Chapter Fifteen

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Okay, so, here we are, my lovely readers!

Chapter Fifteen: The Big Surprise

Point of View: Third Person

~Four Months Later~

Adrien is on perimeter patrol and stargazing, mainly just looking at the Huntress constellation, when a smell hits him full on out of nowhere. He is drawn by the scent and steps on Sylvia as he walks forward, his mind not on target but finding the source of that scent. Sylvia whines and Adrien doesn't respond as she growls at him.

Then Sylvia notices the look on his face and nudges all the wolves awake. Three of the younger wolves are on guard duty as the rest of the pack follows Adrien through the woods. Adrien is practically absent in his own mind and body as one thing pulls on him.

He walks for a long time and then comes to a stop when he sees a girl, the source of the scent, sleeping against the tree. He walks up to her and feels it as his soul connects to hers completely, tying him to her without hesitation. He sniffs at her and doesn't recoil at the fact it is a demigod. He figures out she is a daughter of Dionysus and he turns into his human form. He shakes her awake and she screams at the top of her lungs until her sleep filled eyes focus in on him. 

"W-who are you?" She asks.

"My name is Adrien. What is yours?" He smiles warmly.

"Rita. Why d-do you feel like that?" She asks and takes the hand he extends towards her, pulling her to her feet.

"Are you aware of who you are?" Adrien asks.

The girl nods. "I am a daughter of Dionysus. A satyr told me that when he was trying to save me, but...some weird dog that was bigger than a car and jet black got him. He told me to run and I did." 

Artemis, Phoebe, Thalia, and Atalanta crash into the clearing and rush forward immediately. "Is she alright?" Phoebe asks worriedly.

"Yes, she is fine." Sylvia answers and then shushes the HUnters, pulling them back away even though it irritates them, until Julian explains quietly to them.

"Rita, will you walk with me?" Adrien asks.

Rita nods, without giving her head permission to. She doesn't understand. "Yeah." She says, the words passing her lips without her filtering. 

He guides her by her hand further into the forest while the others go back to the camp. "Rita, it may sound frightening at first, but I really am not so bad. I was a demigod once, it wasn't all to long ago that I was." 

"What do you mean? Did something hapen?" She questions curiously, at ease even though she hasn't been in a long time. She likes that.

"Well, yes. I got turned into a werewolf." Adrien admits, smiling some and looking at the sky, the light shining on his face drawing Rita in.

His confession doesn't even phase her. "How come? And you never answered my question." 

"You feel that way because I feel the same way about you. As a werewolf, I have the ability to find a mate. Once and only once does such a thing occur." Adrien tells her.

"Oh." She squeaks, but another feeling is igniting inside of her. No one has ever been interested in her in the least bit. Now there is someone who is practically telling her he loves her and they just met not even four minutes ago. "Are you asking me to become like you, then?"

"Only if you want. I will understand if you don't want to. Or that if you need time, I will protect you until you are ready." Adrien tells her.

"Can I get to know you first?" She wonders.

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