jack rolled their eyes the rest of the group broke out into laughter. 

As the rest of the group went to sit in the lounge area mason pulled Jack to the side. " Mate did you get the thing you have been dreaming for since day one." Mason said hoping for the best outcome. " What you mean the kiss?" Jack said clueless." What else a candy apple yes of course the kiss ." Mason said flinging his arms round. Jack put his hands to his lips. " Oh yeh sorry well did you?" Mason said very un patient." No mate we were this close and the bloody Ferris wheel started moving again." Jack said a bit disappointed. " Better luck next time your moment will come." He patted Jack on the back and went to join the others.

As funny memories were flung around the groups table Jack and Isla's phone were going off the hook. It seemed like every second there was a new notification. Being that they were spending time with their friends it was becoming a nuisance. " Isla babes you have become very popular haven't you." Macy said looking quite concerned as she watched the phone buzz once again. " It's all Jacks fault." Isla smiled and pointed. " Why me?" Jack said confused. " Why don't you both turn them off for tonight so we can all enjoy without that stupid buzzing noise." Phil said getting annoyed by the sound. " Thanks little Philippa." Isla said winking followed by a eruption of laughter. " Shush you I'm trying to help." Jack and Isla did as they were told and their phones stayed off for the rest of the night. Even after the boys left Isla's phone stayed powered off.


As the sun shone through the villa's windows on a Monday the girls arose from their beds. After breakfast and nice yoga session with all four girls Isla finally got to open her phone after over 12 hours of being off. In a blink of  a eye her Instagram feed and other notifications were full to the brim overflowing with comments. Isla's heart rate was off the roof and decided to put her phone down again going for a swim. As swam Macy joined her. Isla was in some sort of worried state. " Isla are you okay." Isla looked straight ahead ignoring Macy completely. "Isla ... Earth to Isla." Macy said clicking her fingers. " Oh hey." She finally snapped back in the moment. Isla did a few laps of the pool and just concentrated on talking to Macy.

Grabbing a towel she went back to the room where the dreaded phone sat on the table. She put some jogger shorts on and a white top and sat down watching the device full of problems. She huffed and picked it up. " Its now or never we have to deal with it." Isla said giving herself a pep talk she opened the phone going on Instagram first. It was all comments on her page from her latest's posts.

Hey look who it is Jacks new girlfriend
She is so ugly.🤮

Oh god i feel bad for Jack for having
To deal with this rat 🐀

Is she even his girlfriend cause if so
He deserves so much better
This is like the worst girl
He could have picked😬

If you are asking me she is a
Gold digger for sure
What a fake !!!!!!!

She needs to brake up with him
They are not meant to be ❌❌

Ugly slut !!❌🤮🤮

Gold digger 🤑🤑

Sorry babes but Jack is way
Out of your league. 🤮

Its a no from me ❌😬

Hopefully the rumours are not true
Cause this one is not for jack
What a disgusting girl ❌

What even is this picture
Jacks new rat 🐀


Die !

Is this a joke she is not girlfriend

Isla looked down at the sea of hate that she had got in the past night and morning and a tear left her eye leading to her sobbing into her pillow. When a knock at the door shocked her." Hey Isla It's me Jack." Isla wiped her hose and answered in a shaky voice." I don't want to speak right now Jack." Jack could tell she had been crying." Isla I know what is happening please let me in." Jack waited for about three minutes nocking. The door opened and revealed a distraught Isla her face covered in tears and mascara running down her puffed up cheeks. " Oh Isla." Without another word Jack and Isla was in a tight hug Isla sobbing into Jack's Chest.

Jack rubbed Isla's Back and sat her on the bed. " Jack I can't believe people are that horrible. "Isla said still hugging Jack. " I know Isla I'm going to delete all the negative comments and post on my story for people to stop online hating on you. " Jack I'm logging out my Instagram I can't take in anymore." Isla blew into her tissue. " I know i know you do what is best for you i should have never posted that Photo of us i knew this nonsense would start." Jack said feeling guilty and still rubbing Isla's Back. " No Jack don't blame it on yourself." Isla said looking up at Jack's brown guilty eyes. Jack just pulled Isla closer comforting her.

Isla felt comforted by Jack tracing patterns on her back and hugging her in to his chest where his heart was now doing flips. After quite a long time hugging Isla finally looked Jack in the eyes. " Thank You." Jack smiled at the girl who was once in her sorrows had now a faint smile on his her face all because of him." Always." Jack said still hugging her. After changing her top because of the mascara stains dotted around and washing her face Isla once again thanked Jack and led him downstairs to let him out. Half way down the stairs Jack sent out another invitation.

" Also girls because we are leaving at the end of this week we are having one last night out together set up by the boys and I just meet us at this postcode on Wednesday night at 7.00 bring some change of shoes you might need them and also a bathing suite." The girls raised a eyebrow at the bathing suite part." what are you planning now Mr Grealish" Isla said folding her arms." Just do it." Jack said smirking. After giving a reassuring look at Isla he waved and left the girls Villa leaving Isla happy.

A/N - Yet again Jack is Isla's Hero. Always remember don't hate unless You know the full story.

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