Chapter Eighteen

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Alright, onwards then, my lovely readers!

Chapter Eighteen: Getting The Gods To Agree

Point of View: Third Person

Zeus slams his fist down on the armrest oh his throne. "Are you telling me that you brought down another threat on Olympus's head?! We don't have the resources to fight another war!"

Adrien growls in such a feral way, even the werewolves back off. "I know that better than anyone! And though I dislike your children far more than anyone, they are not resources! They are living beings and it is time you start feling guilty over all the grief you have caused! Back down or I swear you will regret getting into a fight with me. I promise you, you won't survive it once my claws are seeking your blood."

Poseidon's eyes widen at the...person, he reminds himself, that his son has become. "Perseus-"

"That is not my name." Adrien snaps and glares at Poseidon.

"Then what do we call you, mongrel?" Ares chimes in mockingly.

"Adrien, you whiny brat. Now shut up and let the adults handle a real war." Adrien smirks as Ares turns deep, dark gold in anger. "Nightfall only told me he is coming after both sides, not why he was attacking Olympus. Not only that, he only appears in darkened and corrupted places, evil places. The one I encountered him in is now gone, this leads me to believe he is sucking out all the evil in every place he can enter to gain more powerful. He sounded like he was going to take Olympus down first. Why, I have no idea."

"How did the werewolves beat him last time?" Hermes implores.

Lycaon clears his throat. "The first time we were aware of our greatest enemy, we weakened him by cornering him in a place of light and love and purity. A temple of both Artemis and Apollo. A temple that holds the light of both night and day, that radiates purity all around it, and that shows the love of the twins and their family. Before, well, before things took a turn for the worst when Artemis and I had a rivalry. 

The second time, that temple was long gone and he was more powerful than before. He knew not to let himself get cornered. So, we used our magic. The whole race was gambled in plain sight, out of the safety of our territory to send him to wherever he comes from. It took a lot to cause him to perish and many of us fell ill at the use and exhaustion of our magic. 

The third time, the last time, he made himself immune to our magic with some ancient spell of his own. The temple had disappeared, our magic didn't work, and he was even more powerful the third time around. It took sending in one brave werewof to find the source of darkness, the source of his power. The source shifts locations constantly and he was of the purest of heart we had. He succeeded, but at a price. To destroy Nightfall's essence, it cost him his life. To erradicate something so full of power, it killed him in payment. But it didn't destroy it forever it seems. 

If he has risen once more, for the fourth time, he will be immensely powerful. He has learned to hide his essence, his power source. Now, it seems he will be looking for allies. Though who he'd find them in is beyond me. Unless he intends on doing it alone. He does not like working with others. He is a very arrogant being." Lycaon sighs.

"So, how do we beat him?" Apollo wonders.

"Well, he wants me." Adrien shrugs. 

"What do you mean?" Poseidon asks.

"I'm sorry, is that endearment I hear? Funny, I don't know why you'd have any of that for me." Adrien says coldly.

"Adrien." Artemis says firmly. 

Adrien nods. "He wants me as his pawn. I don't know. That's about all he said on the matter."

"You sound like you are hiding something." Zeus's eyes narrow.

"Truly?" Adrien seems curious. "If I really wanted to hide something, I'm sure you'd know all about it, seeing as how everyone is hiding somethign in your mind. We all have our secrets. Just shut up, will you?" 

Zeus huffs. "Do not disrespect me."

"That boat has already sailed. I have disrespected you for a long time." Adrien rolls his eyes. "Right now, instead of letting your idiotic pride get in the way, how about talking strategy? Unless you are incapable." 

"We will settle this later." Zeus snaps.

"Aye, aye, Cap-i-tan." Adrien mock salutes him, smirking. 

Zeus grumbles to himself as Poseidon speaks up. "Does he have any armies? Has he before?"

"Shadow minions, yes. They die just as easily as monsters, but they just return to the shadows or reform a few minutes later dpending on how powerful he gets." Lycaon says.

"You will want to talk to the demigods. We can only fight Nightfall in person. The dmigods would be the ones to go to for support. They could deal with the shadow minions.' Athena says.

"On the contrary," Adrien looks amused. "Shadow minions are made of Nightfall's power. You would be fighting him because the minions are made up of his power. All in the technicality, wisdom goddess. Monsters are restricted to you, but not Nightfall's little footsoldiers." 

Athena looks like she lost her puppy. "Right." Her voice is small. 

"But you are correct about the demigods." Sylvia admits.

"Great, who's going?" Charvank asks, looking at his fellow wolves.

All their attention turns to Adrien. 

Adrien's eyes widen. "No. It is not happening. I don't even look the same!" 

"Son-" Lycaon starts.

"My hair is white, my eyes are gold, and my skin is like snow. I'll most likely be shot on sight, not that it would matter." Adrien argues. 

"Why wouldn't it matter?" Athena asks.

"Lady Artemis lifted the curse of silver. Now it can't kill us." Charvank replies first.

"Is there anything that will kill you?" Hephaestus wonders.

"Not that we know of. Now that we are under Lady Artemis's domain, well..." The werewolvs all look to her. 

"They can't be killed by silver and they aren't really monsters anymore. They would go to the Underworld now. I have assured all passage for those that were in Tartarus to be allowed into their own little place in the Land of the Dead. Though, I don't know if Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold will affect them now." Artemis looks over the wolves.

"Great." Adrien mutters.

"Adrien?" Poseidon clears his throat.

"What do you want, sea god?" Adrien asks, pure poison dripping off his tongue.

"Do you truly hate me so much?" Poseidon whispers.

"Did you just now notice? And I thought I was being obvious." Then Adrien turns to Lycaon. "I'll go, but is it wise to go alone?" 

Lycaon shakes his head. "It is not. We will wait until you signal us to follow. But someone should go with you, who isn't of our kin."

"I can send a huntress with you." Artemis offers.

"Okay." Adrien nods. 

Artemis snaps her fingers and Phoebe appears, looking very confused. Adrien brightens immediately and flits to her side, surprising the gods but Apollo and Artemis at his speed. "Phoebe!" He exclaims and crushes her in a hug. 

Phoebe laughs and hugs him back. "Hey, Adrien. Mind explaining?" 

"We are going to the demigod camps to persuade them to listen to reason. I'll fill you in as we go." Adrien tells her.

Phoebe nods. "You got it."

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Til next we meet, my lovely readers!!!!!!!!!

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