Chapter One

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Chapter One: Keep Running!

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

I run for my life from Lycaon who wears a mask of concern whenever he looks at me, which I don't get. I splash into a stream and turn, either I die here fighting or I kill them all and keep running to the edges of the Earth.

"Why do you reek of depression? What happened to the hero everyone talks about?" Lycaon asks with worry thick in his voice.

My silver sword is out and I stand in my fighting stance. I say nothing and wait for one of his pack or himself to attack. But they all wait patiently and look at me sadly from behind Lycaon.

"Has something gone wrong? Why do you make yourself so easy to track with the sorrow rolling off of you?" Lycaon continues and steps forward.

My grip on my weapon loosens and I straighten out of my stance, the tip of my sword touching the ground. Lycaon walks a couple more steps to where he is only a few feet from me. He holds out his hand. I just stare at the sky behind them, not even caring if I die or not. He smiles sadly at me.

"I have a solution to your problem." Lycaon says and closes the distance as one arm goes over my shoulder and he hugs me to him with the arm, the other hugging my head to him.

It feels like someone cares for me. Like a father should. I sense instinct behind the gesture and my sword falls out of my hand. I just stand there helplessly as the feeling of being cared for rushes through my veins. I start to tremble from the nostalgia of being loved running rampant in me again.

"There there. You can come with my pack and I. You can tell us your story. I just need to invite you. Would you like that?" He asks softly and paternal like.

Something inside me screams for me to run, but I feel like I'm in a trance from the words I so badly want to hear from someone, anyone and one who I thought was my enemy is treating me like a son. I am unable to answer and I feel his grip on me tighten comfortingly.

"Think about having a new family. One that will love you forever and you can have fun with. Pressure free and never abandoned. You'll be respected and you'll live forever with us. You can have everything you ever wanted and more. Wouldn't you want all that? That feeling of always being loved and never sad because of family. You won't even miss your old one, I promise. The love Percy, think about the love of being my son and running wild and free of your own volition. Nothing tying you down and always coming home to the affection you sorely miss and have never truly received." He whispers gently.

"Love?" I ask in a small childish voice.

"Yes, endless love forever. That's what I am offering you. All you have to do, is accept my offer and you can have what you want the most." Lycaon squeezes me and I feel the rush of the paternity flowing through me.

"Forever? Will I really be able to have love forever?" I echo his words in a hopeful and hoarse voice.

He chuckles lightly. "Yes. You can have a father and many brothers. Eternal life with never ending love for you to enjoy. I know it's hard for someone like you to believe and I have given you no reason to jump instantly for my offer, but I mean what I say. I always do."

"Father? Family?" I choke out and he pulls back and smiles at me warmly.

"Yes. A real father and family to love you eternally. Tranquility, love, fun, and freedom. Is this why you hurt so badly? Did something awful happen to you with your family?" Lycaon asks and grasps my shoulders gently but firmly.

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