Chapter Five

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Ooooooo...Is this an update? Yes it is! Read away to your heart's content my lovely readers!

Chapter FIve: Am I Truly Accepting of You, Thalia?

Point of view: Third Person

Lycaon is trying to pull the arrow out. Percy pushes himself up and grips the arrow in Lycaon's leg. He looks in the werewolf's eyes and Lycaon nods. Percy braces Lycaon's leg and wrenches the arrow out. Lycaon curses from the pain that shoots through his body and centers in the wound. Percy looks around for something to stop the bleeding, not trusting Apollo to help Lycaon.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid. Should not have pulled it out." Percy scolds himself. He slides his arms under Lycaon and Thalia and the Hunters watch in disbelief.

"What are you doing? He just attacked you!" Thalia screams and comes towards Percy.

He picks up Lycaon and backs away shaking his head. "You don't know what he's done for me."

Thalia reaches out to him and he looks away at the ground. "Percy?" Thalia asks hurt.

"You're a daughter of him. You're her friend. You're Greek too. You almost killed my friend. Don't come near me. I hate them all!" Percy says and runs off with Lycaon.

Thalia looks after her friend in shock and hurt. She turns to Artemis. "Why did he say that? What's wrong with him?" Thalia's voice breaks.

"Why is he hanging around those mutts?" Phoebe snarls.

Apollo darts after Percy in vain at hoping to catch him. Artemis looks at her lieutenant. "Percy is sick. Really sick. It breaks my heart to see him like this. Don't take it personally sister, he can't help it. He'll warm up to you again. But he needs time to heal. It seems Lycaon and his pack are helping with that."

"I can't believe it. He was just attacked and he saves him." Atalanta says confused.

"They were playing a game. Lycaon and Percy were having fun. Percy has turned-" Artemis starts.

"How is he not burned by silver then?!" Phoebe shouts.

"If you'd let me finish please, Phoebe. Percy has turned into a child. Or rather, that is his state of mind. Lycaon reached out to him and now Percy sees him as his father, someone who loves him with all his heart. Percy would already do anything for Lycaon and any of his pack. We have to be careful where we tread." Artemis says.

The Hunters are looking at her in disbelief. "A child? My commanding army cousin has been reduced to a kid?" Thalia asks incredulously.

"Yes and our father and fishy uncle are at the heart of the problem. Apparently, they kept Apollo and I out of the loop. The rest of the council joined in the games they played with Percy. He isn't in the best of shapes sister." Artemis says.

"Are we allowed to follow him?" Atalanta asks.

"I don't know. Come with me." Artemis says and they take off for the cave.

Percy runs easily with Lycaon, using his primal and hidden strength to keep going. Lycaon looks at him in pride and worry.

"Almost there." Percy says and Charvank stands at the cave entrance, leaning against the walls on the inside of it.

He runs up to Charvank and starts to tell him what happened. Charvank tells him to find Olivia while he keeps the followers from coming inside the premises. Percy darts into the cave without hesitation, Lycaon holding his thigh where he was shot.

Apollo sees Percy go inside and starts to follow when Charvank holds out his arm, in the path of the sun god. Apollo jumps back. "Let me go in and help him." Apollo says. More worried for Percy's safety.

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