Chapter Sixteen

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HIYA!!!!!!!!!! Off we go, my lovely readers!

Chapter Sixteen: Finding Darkness

Point of View: Third Person

Adrien holds the hand of his little girl as they walk through the Sanctuary. The tiny immortal growing faster than the average human child, but slower than the average immortal rate. She won't be full grown for awhile and she may choose on what age to stop at whenever she wants. Her father walks her into the house of her grandfather so she can spend time with Lycaon.

"Father!" Adrien calls as he walks through the entrance.

Lycaon comes forward out of the hallway and grins when he sees Alice. He picks her up, making the tiny girl giggle and hug her grandfather around his neck. But she looks back at Adrien. "Where are you going, daddy?"

Adrien smiles and kisses her chek, then gives Lycaon this look before his smile returns for his daughter. "Your mommy is busy today sweetheart and I have one tiny little thing to do before I come get you. You need to spend time with your granddad anyway. You said you missed him, so you get to play with him until I get back. It might take a little bit, but I'll be home soon."

Lycaon wipes the worried look off his face and draws Alice's attention so Adrien can leave. Lycaon turns and walks further into the house. "What do you want to do today, Alice?"

"Everything!" She exclaims and giggles.

Lycaon chuckles. "Alright. What are we starting with?"

"Hey, grandpa?" Alice asks.

"What is it, honey?" Lycaon smiles and kisses her forehead.

"How come I don't have a grandma?" Alice inquires innocently.

Lycaon smiles wistfully. "Oh, I just haven't found the right woman yet."

"Okay, grandpa. Can we play..." Alice begins to think.

Point of View: Adrien

'I have to find out who and what that evil presence is. It has been creeping up on me lately and I don't want it to find me near the Sanctuary.' I think.

I head towards a dark place, one that we werewolves ster clear of and for good reason.

'I hope this is a good idea...'

I walk into the shadowed part of the forest. This is where someone was betrayed. A werewolf turned on its own kin from corruption. His name was Tidas. He killed five others of the pack before Charvank stopped him. That was...700 years ago. Ever since, this part of the forest has been bad news for anyone and anything. Several others have met their end here.

I shiver as I reach the middle. A place like this is not wise for me to be in, due to how it turned dark. I feel something wrap up my legs and when I try to move, I am stuck in one place. I look down to find shadows keep me from moving.

A laugh sounds around the clearing and I growl. It is him. I knew he'd find me. "Show yourself! I'm tired of you hiding from me!" I call.

Suddenly, the shadows form up into a spiral and when the shadows burst, a man stands in their place. His eyes snap open and their color is pitch black, no whites at all. Just dark, glassy, tundras of evil and dark and malice.

"So, this time you have come in search for me. Care to share?" His voice is as grating and icy as I remember.

"I want to know who you are." I snarl.

This makes him chuckle. "Me? How adorable." He cackles and then he walks up to me, getting right in my face. "My name is Nightfall and you would know me as the Darkened One."

"Why are you so set on having my soul?" I snap.

"Well...I believe you already know. You are so used to being a tool, so used to being thrown into the thick of things. I want your soul to destroy Olympus. Don't you want revenge against the gods?" He puts a hand on my shoulder and I feel the shadows stop trapping me, gluing me to the spot I stand on.

"I put it behind me. I still hate them, but I won't kill them. Not with Artemis and Apollo that would side with them." I reply, a dangeous tone to my voice.

"Oh, so if I would just take you here and now, what would your reaction be?" Nightfall smirks.

"I won't let you take me and I certainly will not go willingly. Your coming means horrid things will happen to my kind. Why the change in heart? Are you tired of attacking us?" I tell him.

"Fine. I will change your mind about not coming with me." Nightfall grabs my chin and searches my expression and my eyes. "The change of heart isn't a change, it has grown. Not only will I attack the werewolves, but I will wage war against the gods as well. I will never get tired of attacking your kind. I am going to make you regret accepting the precious gift," He spits the word. "Of the werewolves. Then, I will make you into my pawn." He lets go of my face. "Go on. Go tell your fathers about me. I'm sure they'd love to hear it."

Then he's gone, sinking away into the shadows of the ground, taking the evil with him as he goes. Cleansing the woods to gain more power.

"Poseidon is not my father!" I yell.

But he's gone.

I growl and hit a tree, making it split and crash to the floor. I return to the Sanctuary, deep in thought.

On and on and on and on......See ya next chappie, my lovely readers!

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