Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Someone explain!!!

Point of view: Third Person

"Can you talk to them now?" Lycaon gestures to the stunned gods.

"I'll try." Percy answers timidly.

"Try talking to him now." Lycaon tells Apollo and Artemis.

"Percy, are you okay?" Apollo asks.

Percy looks back at the cave entrance longingly. "Are you happy with Lycaon, Perseus?" Artemis asks softly.

Percy looks at her with fear. "Yes, are you going to shoot them?" He asks barely audible.

Artemis comes forward and lays a hand on Percy's shoulder. Lycaon has to keep Percy from moving away. "Do you like being here?" She asks.

"Yes. It's nice." Percy answers, straining away from Artemis.

"Do they treat you well?" Artemis asks.

"All the time. No one is ever mean and everybody loves each other." Percy smiles.

"And if Lycaon offers you to turn into a werewolf like him?" Artemis asks in a whisper.

"Lycaon and the others are better than those I left! I hate them all! I'd rather be hunted down by you and your sisters than go back to the evil people that left me to rot! I'd be honored to be like Lycaon! I hate you all!" Percy says and runs back into the cave with tears streaming down his face.

Lycaon looks after him sadly and sighs. "I fear he might never turn out the same. Whenever he sees something sharp, he backs away into the corner. I don't know how he even picked up a sword to run off with. Pure instinct runs through that boy. Though he was frightened, he knew it was needed for his survival."

"What are we going to do to help him?" Apollo leans against the nearest tree and puts a hand to his head.

Lycaon studies the twins for a minute and throws his hands up in the air. "Wait here, I'll go get him. I have an idea. Just...don't let them shoot me." Lycaon points at Artemis, who raises an eyebrow. Lycaon sprints into the tunnel after Percy.

"Sister, you're going to hate me for suggesting this, but..." Apollo trails off.

"What?" Artemis asks, stretching out the word with a careful tone.

"If Percy joins and he has this peaceful effect on them, I think you should have a truce. What if you don't have to kill them?" Apollo tells her.

"I was actually considering that possibility. The way Lycaon doesn't even glare at me, it's more like he sees me as some mother figure who can help him with Percy." Artemis looks at the tunnel.

"Mother?" Apollo asks confused.

"I'm the Goddess of Children, Apollo. If Percy is in a condition like that, then maybe I can help him. First things first, I have to get him to trust me." Artemis sighs tiredly in anticipation to the task.

Lycaon finds Percy sitting with his knees to his chest and arms wrapped around them, staring across the chasm at the city. Not afraid of the deep Pit below. He knows what's down there, Lycaon told him about it. Just water and Percy can sense it anyways.

Lycaon sits down next to him. "Sorry." Percy whispers.

"What for?" Lycaon asks.

"I didn't really mean to run off like that. I just felt I had to get away. I stopped once I saw the city." Percy answers quietly.

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