Relaxation Retreat

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It was the day after Isla's and Jack's dinner date and the girls were in the hot tub interrogating Isla. " So Isla did u have a good time yesterday night." Ellie asked nudging her. " It was ok ." Isla said trying to keep and straight face. " It was ok what do u mean ." Macy splurged out knowing there was more to to night." Fine Jack said he thought I looked gorgeous last night." Amber spat out her drink." OMG no he didn't what did u say back?"" At first nothing." The girls sighed. " But right before I came inside the villa I said thank you and I think you look quite handsome yourself. "The girls arose from their sighs and smiled." I bet you gave him butterfly's." Amber concluded." Yeh right." As the sentence finished a loud ringtone came from Isla's phone.

" Hey mum how are you." Isla said answering her phone. She had been calling and facetiming her family back home regularly. " Hey Isla I'm okay Hun but are you." Isla's mum said confusing her ." What do you mean mum of course I'm okay." " Yes well by any chance have you been hanging around with any famous footballers recently?" Isla gasped gesturing for Ellie,Macy and Amber over. " I think my family knows." Isla whispered." Of course I know there are photos everyone online of you and the infamous Jack Grealish my daughter getting papped on holiday." Isla's mum ( Grace) voice boomed out the phone.

" Well mum we met at Cloud 9 and he gave me his number we texted and met again on the beach and then found out our family villa is down the road from the place their staying at and we had a movie night and i showed him my special place and Know I have got to know him obviously we went on a date it was a surprise from Macy and we didn't expect paparazzi to crowd round outside. " Isla said in about 100 x speed." Whoa slow down." Grace said shouting. " Are you mad mum." Isla said quietly. " No never in a million years I just don't want your holiday to be ruined by random people shoving a camera in your face were shocked but as long as you are having a good time with the girls." Isla's mum explained." Phew thank god and yes I'm having the best summer ever!" Isla lightened the mood. " That's good anyway ill let you go have fun we miss u babes we will see you soon love you." " Love you to."


It was now the next day and the girls were heading out to another great experience. The girls hopped into the car they had rented and as the engine started the group was off. The car was a four seat Mini with a reclining roof. The sun was high in the sky. Sunny but windy. The girls was blasting out tunes on the radio as the wind ran through their hair. As they sang and pulled up to the destination the radio died down and the girls stood at the entrance. The girls were at a spa. The girls just wanted another chill day and nothing else screamed Chill than a avocado face mask and Cucumber eye pods.

After checking in and putting on slippers and bath robes they were sitting down for their first treatment. It was a relaxing foot massage and pedicure. Ellie was very ticklish so every minute there was a shriek or laughter. After getting refreshing feet massage it was next to a full body massage with hot rocks and body oil. Each girl had their own bed and the diffuser mad the room very relaxing." Isla do you think the press are actually spreading your photos with Jack everywhere?" Amber said not believing the rumour. " Well to be honest at this point I don't care like they are a million miles away what are they going to do to about. " Amber looked like a proud mom at this moment as she high fived her bestie.

After the message that made their skin as soft as a feather they headed for their facial. The think creamy face mask mouse was being speeded around their faces nourishing their complexation. Not after 2 minutes after the cucumbers had been put on Macy's eyes they had been pinched and was now in Macy's belly. And lost but not least the girls were choosing colours and designs for their manicure. The girls sat still as their nails were being painted. It was now the end of their session and they were walking to the changing rooms to get ready to go when they cam acroos the mud bath.

Without any regret Isla pushed Macy into the thick hot liquid. Macy was engulfed into the mud leaving her stained all over. " What in the world did you do that for." Macy was laughing . She looked like she was drenched in chocolate. " That's for surprising me with a date and making it awkward with me and Jack. "Isla said enjoying her revenge. Amber and Ellie was recording. " So you didn't like the date ?" Macy said trying to push herself out." OH don't worry i enjoyed it." They all laughed and showed Macy the showers.

The girls had finally got home from their relaxation retreat and had found something stuck on the front door. It was a ticket and a note. " Guys I think Isla has another date ." Amber said waving a note around ."

A/N - Where do you think Isla is going now ??

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