Sun Kissed 💋

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" Guys trust me just follow behind with your beach bag." Isla instructed. The girls trailed behind going towards the movie area.. Isla stood at the back leaving the girls puzzled. "Isla stop wasting time and just show us to the beach please." Amber said still confused. " I am just you wait." Isla went up to the brick wall ( witch was covered in vines) she grabbed one side ,exposing a spiral  staircase. A beam of sunlight rushed through and the sound of beach waves echoed into the group's ears." Well what are you waiting for lets go jump into the sea."

" Oi Phil I'm pretty sure there was a staircase leading to the beach by the hot tub, look see have you got everything?" Mason said discovering the path to the ocean." Yes lets go!" Phil said carrying about 50 bags . " Hey Mase have you see my phone I think I left it in the kitchen." Jack said checking all his pockets." Oh wait doesn't mater it's here." " Jack were here to have fun not wait for one girl's text." Mason pointed out." yes lets go." Jack raced down the steps straight into the sea. Mason followed behind.

Setting down a big beach umbrella and picnic blanket the girls put down in the sun trying to catch a tan." were living the life this weather is gorgeous !" " your right there but come on were here for a reason." They ran on the soft sand finally reaching the ocean and diving in the blue waters ." Whoooooo." The girls shouted. After what seemed like hours in the ocean the girls finally went back to sun bathing not noticing another group coming in behind them.

" Right should we play a game of volley ball this is only space on the beach that isn't crowded."Phil pulled out a volley ball out of his bag." Well if you can't already see there's three of us how are we going to play a full game." Jack and Mason laughed. " Oh well." Phil threw the ball out of his hand hitting it to Jack but totally of aim. The trio watched the ball fly over Jack's head into the blue sky and next to a group of girls." What did you do that for Phil." Mason angrily said." Well I'm not getting it." Phil quickly snapped back." "Me either ." Mason also quickly said. They cheekily  grinned and looked at Jack knowing he had to go up to the girls and retrieve the ball. Jack sighed and went to accomplish his mission.

"So Isla any texts from footie boy." The girls said wanting a update. Suddenly something came flying over their heads landing right in front of their faces dispersing sand in their eyes. Rubbing and cleaning their eyes the second they could finally see, someone had come to retrieve the ball." Ughh who was that .. wait Isla isn't that.." " Jack Grealish." Isla butting in catching Jack's attention. The pair stood up Jack started to walk closer to see if it was fans or Isla.

" Isla ! Did you get my text?" Jack asked. PING! " Now I have Isla looked at her phone." Hi I'm Jack and You are?" Jack stuck his hand out, Isla laughed as jack smiled to finally see Café girl again." Hi Mr Jack Grealish I'm Isla Prescott." She took Jacks hand into a handshake. Yet again Isla and Jack caught eyes but this time more relaxed. The two was interrupted . " COUGH COUGH COUGH." Ellie drew their attention to them." Sorry girls Jack meet Ellie Longsdale,Macy Court and Amber Jones." All three girls had a smile from ear to ear and gave a fan girl wave.

" Ahhh so you were the detectives who ratted me out, well now I know you have friends with you do you want to join me and my mates for a game of volley ball game girls against boys?" Jack invited. Isla looked at the girls who she knew desperately wanted to join in. " So you was the guys who got sand in our eyes well you are forgiven and we would love to join you ." " Great follow me ." Jack gestured towards Phil and Mason. " Oooo Jack has some friends with him." Amber Cheekily said. After gathering their belonging Macy took down the big beech umbrella revealing Mason Mount and Phil Foden.

" OMG AHHHHHHHHH!!" Macy let out a piercing scream." Macy shut your big...ahhhhhh!" "what are you shouting at ... ahhhhhhhh!" Macy,Amber and Ellie were now staring and screaming at Mason and Phil. Isla was very puzzled before Jack informed her that the two men were also famous footballers." Jack who are all these girls mate? "Mason and Phil looked at the trio now running up to them with their Phones." Mason, Phil look over here wait I don't like that look again." The girl bombarded the stars with questions and photos." Girls enough don't fraternise with the enemy." They realised  they were playing against them. " Get ready to loose." They laughed as they started the game.


" Haha I told you the girls team were going to win." Isla teased Jack." Fine fine Congratulations your honour." Jack laughed as the whole group sat down. Mason and Phil were getting along with the girls and Isla had finally met Jack Grealish." So are you doing anything important in Mykonos." Jack asked." No not really the girls and I agreed to just go with the flow anything could happen. " " Oh ok anyway the boys and I are going to get going we have a restaurant booking ill text you later."" Bye Mr Jack Grealish." " Bye Isla." The girls waved at their new friends as they walked up the stairs near a villa a few houses down."

" Ill text you later Isla." Ellie mimicked Jack. " Shush Ellie are you not shook that famous footballers live a few houses down from us." Isla still looking at the boys going up the stairs." Erm Isla you do know your staring. " " I was not." Isla chuckled as they also made their way back to their villa.

A/N - Jack and Isla's first encounter with actually knowing who each other was do you think they will meet again.

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