Chapter Ten

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Let's see how this one works, my lovely readers.

Chapter Ten: Growing

Point of view: Third Person

Lycaon and the others with him laugh. Percy looks somewhat offended, but is too amused in how they sound to stay agitated at them. Seeing this, Lycaon backtracks, newborns are always emotional after turning. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. It happens to the best of us." He chuckles.

"I can't stay mad, father." Percy answers.

Lycaon beams and Percy doesn't understand why until he realizes.

He just called Lycaon his father and he never has before. Lycaon sits down next to him and the others leave the room. "I'm sorry, I didn't me-" Percy starts but is cut off by Lycaon entrapping him in a hug.

"No, I'm glad you think of me in that way. And, as the one who turned you and since I have now clakimed you, I am your father. I am also adotping you anyway. I don't think you want to be an orphan." Lycaon stops Percy.

Percy bursts into tears at the mention of having nothing at all in all technicality of his life. Lycaon rubs his back, this was going to be a long day and he's ready to help Percy to his best extent.

"What do you think?" Lycaon whispers after a little bit.

Percy, still crying his heart out, just nods his head into Lycaon's shoulder, unable to form words.

"Are you alright?" Lycaon asks gently.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." Percy cries.

Lycaon chuckles and rubs his back comfortingly. "It's not your fault. You're adjusting to everything. Being changed is like being born again. Let it all out now and then we can help you even more than before."

"I thought I was over all of this." Percy chokes on his tears.

"No, when you turn, all of your emotions bubble up. You may have thought that you were over it or it just wasn't as potent as before. So, it's natural for you to still hurt over all of this. Once it's all gone, you won't feel this way about those things again." Lycaon explains to him. "So, you should know that being my son means you have to lead the pack if I die, and you have to know, the others will love you more than ever now. Not to mention they'll put your safety above their own, especially as my heir." Lycaon tells him.

"I'm not that important." Percy murmurs.

"Yes you are. You're far more important than many." Lycaon looks kindly at his son.

"Those things, they still hurt when I think about them after all this time." Percy sobs into Lycaon's shoulder.

Lycaon touches his side where the deepest wound used to be and Percy starts crying more. Lycaon wraps that arm back around Percy and pulls him tighter to him, attempting to soothe him. "Talk to me about it." He whispers.

"You already know." Percy cries.

"But it will help you to relieve the burden into our home where it can be eradicated. Tell the tales of your time with the Olympians. Get it out of your system. Purge the poison." Lycaon tells him firmly.

Percy nods and fails at trying to calm down. "Okay."

"Where should you start?" Lycaon prompts him.

"When they got me..." Percy breathes.

Lycaon waits, but realizes Percy is thinking about it, not telling it. He nudges him. "Go on."

Percy nods slightly, in a trance or daze from reliving the memories. "My father said he wanted to bring me to Olympus." Percy starts. "I thought he was going to talk to me about something to do with being his son or whatever." He shudders. "But, when I got there, to the throne was just Poseidon and Zeus in the room. Zeus looked wickedly excited and when I turned to my father, he looked exactly the same. Before I knew it, Hades had appeared and gotten a hold of me.

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