Happy Ever After ❣️

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Everyones heart rate arose in this game concerned of the outcome. The team wanted the win desperate to prove themselves. It was twenty minutes in and all the fans patiently waited for England to smash the ball in Italy's net. The early goal from Italy made the crowd uneasy questioning if it would be the same outcome from the last game. Chants reflected in the Wembley stands trying to uplift the mood and hype up the players. " Ugh Cmon England you can do this !" Amber shouted as loud as she could clapping her hands high up in the air. " Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep ENGLAND!" The Chants were getting louder the girls joining in screaming their lungs out. " Foden has got the ball and he belts it to Raheem Sterling who has space he is running trying to find Kane and he kicks it Kane this is his chance." The whole of the stadium lifted from their seats hoping this was the the equaliser fans throwing their hands up. The girls getting ready to celebrate. " This is the one." Ellie Whispered. " AND OH IT HITS THE BAR!This was a chance lost Will there be another one ?" The question lingered in the atmosphere,

Isla had been quiet since she re connected with Jack she still shouted occasionally but not a full conversation at all. It was like she was keeping her feelings in scared to say something just incase she broke down. She was brave to stay the girls were so proud of her. Meanwhile Jack was on the pitch trying his hardest. However he didn't seam quite on it today he was flustered and wasn't in the right place at the right time. Was he thinking of Isla? Did she put him off? Was it right to bring her here so soon?

" Money Mase,Money Mase!" Macy Chanted her heart out Mason smiling over laughing. It was now thirty minutes into the match and still no goal for the three lions. Italy was leading and it wasn't easy to see the teams faces drop as they knew time was ticking. The defenders were keeping the ball away from the net but the attackers needed to get chances. Italy was playing like it was a walk in the park. Just fifteen minutes till half time surely England can do this.

" Just 5 minutes left till the half time whistle and Italy is still in the lead." The commentator looked around at the hope-full but sad faces. " For fuck sake Cmon England!" Macy was getting a bit restless as the girls giggled at the passion. " Only 5 minutes left of the first half we still have the second half." Isla said glued to the ball on the pitch. " Isla you won't understand ur not a football maniac." Macy squealed pulling a weird face noticing what she had just admitted causing a eruption of laughter. The people in their stand looked at the laughing mess confused as to why they were so happy. " Don't take it to heart." Macy apologised.

" GOAl Raheem Steering has scored for England! That is the equaliser we needed This is a heroic moment for the city player This is what we have been waiting for and the football gods have blessed us Thank You Raheem Steerling!" The stands of Wembley shook like a earthquake thousands of fans leapt from their seats jumping for joy celebrating like no other. The whole of England had painted smiles on their faces." YES YES YES!" Macy squealed waving the England flag around hugging Ellie squeezing her body. " You can stop hugging me now." Ellie gasped for air. " GET IN THERE!!" Isla high fiving Amber Jumping and Screaming.

" And that was the whistle for half time what a interesting last few minutes of the first half
however the tables have turned we are now equal relieved players are heading to the changing rooms down the tunnel." The commentator was still ecstatic himself. The girls were still celebrating holding up the England Flag proud singing the national anthem. " Oh and it looks like Jack Grealish has made his way out of the line down the tunnel back onto the pitch jogging. It looks like he is heading to the stands on the left of the stadium maybe a lucky fan is getting his top." Fans eyes widened chanting his name. " Give the top to me super Jack." A fan reached his arms out. A nervous Jack smiled looking right at Isla. " Isla stop for a second look who it is." Amber spun the girl around to face Jack.

Isla's cheeks became a pool of red she felt as they got all hot and bothered and a small smile appeared on her face. As much as she wanted to hide it she couldn't not with Jack's eyes on her she tried her best when they first saw each other again but now it was undeniable. Jack was coming back to her. The girls hyped her up causing her to giggle a bit and get all excited. " Ah no it appears Jack Grealish is running up to a girl."

" Isla Mea Prescott I am sorry i can't put it in words on how much I regretted leaving u in tears it really broke me. The past three weeks you have been on my mind you and only you and it will always be you. That summer really was full of love and you are my true love I have known it from the second i wrote down my number on that napkin. And I know its all my fault but if u could find it in your heart to forgive me that would really make my life complete. If not i'd like to thank you for everything you have done for me in your eyes it may be just little things but on my view you have made a really big impact on me. Isla Can we please start again!" Jack Handed Isla his top Looking up having just poured his heart out to this girl.

Isla looked at the football top at Jacks name she looked at Jack who looked at her with a big smile on his face. Jack meant every word and Isla could tell. Isla broke down in happy tears. " Of course we can Hi my name is Isla Prescott and you are?" Isla smiled. " Jack Grealish." Taking her hand and shaking it. He climbed over the barrier and hugged the girl. The hug meant something they really had a specially bond and no one could break that. Is it true love?This whole thing happened on big screen a lot of " awws" arose from the audience. As the duo noticed they waved. The girls cheered and clapped at the happy ending. After one good luck hug Jack Left Isla back to the team.

The girls huddled hugging each other. " Thanks girls you really are my best friends you have done everything for me and i don't know how i can repay you I love you!" Isla looked at her three 4lifers. And the rest was history.

" Last 2 minutes Of the game and it is still one all.oh wait Kane has the ball passing it to Jack Grealish Just the two defenders to get past now and he dribbles the ball and the defenders are defeated by super Jack . AND JACK HAS SLAMMED THE BALL IN THE BACK OF THE NET! VICTORY FOR ENGLAND VICTORY! THIS DAY WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY THIS MAN WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY ENGLAND HAS DONE IT THEY HAVE WON "

The Power of love is like no other...


A/N - Thats the end guys there is just one more thing i would like to say in the next part ⬇️

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