Chapter Twenty Three-The Final Chapter

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Here it is! Look for my other stories to start getting updated! Have fun with this last chapter of this story my lovely readers!

Chapter Twenty Three: What Do You Think?

Point of View: Third Person

Adrien and Creselia end up having a child every decade, surprising all the other werewolves but their children. The werewolf population continues to grow and with all of Adrien's heirs he himself has, they head the numerous packs that roam. Lycaon is the happiest grandfather alive, even without a mate to call his own. Adrien and Creselia are always together and enjoying one another as they continue to run with the Hunt and Artemis.

Adrien's old name, Perseus Jackson, has been cleared, but he will never be the old identity he was. The Greks have apologized a thousand times over before they passed, and Adrien, to appease their soouls and to help them rest in peace, forgave them. He is still working on his forgiveness to Poseidon, which will most likely never happen. 

The Hunt has grown in size along with the werewolves. Mainly due to the fact that they have choices presented to them more firmly now that Adrien works to keep betrayal, evil, and corruption out of the world of myth as best as he is able. Even though he is a little uncomfortable with it, many demigods he grew through the first two wars with have joined either the Hunt or the pack.

Alice found her mate fourteen years after she decided to stay fifteen and all of Adrien's pups have mates. They all have their own children, which makes the werewolves very happy. Adrien's grudging explanation being, "The sea is to blame. It is very fertile whether you are male or female. If you are a descendant of the sea, whoever is the female of the pair is going to have many children. I may not like Poseidon or consider him my father, but the sea is in my blood. I cannot deny that."

The gods finally have a better outlook on the world and actually rule a lot better. Monsters don't bother demigods as much anymore with the werewolves being around them more often than not, even helping the satyrs in their manyduties, getting the lazy fawns to join the satyrs. They help a little with bringing new demigods to the camps and providing them with all the choices, whether they are Greek or Roman. 

Ten years after the war with Nightfall, the two camps were finally merged together as Camp Hero. New Rome is the center of the huge and growing camp while cabins and cohort buildings surround it and liter the property. The location of the camp was decided to be the majority of Long Island Sound while the satyrs have a new headquarters where Camp Jupiter used to be. A safe haven for all those who need it. A standby for protectors to bring demigods to escape from too many monsters. Where they also work on their restoration of the Wild and nature in general. Perfecting techniques of erradication pollution, which Adrien helps with.

Nightfall will never again arise, not even the evil Titans, the Giants, or Gaea. There is always the possibility of a threat arising, but all find safety in the fact at having someone like Adrien around.

All in all, a very.



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