Chapter Twelve

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Here we go my lovely readers! This story is finally getting an update!

Chapter Twelve: The Joining

Point of View: Lycaon

Sitting next to him now, I realize I always believed he would survive and be here as an immortal of my kind with me. But I never let myself hope to hope that everything could be so true and radiant in the dark that usually consumes me. My son, I really love him. 

But he looks so fragile, hugging his knees to his chest. Yet he is the very opposite of fragile, that's a fact. He would give anything, everything for us, for me. Even though he had done so before and had to fight tooth and nail to gain something even more. I can sense his terror at the possibility of this family turning out like the last. It radiates of of him. However, there is also the strong feeling of security in any of our presences. 

He trusted us so completely when we found him and now, seeing it is still there and has only grown, it warms my cold, elderly heart. He is perfect for a son. 

I smile warmly at my son, who looks so downcast as he is lost in thought. I stand up and come to stand in front of him. He looks up, a melancholy expression, one that says he's been alive longer than you think, and seen so many horrible things. I grab his hands. "Come on. It's time for the Joining. As time goes on, you'll feel so much better, you'll never have these feelings ever again." I pull on him and he stands, he's my height now.

I let go of one hand and start pulling him to the exit. "The Joining?" He asks.

"The one thing I didn't tell you about and no one was allowed to speak of around you." I tell him.

"What does it entail?" He inquires, a curious gleam in his eyes.

"It's hard to explain and even better for you just to experience. Run with me, with us. All werewolves run when a new pup joins the pack. We have been waiting for you to join now forever, we wish to welcome you, just as the others were welcomed." I explain.

"Run." He breathes and looks excited.

I reach into my shirt and pull out the pendant hanging around my neck. Percy's eyes are glued to it immediately. My pendant is a wood carving of a wolf. "We all have one. I am surprised you never asked."

"I did ask." He murmurs. "I asked Sylvia. She just didn't answer, so I never asked again."

"Well, before we run, we decide on what type of pendant you get." I say. "I have a wolf carving, Sylvia has an amethyst bear, Charvank wears a stone carving of a tiger. The pendant is supposed to match your personality. You have been here for so long now without being truly one of us, that we figured out what yours should be."

I lead him out into the main room of the Ceremony House, where everyone is now gathered. I let go of his hand once we stand in the dead center of the Ceremony House. 

Point of View: Perseus Jackson

I am tackled in a hug by Sylvia. I hug her back and smile a little. "No offense, Syl, but that really hurts. My bones still feel frail."

She tries pulling away but I keep her in the hug. "I didn't say I wouldn't tolerate it, mala." I whisper. In my short time here, I have learned the language of my kin. Mala, means sister.

"Whatever, kohn, just prepare for more surprise attacks. I won't hold back now that you're not human." She giggles. I smile at her word, brother or kohn.

"I would expect nothing less." I chuckle.

This time I let her pull away and Charvank comes up to me with a neatly bundled cloth, folded and wrapped around something. He holds it out to me and I take it gingerly. I look from the swathed object up at my friend. He grins and nods.

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