Chapter Twenty

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Uh oh......Read on, my lovely readers.

Chapter Twenty: Preparing For War

Point Of View: Third Person

Over the course of two months, the werewolves have informed everyone of anything remotely helpful to further the cause and have been accepted little by little in Camp Half-Blood, but CampJupiter loves that they have one less enemy, their friend has returned and is happy, and that another culture has ben added as they are not only warriors, but scholars. 

Weapons are in their best performance, armor is in optimum condition, and moral is as high as it could ever get for the third war within a four year span. The werewolves have established enough trust within the demigods to feel a little comfortable fighting alongside them. The animosity towards Adrien has lessened and everyone drops their eyes, if they are Greek or not really Romans, whenever he catches them looking. 

The whole of the werewolf population, save the newbloods, are going to enter the battle. All demigods are fighting and as many gods as could be called upon and whoever answered the call are fighting with them. Gaining power to help more.

The demigods, gods, and werewolves are as ready as ever.

And just in time...

Now, the leaders and representatives of the camps, the gods, and the werewolves are metting up on Olympus. Athena starts the meeting.

"I have very distasteful news." Athena admits.

"Spill it." Dionysus rumbles.

"I researched Nightfall and found that if we truly want to destroy him forever, then we need to make him fade by obliterating his heart." Athena informs everyone and Lycaon turns pale, draining of all color. "He stores his heart elsewhere, it isn't with him. To truly win this war, we must find his heart and rid this world of it."

"A quest must be called for." Zeus decides.

"But who will go?" Demeter pipes up.

"Demigods could handle it, surely." Hera inputs.

"But a werewolf should be among them so that they may have a guide that is better informed of the enemy and able to sense their adversary and his powers." Athena says.

"What's wrong father?" Adrien's voice draws the attention of all others.

"His heart is impossible to reach by quest." Lycaon whispers, nearly inaudibly. "It is why we have never gone after it. It would be pointless sending three or even ten people after it. Wherever he keeps it, the place is meant to be the most horrible, terrifying, disgusting, most corrupted, and foul of places. And certainly not meant for the faint of heart."

Before anyone else can say anything after a long silence, just as Artemis is about to speak, Adrien does. "I'll go." He says. Everyone looks at him. "I'll go."

Lycaon shakes his head. "That's suicide. I refuse to send you to your death."

"Sending our Prince is not a good idea." Charvank adds. "It would be a devastating blow to our kind, you must not go. Do not even think about it."

"So you'll send someone else in? No! I won't be leting anybody else take my place. And I have the advantage anyway. He wants me as his pawn right? I can get to that place. Wherever he stays when he isn't attacking must be where he keeps his heart. If I let him take me, then I'll have most of what would be a quest done. I'd just need to figure out where specifically his organ is." Adrien argues. 

Charvank growls. "No. It is too risky. If we lose you, it wold not bode well, especially since you just began your life. What about your mate? Your daughter? Would you leave them husbandless? Fatherless?"

Adrien snarls right back. "Never. I would never. I won't die. He wants me alive."

"And once you destroy his core, do you know what will happen?" Artemis asks.

Adrien doesn't look. "Yes." He answers while staring down his father and Charvank. "His place of safety collapses and all else returns to normal once it fades away. I would be safe once the deed is done, if I am in the right place."

"You're so arrogant." Annabeth mutters.

"Better to sacrifice myself than be arrogant. I am not arogant, nor have I ever been. You are the arrogant one. Your fatal flaw is hubris. At least I know where my loyalties lie. I would rather die knowing I saved my kin from future harm than be held back because of a title I have never wanted. I'll die trying, unlike a wretch who only thinks of her own fantasies that will never come true because she lets pride and arrogance stand in her way. I may have been Greek, but I knew when to swallow what little pride I had. So keep your mouth shut or I will sew it shut." Adrien turns on her.

"I can't change your mind?" Lycaon asks quietly. 

"No, you cannot." Adrien puts his foot down.

"When will you go?" Sylvia hugs him.

"Now. There is a place very nearby where I can find him." Adrien tells her.

"Where is that?" Athena wonders.

"Your dungeons, fool." Adrien scoffs and walks out of the throne room. 

Well, I believe it is time to work on the next chapter. See you there, my lovely readers!

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