Holiday Heartbreak 💔

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It was the start of a emotional day. Parting day. The girls had said goodbye the night before however Jack and Isla didn't have that chance as the paparazzi invaded their space. The girls were very dazed not moving much and not saying much. The leaving of the boys impacted the vibe totally. Drooped faces around the room looked as the waves washed up on the shore not a single smile anywhere. As for Isla she still hadn't got up the girls let her be as they knew that she was distraught. Isla lay in bad staring at the ceiling she tried to distract herself from the thought of her soulmate leaving.

" You will see him again don't worry." This statement was going in circles round and around her head. As she finally stood up from her bed after hours of over thinking she slept some jogger shorts on and a tank top. She looked soulless that day like she was missing a half of her. She attempted to do her bed throwing the duvet up. Like a feather a card flew up in the air. After catching Isla's eye it swayed to the ground landing by her feet. She dropped the duvet curious of what this object was. And to surprise it was just what she needed to face Jack. A photo of her Jack was sitting in the palm of her hand. She sat staring and soon a tear from her eye landed on Jacks face. With a Radom burst of energy she stood up and burst out the room down the stairs and past the girls.

She needed to see Jack ,she needed to say goodbye ,she needed him. " Where are you going?" The girls shouted in their unjoyful voices. " To see Jack!" She slipped her shoes on and ran out the door as fast as lightening. With the photograph in her back pocket she ran like the wind on the beach to the boy's villa. She had every last hope that they still would be there. She didn't stop running no matter how hard it was to breathe she wouldn't stop till she saw Jack's dreamy eyes once more. She could get lost in his stare and look into his eyes forever and just one more time wouldn't hurt. She was getting closer and closer. Every step like a stride of love. He heart was racing like a race horse as she cam up to the nearly empty Villa.

Their was a private mini van parked on the drive the same fancy one that had taken the boys up to the mountain

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Their was a private mini van parked on the drive the same fancy one that had taken the boys up to the mountain. Isla could faintly see the driver in the drivers seat all ready to go. She let out a sigh of release. The villa's doors were wide open. She strode in with delighted beaming a smile from to ear to ear. He slippers were soft and made a small sound while walking or maybe they just didn't hear her coming through the entrance. At the entrance with a back pack Jack and Phil stood chatting.

" Jack are sure mate do you not want to pop at the girls villa to say Goodbye to Isla." Phil was making sure Jack was a hundred percent sure. " Jack i's ok we have time." Jack smirked at the idea. As Isla stood observing the smile slowly fading. " I'm sure he will pop round he doesn't need to now cause i can to him." That's what she thought she was sure. " No it's fine Phil lets just go." Jack said putting the straps on his shoulders. Isla's wide smile was fading from her face and with the photo in her hand she started tearing it up. Every tear was a scratch to the heart every rip was a heart string pulled. " Why you will regret it." Phil was gob smacked at Jacks answer. " Jack let out a big sigh. Tears streamed down Isla's face like a river it was un controllable. Her vision became blurry.

" Phil lets just g-" Jack's once dream like eyes pierced right through to Isla. Her eyes not even making contact as tears just filled them up. Her hand shook he head as her whole body shivered with sadness. Jack's eyes filled up with instance regret as he saw the pain and grief he had just caused. As for Phil he saw the tension in the room and left to sit in the van. Hugging Isla on the way. Isla burst out into tears braking down. And all Jack did with stoke the back of his neck in anger at what he had just said. " Isla -" He opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

" No Jack stop you are wasting your time don't start making excuses I have heard what you have to say. So your telling me that this whole holiday romance was bull shit to you all the moments we spent together was nothing. Yesterday night was nothing. I should have never kissed you i should have never texted first. This whole time it was just a lie you was just a lie. I can't even look at you. You can forget me when you get home because that what I will be doing. My feelings were real i don't know about you but I did truly love you and you were going to leave without a good bye not even a text. But you know what your not worth the breathe and maybe i was just a summer fling after all!" Isla let out sobs covering her moth and hugging her stomach out of pain.

Jack stood watching desperate to fling his hands around the sorrowful girl. He couldn't stand to see her like this he had destroyed everything. " Isla pl-." He said now sheading tears of his own realising what he had done. " No Jack." She dropped the shredded picture on the floor the memory floating down,down,down. And with a blink she was gone. Phil and Mason rapped their hands around Jack who broke down. His whole world had collapsed. All because of one sentence. Just shows slip up once and everything could become nothing.

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