Cloud nine ☁️

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" Auntie Hazel and Uncle Reece!!" A joyful Isla proclaimed waving  running up to her aunt and uncle hugging the pair." Nice to see you again Isla you have grown so much since we last saw you and last time you didn't have your degree yet congrats." Auntie Hazel said after the long and tight hug Isla gave. " And I see you have your friends with you." the pair looked at the 3 girls behind Isla . " Oh yes these are my bests friends this is Amber Jones,Ellie Longsdale and Macy Court girls this is my aunt Hazel and uncle Reece." They each shook hands and hugged each other and made their way through the airport doors.

The minute everyone set foot outside of the airport the heat immediately soaked into the body." Oh god i'm dripping in sweat and we only just got to  the car." Macy complained." well i'm not complaining just look at the weather were lucky to get one day of this heat in the Uk." Amber said while putting some sun screen on.Aunt Hazel's car was a seven seater and had air conditioning. " ahhhhhh !" a relieved Macy let out as she absorbed the cold air. Everyone laughed as we set off for Cloud nine.

" Were here ." Uncle Recce revealed. The doors were let out as the heat took over again and the girls climbed out the car like freezer they were enjoying." Where are we this is not a hotel." a puzzled Amber asked . The three girls looked confused. " No its better!" Isla ran inside following her aunt and uncle the girls had no other choice but to follow.

" It smells nice in here ." Ellie admired. " it sure does this is my families restaurant the best in Mykonos." The girls had just walked into tables full of people and a beautiful beach view through a window. " Welcome To cloud 9 ." Hazel and Reece proudly announced.Isla led the girls to the table nearest to the viewing window and flower wall." Wow this is quite the place Isla I never new you owned this place its gorgeous may we have a little Photo shoot."a amazed Ellie said. " Of course go for it but before you do please can i take your order I can get our food really quick ." The girls scanned through the Menu and decided on their meals. Isla made her way behind the counter to send of the special order.

" So Isla since last summer have you got a special person in your life ?" A nosy Aunt Hazel wondered. " Auntie Hazel not the Boyfriend speech again how you need to find your soulmate and no I don't in a matter fact im concentrating on work and the people who have been there for me since day 1 my friends." Isla confirmed. " Ok just wondering you're a pretty girl also any big adventures in Mykonos I need to know about ?" " No just going to go with the flow while i remember may I have the key to the beech house." " Ah yes they are upstairs i will just go grab them will be back in a min."" Thank you ." Isla smiled as she waited behind the counter.

" Sorry to disturb but do you have any napkins ?" A deep and comforting voice queried. Isla looked up from the floor in attention as she was the only one behind the counter. She looked up to see a tall and masculine figure stood in the sunlight with a dashing smile. For a few seconds the strangers made eye contact before snapping back to reality. " ermmm I actually don't know where they are or if we have any." A embarrassed Isla looked around. " You don't work here do you ." The handsome stranger guessed. " No actually i don't but my family owns the place, ah here are some napkins and you look very familiar." Isla confusingly looked at his face. " oh yeh I play football, any chance you have a pen ?" he requested again. " Yes i do here and i wouldn't know I don't really know about the football world."  At this point Isla was puzzled to death as this so called footballer started jotting something down on a napkin. " Well maybe I can teach you a thing or two." The stranger handed Isla the napkin and pen and walked back to his table.

Isla was frozen like a statue as she glanced at what was written on the napkin . " Hey hun here is the keys sorry I took so long I found one key and couldn't find the spare anyway are you ok." Auntie Hazel broke the silence as she had walked into Isla stuck in  one place. " Yes yes im fine .""are you sure did something happen while I was gone what is that ?" Hazel peered at the napkin. " Isla your order is ready ill have a waitress bring two plates over can you take the rest ." Uncle Reece had just saved Isla from a awkward situation so she rushed to get her food leaving Auntie Hazel wondering.

" Hey guys our food is ready ." Isla sat down ready to tuck in. " Yes im starving and it looks lovely." Ellie sat down grabbing her Knife and Fork . The group started their meal talking and laughing for a while .After  finishing they still did not notice that one napkin next to Isla had been kept clean. " Thank you Hazel and Reece this was a scrumptious meal and we really enjoyed it. " Macy thanked the couple." No worries ." Hazel and Reece hugged Isla as her and friends headed out Cloud Nine and to the beech house. " Bye see you tomorrow." Isla waved goodbye.

A/N- which Footballer gave Isla his Number. Jack,Phil or Mount ?

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