Chapter Eleven

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Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO.

Chapter Eleven: Explanations

Point of view: Third Person

"My soul." Percy tells Lycaon.

Lycaon's eyes widen and then he rushes to reassure Percy when he starts to become uncomfortable. "Did it tell you why?"

Percy just stares at the floor and Lycaon is about to say something when Percy speaks up. "I think so, but it's the same as when I was younger and when Gaea came after me. It just wanted me as its pawn. But it more or less wanted to control my soul instead of my mind."

"And it wanted your broken soul?" Lycaon whispers.

"Yes and no." Percy looks away and Lycaon can't get him to look at him. "It wants my soul broken, but not the broken soul at the hands of the gods. It wants to break my soul itself and no one else can tamper with it. That's what it told me. So, it wants my broken soul, just not by the work of the gods. In other words-"

"It wanted to build you back up only to tear you down again while you were vulnerable." Lycaon finishes.

Percy nods. "Yes." He whispers.

"I am so sorry." Lycaon tells him.

"At least it was someone to talk to after a while, even if it was disturbing from the different things it told me." Percy says.

"Oh, Perseus." Lycaon says and holds Percy closer.

"It doesn't hurt all that much anymore." Percy informs him.

"Talk about something that causes the last of that pain. Are you afraid of it?" Lycaon advises.

"No, I am more puzzled about it than anything. I'm not frightened by it, but I think I should be. It is the very essence of evil. It is allowed to gather in that place because evil and injustice is done there. Like a summoning. Sooner or later, if it keps building, it will rise. I don't know if it has a physical form or if it is just a collective conscience that needs a host or wants to build a body. It would want the perfect specimen." Percy says. "Sometimes it would heal me, but it hurt and only because of the place I was in.

Though, I think it stopped talking to me in the last week because something caught its attention, but I knew it was there because I could feel it watching me and it never really left me. I almost caved into it at first because it seemed like a helpful being, but I soon realized it was the exact opposite when I reached out to it."

"Can you feel it now? Does it know where you are?" Lycaon asks.

"Mm. Mm." Percy shakes his head.

"It can only see in the most evil of places and view the world every once in a while. It doesn't like the light. And certainly not the purity it told me my soul wreaked of. I can understand that smell. I know it's my main smell. Though, I don't understand quite the way to describe a smell as pure or the word itself would actually have a smell. I do not like smelling like the sea, but it's weaker because of the change.

I see what you mean." Percy hugs his knees. "My heart is doing strange things. You didn't weaken my bond with Poseidon that I wish didn't even exist, you just made a stronger bond with me that overpowers it. I know what the others feel like and I love the fact I am part of your race officially now. I feel completely dissimilar to most things than before. My old passions that were left are still there, but they are opened up in new ways. I am a totally different person. I love the feeling of being your son and the joy of our race coursing through me."

Okay, my lovely readers! Here you go! I know several of you have been wanting this updated for a good while now.

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