Bike butterfly's 🦋

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Beep. Beep the girls were woken up by Macy's phone buzzing. " Shut up." Macy slapped her phone. " It's to early for that crap turn it of." Ellie said rolling of the sofa. " Ouch." The girls only vividly remembered last night's party. They were currently in the living room on the sofa all dozed off still in their party dresses. After getting up from the ground Ellie stood up attempting to fix her bird nest hair. " Guys wake up it's nearly two in the afternoon." She looked up at the clock. " Mhmmm i have a head ache." Isla said finally arising from the sofa. " Where am I." She said looking around squinting." On the couch we didn't make it to bed." Amber said rubbing her eyes. " Well thank god we made it home the boys called a taxi for us. " Macy said reading the text Mason texted her.

" Ughhh i need a coffee and paracetamol." The lads were shattered to. " At least we had a good time yesterday mate first time we actually got drunk where we couldn't even stand." Mason said chugging a bottle of water. " Shush little Philippa is still asleep. " Phil was curled up in bed sleeping like a baby. Mason quietly took some photos and posted it on his private story. " Hah i will never let this die." Jack tried to laugh silently.

Mason and Jack headed downstairs and turned the kettle on sitting with a cuppa at the kitchen counter. " Jack i know you don't want to speak about it but your just going have to face it we are leaving in 2 days you only have one full day left with Isla." Mason said trying to hint that Jack had to part with his soulmate soon. " Mason you don't have to remind me and also it's to early for this." Jack said trying to hide the sadness in his face." It's two in the afternoon mate but aren't you going to take her out one last time." Phil cam down the stairs almost falling down. " Good morning." Phil went and pored himself a cup of coffee. " So what are you two squabbling about today." He looked at Jack's plain face.

" Ahhhh the pain of goodbyes you need to have a amazing goodbye." Phil said downing his coffee." Exactly!" Mason said in triumph." You know what Jack i think I might have something up my sleeve and all you have to do is tell Isla to not book anything tomorrow night." Phil looked around for his phone. " Deal." Jack and Phil shook hands.

Hey trouble don't book
Anything for tomorrow
Night x

Why ? Mr Jacky 😏
That's for me to know
And you to find out x😉

Trouble ❤️
See u tomorrow night x💖

" Tomorrow do you want to go souvenir shopping my mum wants me to bring back a few things." The girls looked at her with a sad thought." Oh sorry girls didn't mean to be a grey cloud but we are leaving on Sunday i have to think ahead." Amber forced a smile. Macy looked miserable stomping out to the pool area. " Sorry i didn't mean to upset y-" Amber looked down to the floor. " Don't worry Amber she Just knows that she has to part with Mason." Isla ran after Macy who was sat on a swinging chair looking out to sea. " Hey Macy are you alright." Isla said down next to her and hugged Macy who now was on the verge of tears. " It's just this has been one of the best summers i have ever had i have experienced thing i couldn't even imagine, Had food that have now taken over Sunday roast on my favourite list, Met a person who is like a brother to me and I'm dreading the moment we part and most of all I've spent it with my friends who are like family and when we get back to England won't see each other as much i just don't want it to end."

Isla tried her best to comfort Macy. " I know it's going to end but doesn't mean that once you say bye that it's over just think it more to be a see you later not a goodbye i will make sure that you, me,Ellie and Amber will always be there and Mason will always be there you keep in touch like siblings do he will never forget you and we can always come back to Mykonos ." Macy looked a bit happier at the news and she realised that a see you later is only temporary. They hugged as Ellie and Amber Joined them. " And of course we can go souvenir shopping tomorrow." The girls laughed at Macy's acceptance." I love you girls."


Isla stood at the door after dinner with the girls waiting for Jack until she got a text. She was wearing skinny jeans with a denim jacket with a Purple tank top that tied up at the back with white air forces and gold jewellery.

Look outside Isla xx

Okay x

Isla pulled the front door revealing the most wonderful surprise parked in the drive. A motor bike. " Surprise!" Jack held up tow helmets as Isla came running and hugged him. The girls all watched by the door making heart shaped with their hands. " Oh my god Jack this is so nice but one question." Isla looked at the glossy Bike." Yes." He admired at the smiley Isla." Do you know how to drive it." She raised a eyebrow. " Yes i actually do had one in my teenage years but just in case slip this helmet on." She put the head gear on and mounted the bike behind Jack." Bye love birds." The girls waved. " You ready to go." Jack Smiled." Yep already to go."

Jack did a fake kick of making the bike Jump. Isla grasped around Jack's stomach so hard tucking her head under and closing her eyes laying on Jacks Back. Jack looked down at the scared girl who was hugging him to the point where he couldn't breathe. Isla opened her eyes looking annoyed." What was that for." Jack smirked. " I just wanted you to hug me tightly." Isla blushed as Jack actually set off and she resumed hugging him tightly.

" Where are we going Mr Grealish." Isla questioned seconds into the ride." Looking at the beautiful scenery." Somewhere that will take your breathe away." Jack looked behind at him taking in the moment.

A/N - I wonder where they are going?

Summer Sweethearts - Jack GrealishWhere stories live. Discover now