Hook a Duck 🦆

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Three knocks came from the front door as Isla had just turned of the curling Iron. " Hi Jack she won't be a sec." Ellie said opening the door." So are you nervous?" Ellie said noticing the flowers and chocolate. " Yes a bit." Jack said twiddling his thumbs." By the way Roses are her favourite flowers her grandma Is called Rose she is very close with her." Jack smiled." Oh thank go - d ..." Isla had finally come out behind Ellie and Jack was stunned again. Isla gave a bid smile and hugged Jack. " Hi how are you." Isla said." I'm good thanks these are for you." He handed her the gifts." Aww thanks Jack that's so sweet of you." Isla smelled the roses Jack admiring her beauty. "Roses are my favourite flowers and these chocolates are divine." Isla thanked him. " Are you ready to go and also girls Phil and Mason are coming round later." Jack said waving the Amber and Macy." Yep born ready." Isla and Jack linked arms and got into the black car.

In the car Jack offered a little glass of champagne to Isla. " Sure what a great way to get the night started." Jack popped the cork as Isla screamed. Pouring it into each glass they laughed. " To a great evening  with a beautiful girl and In beautiful place." Jack toasted yet again locking eyes with Isla they clicked glasses and downed it as it was only a small amount as it was only a short car ride. Setting the glasses to the side the car stopped. Jack got out first and opened the door for Isla giving her a hand. " What a gentleman Mr Grealish. "Of course Miss Presscott." They both  laughed at their royal impressions.

" Welcome to the one and only Mykonos Fair." Jack presented 2 huge fields full with stands with games food and Gifts. Rides danced in the sky disco lights flashing here there and everywhere. People from any age laughing and smiling." So where do you want to go first Isla?" Jack said looking at the millions of options. Will the delicious smell of food running up Isla's nose she picked the stalls with food first. Jack had VIP wristbands so they could go on anything and get anything they wanted. He slipped it on Isla's wrist and off they went. After a main and some deserts they had to get one last thing before heading on the rides. Cotton candy. " Hey just one cotton candy please. " Jack said showing his wristband to the stall owner. " Coming right up. " They watched as the woman made the cotton candy but in a weird shape.

The cotton candy was shaped in a heart Jack took it awkwardly. " One heart shaped Cotton candy for you love birds." The stall owner said. " Were not ." Isla said pointing. They both laughed. They each had half a heart .Before heading to a stall with horse racing. " Free toffee apple for the winner." The man yelled. " Your on Isla." Jack took the red horse. " Your barking up the wrong tree Jack I'm pro at this." Isla said taking the blue horse. 4 other competitors chose their colours. Jack and Isla gave each other a smirk." On your marks get ready go." Jack and Isla violently pushed the buzzer. The other competitors also trying to win. " Looks like the red horse and the blue horse are in the lead with only a small difference." The man called out. The finish line was getting closer and closer.

" Seconds before the finish the blue horse has taken the lead." Jack looked over at Isla who was now winning." And the blue horse has won the race with the red horse in short second and the green horse in third." Isla jumped up in celebration." Well done Isla will make sure not to challenge you in a horse race ever again." Jack said gutted with second place. " Thanks Jack." Isla said smiling." The toffee apple goes to this young lady well done." The man handed Isla a big red sticky apple to Isla." Lets get a picture Isla." Jack took a selfie with both of them happy as ever. " Right Isla how about if we go on the Skyscraper your not scared are you." Isla looked at the huge roller coaster that towered over all of the rides. " Not at all." Isla said a tiny bit scared.

After being in the short que it was Jack and Isla's turn. They were first on so got right at the front of the ride. After getting strapped in and the operator double checking Isla was getting a bit nervous. " Are you okay Isla we don't have to go on we can get of now." Jack said noticing Isla stressing out." No no it's fine I'm not backing down now." Isla said palms sweating. " Please keep your hands and feet in the ride at all times welcome to the skyscraper. " The speakers boomed. A line of screams erupted to the ride. Isla being one of them. After seconds of taking of Isla was getting used to being in the air." You enjoying in then Isla." Jack said laughing." Yes I'm enjoying seeing you hair being struck back by the wind." Isla burst out laughing then screaming.

It was now getting to the end of the ride and Isla didn't know the roller coaster went in 2 loop the loops. " Oh god Jack i don't know about this bit i don't like it." Isla said dreadfully looking at the 2 big loops. " Don't worry just close your eyes it will be done in no time." Jack reassured her. The ride now went round one loop and Isla grabbed Jack's hand and was now clasping it tightly also closing her eyes like Jack suggested. It was now the second loop and Jack noticed that his crush was tightly grabbing his hand giving him butterfly's . The ride finally was back to the beginning and Isla opened her eyes. " Thank god its over." Isla said relieved getting out her seat. " Isla." Jack said smirking. " Yes." Isla said still happy to see solid ground. " Your still holding my hand." Isla looked embarrassed and let go of the tight grasp. " Sorry." Isla said looking down." Nah it's all good." Jack said still smirking.

A/N- How cute has this night been what other cute things are going to happen?

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