Surprise plot

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It was just after the boys had left and the girls were having a catch up. " Macy you have made a very close friend in 2 weeks." Ellie gave her a cheeky look. " Don't look at me like that Ellie Mason is like my best friend big bro nothing else being the only child i would have loved a older brother." Ellie looked disappointed." Well isn't this your dream Ellie and Amber you met your football idol ."" OMG yes i know I've got so many photos with Phil I will never forget this holiday." Amber and Ellie yet again pulled out their phone looking at their photos. " Well enough of us Isla and Jack had some time alone yesterday where did you even go and what did you do?" A nosy Amber asked.

" Well i might take you there soon but i didn't mean to take Jack he actually followed me. It's none of your fault but i got really embarrassed the zip line video so wanted some time alone little did i know i wasn't alone but it was nice to have someone to watch the sun set with." Isla expressed. " You watched the sun set together how romantic. " Amber clapped her hands in excitement." And were sorry if we made you feel awkward but at least Jack made you better. " Ellie laughed. " Shut up stop teasing now lets get some sleep Goodnight." Isla got into bed. " Goodnight ." The lights turned off with all four girls in bed.

However Macy had another idea. Instead of sleeping she was texting mason. She had a cunning plan. She saw how Jack looked at Isla in the game life line he looked her in the eyes all the time and the way Isla spoke about Jack was very dreamy in her eyes. As much as Isla denies the attraction Macy new it was there.

Mase 💙

Hey Mase I know its late
But hear me out on this one

Mase 💙
Hey it's fine I'm not tired
Whats up

I think we need to set up
Isla and Jack on a secret " Date ."

Mase 💙
Yes Jack talks about Isla all the
Time and have u seen the way
He looks at her

Yes I know Ive been thinking
The same thing I will tell Isla
That Hazel wants her at Cloud 9
Tomorrow at 6 .

Ok how about Jack

You Tell Jack That I ordered
A cake for you so Jack needs to
Go pick it up at 6 .

Ok perfect good luck
With Isla

Good luck With jack 👍


" Hey Isla how was the run." Macy said getting a plate. " Good thanks very refreshing." Isla chugged some water. " Great by the way I popped to Cloud 9 to get us some breakfast muffins and Aunt Hazel said she needs you to pop by at 6 pm. " Macy handed her a plate with a muffin on it. " It's a bit weird from Auntie Hazel but thanks." Isla went to the dinning table to sit down. Macy let a big sigh of relief and texted Mason to see how it was going with Jack.

Over at the football villa the boys were still in bed. " Morning lads wanna go play football on the beach today." Phil looked at Mason and Jack still half asleep. " As long as it doesn't go past six I'm going to the girls' villa Macy said she has something planned. Oh yes that reminds me she actually ordered a cake for us Jack could you please go pick it up at 6 pm Sharp." Mason asked stressfully. " Yes sure you go have fun with your bestie." Jack agreed. Mason opened his phone and texted All set.

After receiving the text that set the plan of Macy went outside and called Auntie Hazel to make sure she was in on the plan." Hi is this cloud nine please may i talk to Hazel Prescott." The waiter passed the phone to the owner. " Hey Auntie Hazel it's me Macy Isla's friend." " Hey hun what can i do for you." Auntie hazel recognised her name. " Hi yes i set up a secret date in Cloud nine for Isla and the famous footballer Jack is it possible if they could have it in a separate room or isolated table." Macy asked. " Yes for sure i can't believe my Isla is going on a date with the Jack Grealish they can have it the private party room we will make it special don't worry . " Auntie hazel was very excited." Thank you so much Auntie Hazel they will be arriving at 6pm please don't tell anyone ." " Don't worry no one will know no worries bye. " " Bye." Stage 2 was all completed.


It was now around half four and the girls, Phil and Mason had to persuade Isla and Jack to dress nice. " Jack mate I think you need to wear something other then joggers maybe some jeans and a nice top with trainers and a cap." Mason opened his suite case remerging around. " Why mate I'm only popping and pooping out." Jack said looking in the mirror. " How about if their is paparazzi." Mason pulled out some black jeans. " Who cares. You know what ill put them on if u stop pestering me."Mason smiled.

" Isla i think you better dress formally Auntie Hazel said she wants to take some photos with the restaurant to put it up on a display wall." Macy said as Ellie and Amber pulled out some dresses. " But most of the walls are decorated its going to look clustered don't you think." Isla said a bit suspicious." You better be safe then sorry. "Amber said putting on some blush on Isla's face. " Your right." With both Isla and Jack getting ready Mason and Macy's Plan get Jack and Isla to like each other was smooth sailing.

A/n - Do you think Jack and Isla have caught on to the secret plan or do you think they will hate the surprise and just leave??

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