Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the long wait! Got busy. Anyways, here is the chapter you guys wanted, my lovely readers. I am, how do you put it, updating. Enjoy!

Chapter Thirteen: Finding Adrien

Point of View: Third Person

"So, is this what you were talking about? My...other abilities? When you found me a year ago?" Adrien asks as his aura glows and Phoebe's arrows bounce right off.

Lycaon laughs and nods, Phoebe isn't amused. "Yes, son. It's like a layer of skin. But, like I said, I do not know what they are. Finding out what they are is all up to you. I can help you train in them I am sure, but I cannot help you unlock them."

"Okay, dad." Adrien smiles and Lycaon's heart warms again at seeing a smile on his son's face, the one he grew used to seeing frightened.

Artemis sighs. "No more Percy, huh?" She walks over to him.

Adrien shakes his head, smiling a little. "You aren't mad, are you?" He asks.

Artemis smiles. "No, not in the least bit. It is just different seeing you this way. No more sea green either. Your eyes are golden like...your father's. And you are no longer tan. You are as pale as me." 

Adrien blinks and then grins. "I forgot about my eyes changing. It makes me feel so much better."

Lycaon comes up behind Adrien and gets him in a headlock. Adrien uses his weight against Lycaon as one of his legs takes out both of Lycaon's and he lands on top of his father, then rolls off smiling. "I forgot you do that."

Adrien helps his father up and looks very jovial. "Yes, Charvank learned the hard way. Several times."

Lycaon chuckles. "Frontal assaults only, eh?"

Adrien nods. "Mhmm."

Artemis puts a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "How do you feel though?" 

Adrien studies her. "A lot better. I have no anxiety whatsoever and after I talked it all over with Lycaon again, I lost my attachments to those memories emotionally. They are just there, in the back of my head, nowhere to go, nothing to do. They're really only taking up space and reminding me of where I came from in the first place. I would rather have them though, to remind me why I should not trust those who betrayed me." 

Artemis nods. "I see. Well, I wish to speak with your father about something. Privately."

Adrien raises an eyebrow and then laughs. "Sure. It's not like it is my business anyway. I will learn at one point, but for right now, I am going to run and stretch out my muscles, test them. It has only been two days. I have not yet fully settled into my form like I was supposed to yesterday."

Adrien shifts, barks, and then takes off. 

Artemis turns her attention on Lycaon who looks confused. She leads him into her tent and sits down with him. He looks a bit uncomfortable, most likely still unused to the hospitality. 

"I wanted to speak with you about more than just a treaty." Artemis informs him.

Lycaon's befuddled expression turns to one of mild surprise and curiosity. "What do you mean?" 

"I am patron to wolves, Lycaon. Your primal half. I wish to bind your race to me and I want you to run with the Hunt and I. You can always go back to your Sanctuary whenever you want, but, I think it is a good idea." Artemis admits.

"Like...guard dogs?" He asks a little mad.

"Yes and no." She says and he motions for her to keep going. "Yes, that way you can protect us and vice versa. No, because...I can't really explain the feeling and I have gotten closer to Adrien. There is something about him."

"Don't you already have wolves?" Lycaon asks, somewhat suspicious.

"Only two, they are mending in my palace from the war. The others are dead.Luckily , the two that are left are mates. But, that doesn't leave much in the prospect for the future. I don't want my last two original wolves to go trhough that. To watch if..." Artemis sighs.

"I see your point. But I do not know how the others will take it." Lycaon shakes his head.

"What about Adrien?" Artemis wonders.

"My son?" Lycaon raises an eyebrow. "He'd be one of the ones to go for it. He looks at you in adoration all the time. He loves Thalia like a sister again. And the Hunt has grown on him. And...well, I fear I have been putting something very important off. There are so many of us in number and so many that must stay at the Sanctuary that want to run, but I hadn't found a mate yet and was looking for the right son for the duty."

"What is it?" Artemis is now the curious one. 

"Well, it is logical to keep those of the pack that run outside the Sanctuary at a minimal size for a group. Now we don't have to worry about you, we do have to worry about others. But, we have enough for more than one pack with all those who want to run outside the walls of our Sanctuary. The size of a single pack matters, but not multiple packs. Now that I have a son, well, he can be their alpha. He can challenge me for ultimate authority if he wants, but I don't think he will. He'll just lead the other pack. But only if he is ready. 

I know you'll be more comfortable with him than me, so he will lead the pack that watches over you. and, I don't know. As werewolves, if we make a friend, we love to keep them. It is a precious gift from us to befriend someone completely. Adrien is young and he will most likely make a friend like that. Not mate material, but, what do they call it? Best friends forever? It sounds stupid the way mortals say it, but something like that. And only three people can befriend one of us like that. The wolf normally shows their affection and waits for the person on the receiving end to accept it. Adrien might be closer to some members of the Hunt more than you think." Lycaon tells her.

"So, you'll go for it?" Artemis asks, sparkles in her eyes.

"Whoever will do it, will be led by Adrien. I am sure Adrien will love running for you. It will probably be many of the younger pups that want to try out the life outside the walls." Lycaon sighs.

Short chappie, I know. But enjoy it, cause it isn't the last. See you soon, my lovely readers!

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