Chapter Eight

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C'mon in silly people. I hope you like this chapter my lovely readers!

Chapter Eight: It Is Finally Coming To Pass...Serenity and Completion

Point of view: Third Person

~Two weeks later

Third person pov

"Miss Thalia?" Percy pokes his head into the lieutenant's tent shyly. 

"Come in Perce." Thalia says impatiently. 

"Are you sure? I thought I wasn't allowed in any tent but the dining one. And only Lady Artemis's when she tells me to." Percy asks timidly. 

"Yes. Get your butt in here." Thalia orders. 

"Okay. Can Palena come too?" Percy replies. Palena sticks her head in and looks at Thalia with pleading eyes. 

"Of course." Thalia smiles. 

Percy comes in and sits down on the floor of the tent in front of Thalia. Palena crawls in his lap, a little bit bigger than she was before. 

"You're doing better, right?" Thalia asks. 

"Mhmm." Percy nods eagerly. "Phoebe is teaching me how to shoot right. But she's scary when she gets angry." Percy whispers the last part, like she'll hear if he doesn't say it quietly. 

Thalia giggles and Percy pets Palena. "How is Palena doing? She's grown a little bit." Thalia continues. 

"Palena is bigger." Percy allows. "She loves Syl and the rest. It's easier with her around. She says she is happy and feels great. Glad to be alive." 

"That's good. Has the mark stopped growing?" Thalia points at the mark wrapping around his arms. 

"You aren't going to make me take off my clothes are you? Cause Lady Artemis made me do it the other day with Apollo and it was awkward." Percy says in a kid's voice when they explain something. "I don't understand why she was red the rest of the day though." Percy tells Thalia, who laughs heartily. 

"Do you like the hunters?" Thalia inquires. 

"Yes. They are pretty too. But not in that way. The nice way. They are like watered down versions of Syl when she is hyper, which is a lot." Percy tells her, starting to play the hand game with Palena again. This time when Palena catches a hand, he lets her bite it playfully and starts the game over when she is done. 

"That's nice. Sylvia seems like a good person." Thalia tells him. 

"But I swear she's crazy." Percy whispers like he is telling a secret, Thalia snorts. 

By the time dinner rolls around, they skipped lunch, they are like they used to be. Thalia is able to playfully punch him again and Percy can hug her like he does Sylvia all the time. Thalia is the happiest person in the world and Percy is his old self around her. Palena is in his arms as they walk to the dining tent. He sits next to Thalia and pays more attention to Palena when he is done eating. 

The hunters observe him like sisters would and watch his caring nature with Palena with joy. Palena is nibbling on the food he gives her. Steadily feeding her and careful not to let her eat too fast. Which he did so he could help her better. But they also look at the mark all over him. He isn't completely covered. You can see his skin still, just the pictures are so eye-catching and breathtaking that they stare at them the most. 

Percy seems to notice this and looks up at everyone. "What?" He asks, comfortable around all of them. He is visiting on his own. Apollo sits next to Artemis. He is supposed to spend the night at the camp with them all. But he has to stay in Apollo's tent. Lycaon dropped him off real early this morning. 

"Percy, you never really answered my question." Thalia pokes him in the side. Making him jump and then smile at her. 

"Which one?" He asks as he returns his focus to Palena. 

"Has the mark stopped progressing?" Thalia asks her earlier question. 

Percy's face takes on a kindly light as he feeds Palena, the result of Thalia's question. "For the most part. It doesn't grow to cover any more of my body." Percy answers. 

"What does that mean?" Atalanta asks. 

In answer, Percy tugs down the collar of his shirt, exposing his heart. They all gasp at the sight. He lets go and the shirt covers it back up. "Lycaon has no idea what it means, but it's been doing that for a long time now. He is trying to find out. Probably what he's doing now." Percy tells them. 

"It was swirling." Phoebe finally gets out. 

"Yeah, sometimes it takes a shape. Like a wolf or a bear. But every once in a while, I think it looks like a flower. Sylvia thinks it sometimes looks like a sword, but I don't sit and watch it for hours on end." Percy replies. 

"How would Sylvia know?" Thalia asks. 

"Because sometimes I don't wear a shirt when we wrestle. Sometimes she wins and sometimes I do. The fights last a long time unless Charvank breaks us apart. Ending in a lot of draws." Percy answers easily. 

"How often do you fight?" Phoebe asks. 

"Whenever she tackles me or tries to catch me off guard. It always ends up in a wrestling contest. She does it with Flin and Charvank all the time. But I'm the main target." Percy tells her. 

"Sounds like somebody has an admirer." Atalanta teases. 

Percy shakes his head. "Mm. Mm. No." 

"Come on its obvious." Apollo tries to tell him. 

"No. She likes Julian. She always has. I'm her little brother. She just likes picking on me more. Besides, she she and Julian get into it...somebody is missing clothing in the first ten minutes. I normally leave and they don't come out of the nearest vacant building for a while." Percy says and they all stare at him. 

"Like, people's houses when they aren't home?" Thalia asks. 

"Oh no. They aren't rude. They make it to the buildings surrounding the training area. Sylvia likes to call it the 'Tough Fun' area, but the buildings are storage units. The houses aren't even near that place." Percy replies. 

"And she kisses you?" Artemis asks unsure. 

"Yeah. But nothing other than friendly. It's nothing like that. The girl werewolves do it all the time to their friends. Like Olivia does with Flin when she is married to Charvank. No one minds and no one gets jealous. They all know that there is nothing behind the friendly kissing. Syl doesn't do it that often at all. Just on impulse over excitement or happiness. And those are extreme cases where a lot of times my eardrums almost burst." Percy says. 

Palena yaps at him. "I dunno. I've never looked." Percy turns red. Palena starts making a noise, which everybody realizes is a bear laugh as she rolls around on her back. "Stop making fun of me Palena. I don't care how old I am. I don't do that." Percy turns scarlet. Palena yelps and Percy is almost a dark red. "Because she wanted to see the mark and I was uncomfortable the whole time." 

Artemis turns bright red. Everybody catches on to what they are talking about. "I really want to know exactly what Palena is saying right now." Thalia laughs. 

"She's trying to be innocent. It isn't working." Percy says. He starts to tickle Palena and the cub starts making a giggling sound in a bear form. 

How about that? Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. See ya again soon my lovely readers!

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