Smooth Sailing 🛳

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It was now Wednesday evening and the girls were in the middle of getting ready for their big meet up one last time. Isla wore a a silk burnt orange dress that suited her well. The gold accessories, white bag, nude heels and beach curls. As for Ellie this was one of the first time she had wore something formal on this holiday she wore a  sage two piece skirt and off the shoulder top with gold accessories too, baguette bag with a gold chain as a handle and a high pony tale. As per usual Amber looked gorgeous in her pale purple Jumpsuit wearing silver accessories, White clutch bag and Straightened hair. And last but not least Macy wore her best friends favourite colour blue. The dress had big blue puff up sleeves silver jewellery, silver shoulder bag and Curly hair paired beautifully.

After the big fiasco of getting ready the girls finally called and Taxi and the excitement rose in their bellies. Giving the driver the postcode to the unknown destination the girls looked outside their windows for clues. " This better not be a prank and they are sending us to a abandon beach villa." Macy sounding nervous. " Imagine we got dressed up for nothing." Ellie said looking at the effort she had put in. As the taxi came near the sea after only a few minutes of driving the girls were getting excited. Watching as they went straight past the beach they were back in the confused genre. But they were still near the sea as the taxi driver stopped. " Here you are girls that Will be 11.64 euros." The girls payed and stepped outside not quite sure what they were seeing,

They were at some sort of harbour filled with lots of yachts being that the sun was setting they had to find where the boys were before it got dark and they couldn't see anything. Isla texted Jack. She was notified to look for the yacht that was called Lions den 10. The girls realised that they were going on a yacht a dream they had that was now becoming real. The girls one last time did a dress check and they walked down the big harbour like detectives. After walking for five minutes they finally cam a pun a luxury yacht. Mason's head popped out looking down at the girls.

" Hey girls welcome to the one and only Lions den 10." He stuck out a hand for Macy as she walked up the mini staircase connecting the harbour  to the boat. As we all went up and arrived for the special event they were amazed by this luxury they had never experienced. The boat was decorated with fairy lights and banners streaming in the air. Disco lights shining in every direction. A round table decorated with flowers and candles sat in the middle with a array of different dishes spread all around with wine and chilling in a bucket. It was a dream and the girls were so happy and thankful to be there.

The boys looked very fine the girls all thought so . They all seemed to be in some jeans or shorts and a smart top. Jack and Isla hugged as the others welcomed each other sitting down at the table. Before the big feast began Phil decided to make a toast. " To this wonderful holiday we have had all the great memories that have been made to the wonderful girls who have made it extra special." The girls smiled . " Cheers! "The group's glasses clinked and they all began eating.

After the amazing meal they all had the group sat on the sunbeds with a glass of wine each and started chatting their heads of whilst the music played. " Girls i can't believe this summer its going so quick." Macy said looking over at mason who she knew was like her brother. " I know we will be back on the pitch in no time in fact we can't just not see each other because the summer is over you should come to a game soon." Mason said reading her mine. " Awwww yes we could be your cheerleaders. "  Macy said pulling mason on the dance floor dancing to the music.

" Come on guys lets go this song is a banger." Macy was going full out pulling all the moves out of the bag. The girls couldn't help but laugh and join their crazy friend on the dance floor. The boys not as keen but they also got up and did the simple side step to the beat. Shouting over the music Isla was trying to have a conversation with Jack ." Do you like the idea of me being ur cheerleader." Isla said a bit tipsy. " Eyyy." Jack said also a bit tipsy. " I'll be your cheerleader." Isla said now shouting. " Yes please." Jack winked giving Isla butterfly's. After singing,drinking,dancing the night ended with a big bang.

Fireworks. As the amazing shapes illuminated the dark sky the party stopped for a moment catching everyone eyes. They gazed at the beautiful sparks flying taking in that they had a crazy summer unexpectedly meeting each other having the best time. Strangers to friends. Jack was stood behind Isla and she turned around to face him and flung herself into his arms. Jack took a moment before embracing.

"What's this for?" Jack looked over joyed but confused. Isla said nothing and just turned around resuming the fire work viewing. Jack just smiled still wondering. " Wow they are beautiful perfect timing to." Amber said stumbling taking her heels off as she was a bit tipsy to. As the fire work display came to a end Isla still had one more question to ask. " Oh yeh Mr Grealish why did you tell us to bring our  bathing suites again?" Isla said knowing what was going to happen ." For this." Mason took his top off and shoes and jumped straight into the sea being he already had his swimmers on. Jack and Phil had the sae idea leaving the girls to take photos of them. After the mini Photo shoot slipping their heels and dresses of the girls followed holding hand jumping in. " Oh god it's cold.!!"

A/N - What a crazy dinner last time they will be a group on holiday. Also i don't advised being drunk and swimming. Lols

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