Chapter Two

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Here is the next chapter my lovely readers!

Chapter Two: Speechless.........

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"It's amazing down here. I feel so small compared to it. It's extraordinary." I gaze at the crystals all over the inside of the cave system.

Charvank turned into his human form and is now guiding me through the place. We come out of a small cave and I gasp at the huge city across a wide chasm.

"This has been a place of rest and no fear for our kind since the dawn of our species and the first werewolf." Charvank claps me on the back.

"It's more extravagant than Olympus." I breathe.

"You think so?" Charvank asks in awe.

"Definitely. This has natural beauty, too. Less constructed and vain. It even glows it's so beautiful." I smile at him and look at the city closer.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and my smile widens. "If it's glowing, it's calling. The city wants you to enter. It loves you like you are one of its own already." Lycaon tells me.

"I'm allowed to see it?" I ask in disbelief and he and Charvank smile at me.

"Of course. Especially since it is connecting to your soul. Not many are called by the city. It is a huge honor to be called to it when you are not a werewolf. Which makes you even more special than you already are." Lycaon tells me.

The rest of the wolves turn human and are grinning at me. I smile back and they all take off down the path. I look at Lycaon who offers me his hand again. I take it without hesitation this time and he pulls me along after the rest of them while Charvank sticks by his other side. I hear all about the history of his kind and I ask a ton of questions, making him happy and I'm even happier that he answers them.

Charvank will add details or ask me questions about my questions. He talks about how wonderful life is in the city and how here, everyone loves you all the time. There aren't any rules other than don't murder another of your kind and if you follow that rule, you are an upstanding citizen and werewolf. He says that for me, wandering off on my own is not good because I'm not a werewolf, but if I'm with Lycaon, I'll be perfectly fine.

"How many are there?" I ask.

"A lot. Mainly the older ones that have been around almost as long as Lycaon, but he is still the oldest and most powerful. But some of the younger ones stay here because they don't like the outside world. But everyone is happy here and no one ever wants to leave because of the bonds of family you make and keep for life." Charvank answers enthusiastically.

"It sounds amazing." I tell him and he nods appreciatively.

"It's even more amazing to watch. The little kids that pop up every once in a while from couples that have been here a long time run around like any other child. We don't have many, but we have enough from time to time to know we are still able to have such wonderful miracles happen." Lycaon says. "As a werewolf, it is hard to have a child. And not many women can survive changing into one or having offspring with one." He says sadly.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I haven't been able to produce an heir. I can't find a suitable woman to have a child with. I have to find the right person and change them." Lycaon sighs.

"I'm sure you'll find someone." I tell him and he grins at me.

"There are the gates. You ready to see how beautiful our race really is?" Lycaon asks.

"Yes! I bet they're all as great as you are." I tell him and he beams at me.

Charvank opens the huge gates easily and Lycaon leads me inside.

I shiver as I step across the threshold and Lycaon turns to look at me. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. I just felt..." I trail off and he just smiles hugely.

"It claimed you." Lycaon tells me happily.

"Claimed?" I ask and he steps closer to me.

He starts to roll up one of my long sleeves and I stiffen. He looks at me in worry. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"You don't want to see." I say in a small voice.

He frowns and rolls up my sleeves to my elbows and stares wide eyed at the cuts running along my arms. He looks into my eyes sadly. Charvank comes over and stares at my scarred and marked arms in confusion and sadness. The red lines almost fresh and the white lines pale against my tan skin.

"Is that why we smelled your blood all the time?" Charvank asks me and I just shy away.

Lycaon grabs hold of my arms gently and keeps me from running off. "Everything is going to be alright, young friend. Do you want to see the gift the city gave you?" Lycaon tells me and I relax with his words. I nod and he smiles a little bit.

He rolls up the sleeve all the way to my shoulder on my right arm and I look at the picture on my skin. Beginning from the middle of my upper arm, an intricate picture of a forest crawls up and onto my shoulder. Wolves running around each other playing and enjoying the love of their family and friends. They go through the wild not phased by time or stress. They have all the time in the world and they run free like they should. I can tell it creeps onto my back and up my neck, but I'm staring at the one wolf in the middle of the rest of them. The one that is having the most fun and loving everyone around him. The leaves he runs over on the forest floor, the trees he winds around with his brethren. The bigger wolf watching over him, but interacting with him like a father would. It's like a black ink on my skin, but I don't think it's ink. More like, just part of my skin, part of me. But this won't be effected by time either, just like the wolves in it.

Lycaon is smiling kindly at the markings and then at me. He rolls my sleeves back down and leads me further into the city. He shows me everything, every last detail and I feel like I'm home. Lycaon lets me meet the kids running around and they all take to me like I'm one of them. Charvank runs off to find something to do while Lycaon takes me to his home here in the city.

He opens the door for me and I walk in without reluctance. He closes the door behind him quietly. He leads me to the living room and sits me down by the warm fire in the mass of cotton fur and blankets. It is cold down here. He sits in another mass of warmth and stares at the fire with me. The fire enchants me to peaceful thoughts instead of my usually pain filled ones.

Suddenly the mound of fur moves and wolves are surrounding me and more surround Lycaon. The wolves snuggle up to me without question and I laugh at the feeling vibrating through me. Lycaon smiles like a father without looking away from the fire. As I stare into it, it makes me feel the tiredness that is already sapping my strength. My eyes start to close and Lycaon turns to look at me. The last thing I see is someone who I view in a childlike fatherly light. I end up falling asleep in the heart of the home of the werewolves and I love them like I have been with them forever.

There is another chapter for the records. Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. Off we go my lovely readers!!

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