Red Roses 🌹

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Dear Isla
Jack here I'm asking you out on another date tomorrow night. I will come to pick you up and drive to our special destination so we have more privacy. I loved our first date and if u would want to go out again text me . Don't forget your ticket Jack x

The girls shook Isla and squealed " Your going on a date your going on a date." The girls danced round her . " Shh guys we have neighbours." The girls whispered. " Your going on a date your going on a date." " So Isla how do you feel that the one and only Jack Grealish wants to go out with you again." Macy said knowing she had started this dating business. " You know what it feels nice and I'm actually really excited." Isla said putting the ticket in her purse."

" Finally you admit you like him ." Amber said getting a drink . " No I never said I like him ." Isla said trying to cover up the truth. " So your just friends are you." Ellie said in a sarcastic way. " No were not just friends." Isla said still trying to keeping it on the down low. " Ahh I've got it lets just say your more then friends ." Macy said winking . The girls all laughed .

" Mason do you think Isla got the note and ticket what happens if it blew away in the wind ." Jack said worrying. " Mate i wouldn't worry about it was taped down pretty well and you can just text her to make sure." Mason said handing him Jack's phone of charge . " Your right." Jack opened the messages app revealing Isla's contact.

" Jack Isla's contact with a red heart you really do like her don't you ." Phil said pointing to the bright ref emoji. " Shut up Phil ." Jack said getting of the messages. " Your not denying it ." Phil said making Jack go bright red. " Fine you got me ." Jack said still red as a tomato. " Not a surprise bro I've seen the way you look at her." Mason said laughing. " I knew it from the start." Phil said taking the credit.

Isla ❤️

Hey Isla did you get my
Note x

Isla ❤️
Yes i did and i would
Love to go out with you
Tomorrow x

Ok good ill see you
Tomorrow good night x

Isla ❤️
Good Night Jack x


It was the next day and it was about midday and the three footballers had just finished lunch in the town centre what jack went into panic mode." Oh i forgot i need to get something for Isla tonight lads what should i get her." " Flowers and chocolate." Mason said. " Thanks Mase who knew you were a expert in the dating world." Jack said surprised." Of course. " Mason said knowing he was single. Leaving the small café they headed to the flouriest where there was lots of different bouquets of flowers to chose from. They all walked in clueless to what Isla would want.

Phil kept sneezing walking through the shop but still wanted to help Jack." Hey mate how about these tulips they would look beautiful once they open." Phil said sneezing once again. " How about these ." Mason checked the name label. " akhgksbmwbn." He mumbled." Sorry its a hard name to pronounce maybe its not the best option. They were looking around for 20 minutes until finally finding something. " How about these red roses I know they are a bit of a classic but they look Fresh and beautiful. "They glanced at the red bunch. " I think that the one mate." Mason said putting his thumbs up." Great Job done. " Jack payed and was satisfied with the flowers.

They next popped into the local sweet Shop and bought a tray of Ferrero Rocher a chocolate classic was all Jack needed. They then headed back to their villa to get ready.

Meanwhile the girls were helping Isla pick out a outfit." I think you should wear that blue co-ord. The straight pants and tank top. "Amber Handed a pile of clothes to Isla as she went to go put it on. " Maybe how about something more comfy like joggers and a fancy top." Macy said pulling out these cute joggers and puffer sleeve tops. You don't want to be un comfy on the dodgems do you." Isla had come through the door way with outfit one." I love it looks formal but not too formal." Amber clapped her hands at her suggestion." I like it too its just this tank top the straps keep falling down." Isla said pulling up the left strap." Macy handed her the outfit she chose." No worries this one is better." Amber gave her a cheeky scowl. After a few minutes outfit number 2 was being modelled.

" See i told you this is better the jogger look cosy you never know  it might be cold." Macy said proudly." We are in Greece hun in the summer i don't think it's going to be cold." Amber said wanting her out fit to be the winner." Guys i think i might have the showstopper. " Isla went out once again and got changed. She walked out wearing some baggy straight leg jeans and a off the shoulder green." So what do you think." " You look amazing but I like mine better."  Macy and amber said together. They then looked at Ellie to pick which one was best." Guys seriously why me." They all looked still wanting a answer." What shoes are you wearing anyway Isla?" Ellie said trying not to offend anyone with he opinion. " The white and black mid Jordan ones." Isla said pointing." Okay I'm just saying Isla's." She said watching Macy's and Amber's faces drop.

PING! Isla's phone went of. It was Jack saying he is coming to pick Isla up in a hour. At the sight of the notification the girls jumped up grabbing hair tools, Makeup, bags and accessories. It was time to get ready for a night of a lifetime.

A/N - 2nd date for Isla and Jack what romantic gestures are going to happen tonight?

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