Chapter Nineteen

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Muhahahahahahaha!!!!!! Here we go, my lovely dovely readers!

Chapter Nineteen: Convincing The Demigods

Point of View: Third Person

As they take a cab to the greek encampment, Adrien talks adamantly after filling Phoebe in on what's transpiring. "The Greeks will be the hardest to commit." Phoebe tells him.

"Agreed." Adrien nods, helping Phoebe out of the cab and paying the driver. They walk up the hill and Peleus doesn't even stop them. 

But as they reach the crest of Half-Blood hill, the conch horn sounds three times, despite a Hunter being in sight. The other six of the seven are at the front, looking a little more than just suspicious and very angry. 

"You dare bring a mutt here, huntress?" Jason steps forward.

Adrien bristles. "Do not speak to her in that way, boy. She did not bring me here, I walked past the border of my own fre will and without the help of her or another demigod." All eyes widen. "Surprise, not a monster anymore. You'll find our section in your little bestiary is now gone and we are put into magical creatures. Friends of nature as always and our patron goddess is Lady Artemis. I'd watch my tongue if I were you."

"Why are you here? We don't welcome your kind here anyways." Annabeth snaps.

Chiron canters forth and aces a hand on the shoulders of Annabeth and Jason. "Now, even though I do not like it, if their patron is Artemis, we must honor that they are now allowed across the border and will not be harmed."

"How touching." Adrien rolls his eyes and Phoebe giggles.

Chiron's eyes turn to slits. "Why are you here?"

"I am the bearer of bad news it seems." Adrien chuckles as he smirks at them. "An enemy of old has arisen and is targeting not only my kind, but all of the forces of Olympus. Stay away from the shadows, even if you are a child of the underworld. He might just kill you without thinking about it. Your council has skittishly agreed to work together with us."

"Tell me, must we accomodate you?" Chiron changes the topic. 

"I assume you mean where would we stay if ever we choose to come here." Adrien sighs. "I have no idea. I am not my King. I may be an alpha, but I would rather my King make the decision. However, I can tell you. Just make an open air space for us with trees or something. we won't visit that often."

Then someone unexpected comes in. "I thought I sensed something familiar, but I never would have thought to think you'd stoop so low to find a place in the world." Gorver Underwood walks to stand in front of Adrien. "Hello, Percy." Grover smirks.

"Ah, yes. The empathy link. Not yet burned away by my transformation. It'll be gone in a few weeks. But, I'm afraid you are somewhat wrong, satyr. My name is Adrien and being one of my kind is one of the best paths to take." Adrien speaks.

"Lady Artemis honors all werewolves. You'd do well to remember that." Phoebe says darkly. 

Grover sighs. "Yes, yes. I believe satyrs would be better suited to make room in the camp for you. We are more tapped into nature like you."

"Hmm. Generous." Adrien comments. 

"I am so glad you could rejoin us. Why come to us for help though?" Grover's smile is tight.

"Hmph." Phoebe turns her back to the all, looking out of the corners of her eyes at Adrien. 

"Right, I'm not sure I want the help of infants, however, your parents were so keen on my asking you. At least Romans, real Romans," Adrien looks askance at Hazel, Frank, and Jason. "Are capable of having brains, unlike the Greeks. And you have children of Athena. What a laugh." Adrien does laugh and heartily. "So, die here on your own without our help if you do decide to show up on the battelfields or fight with us to save your sorry lives. Face it, Romans are better and always will be. You can stay here like cowards or die a noble deat hdefending your precious parents who hardly lift a finger or even love you."

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