Chapter Fourteen

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Onward, my lovely readers!

Chapter Fourteen: Adrien Gets News

Point of View: Third Person

Lycaon and the Hunt, along with Apollo, enter the Wolf Entrance. Lycaon gathers everyone in the center of the city. The Sanath Gathering, the Family Gathering, in the middle of the city and big enough for the pack and the Hunt.

Adrien bounds in as a wolf and then shifts next to Sylvia. "Hey, Syl, what's going on?"

"Why don't you ask Lycaon? Your father seems a little on edge." She laughs.

He nods and walks up to Lycaon. "Are you okay, dad?" 

"I am unsure on whether or not Artemis's idea is wise." He admits.

"What's the idea?" Adrien wonders.

"Son, would you be willing to headone pack while I head another?" Lycaon asks Adrien. 

Adrien's eyes widen. "But...I don't think I am really that well liked or trusted." He mumbles.

"Yes, you are. Stop denying the affection." Lycaon frowns.

"Why do you want me to be alpha so soon anyways?" Adrien ripostes.

"Because Artemis has an idea and I won't go forward with it unless you are ready." Lycaon tells his son. 

The other werewolves can tell they are starting to have a heated argument. They are worried and the Hunt watches in uncertainty.

"What are you talking about?" Adrien asks.

"I would have asked you this whether or not Artemis had her thought, but this is a bit different for what she's asking." Lycaon says, practically ignoring Adrien's question.

"What is her idea?" Adrien snaps.

"She wants to have the pack run with the Hunt. But I think you should head the other pack, the one that would run with her." Lycaon puts hands on Adrien's shoulders.

Adrien stares at his father. "What?"

"I know you love Artemis as a mother. You need her and I will be around enough so you know I am still with you. I am always in here." Lycaon taps Adrien's chest over the spot where his heart is. "You have friends in the Hunt and I know you'll miss them a lot, too" 

Adrien blinks. "But I don't know...I mean, what if people don't want to because I am alpha and not you? They like you a lot better and so do I."

"We all love you. Just try, Adrien. You will see that they would follow you anywhere, no matter what." Lycaon says.

"Okay, I'll try, but if it doesn't work out, I won't lead. Not unless I absolutely have to." Adrien whispers.

"Good. You'll be fine, I am sure. I think you are a natural at leading. You have done it before." Lycaon smiles and guides Adrien to stand at his side. 

Lycaon raises his voice and al conversation stops. "Brothers and sisters, the moon goddess has come up with an idea. I was and still am a little perplexed by the proposition, but I will leave that up to you to decide on your own. For a long while now, we have had so many wanting to run, but unable to fulfill the wishes of the number who wish to leave this walls. Now that I have an heir, we will not have this problem. But, whoever wishes to run with my son, will also be running with the Hunt. Those who do not wish to, or if there is no room in the other pack, will run with me."

"What are we, watch dogs? Mutts to protect you?" One werewolf snaps at Artemis.

"Please, Arken, she has assured me that is not the case. And perhaps running with them will strengthen the treaty and more friends on the outside. She does not see us as such." Lycaon placates the werewolf, who huffs and nods.

This explanation seems to calm some werewolves and they all look around. They look at Adrien to see he had no idea up until his heated debate with his father and that he's nervous. Sylvia pulls Julian over to stand with Adrien, while Charvank goes and stands next to Lycaon, smiling and gives a little wave to Adrien who returns the smile. By time everybody who wants to run picks a pack, Lycaon has twenty-three werewolves while Adrien has twenty-one. Twenty-four in one pack, twenty-two in another. Adrien glows navy blue as the role of alpha settles on his shoulders. 

Adrien looks at his father and a new tension builds between them. Not bad tension unless one is angered at another completely, but the tension between two dominant males in one area. Adrien smiles though, making Lycaon the happiest father in the world. Adrien turns to Artemis and walks over to her. He holds out his hand and she takes it. The silver and navy blue entangling. Every werewolf glows silver and their eyes widen. 

"What was that?" Adrien tilts his head in curiosity.

"Oh dear." Artemis laughs a little sheepishly. "I didn't know that would happen. It seems my full blessing just went to every one of you instead of me just being your patron."

Adrien seems to realize and lets go of her hand. "Ah, shouldn't you have done that with my father?" 

"Any alpha would do actually, but since it is done, there is no point in asking." She smiles.

"Right." Adrien draws out the word. 

"Are you excited?" Artemis inquires.

"Absolutely." Adrien smiles.

"Lovely." Artemis grins.

Lycaon comes over and hugs Adrien. "Just be careful."

Adrien squeezes his father tightly. "I will."

Lycaon's pack heads out first as they all say their goodbyes and Artemis turns to Adrien. 

"Nervous?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Mmm," Adrien has to think about it, but he is bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. "Actually, I think I am more eager than anything. It is surprising really. I had no notion that being the dominant of the pack would suit me. I find the position quite content for some odd reason. It will not be so bad after all. It is natural for me. I did not expect that to be."

Artemis smiles warmly. "Well, where would you like to go?"

Adrien looks back at the pack he guides, all young but Sylvia and Julian. Then he returns his gaze to Artemis. "The mountains."

"Which ones?" Thalia asks.

"All of them." Sylvia jumps up and down in her excitement.

"Julian, uh, you guys can' that a whole lot. We have company present that wouldn't approve." Adrien glances over his shoulder.

Julian nods and Sylvia rolls her eyes. "We won't." Sylvia promises.

"Good." Adrien smiles.

The Hunt and Adrien's pack take off for the Wolf Entrance after waving goodbye to the others who are staying behind.

I am going to work on the next chapter now, my lovely readers. Do not fret.

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