Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Is He Going To Change? Will He? Can He?

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

~One Year Later~

"Will you accept the gift Perseus?" Lycaon asks me seriously. 

We stand in the Ceremony House. I stand in the middle with Lycaon, the entire werewolf race surrounding us. 

"I will." I answer. I am finally healed all the way. I'm just like I used to be, with a few more tricks up my sleeve. 

Lycaon beams at me and the others all holler their approval. Sylvia bounds forward to kiss me and hug me. Charvank bear hugs me and everybody else hugs me lightly or punches me on the shoulder. I follow Lycaon to the Ritual Room and he has me lay down on a natural wooden tree stump that serves as a table or altar. Palena is fully grown and watches from the corner as she settles down.  

Lycaon smiles down at me. I close my eyes and breath deeply. "You'll be just fine. When you wake up, don't freak out." Lycaon tells me. 

"I know. I won't." I tell him and he pats my shoulder. 

"Are you ready?" Lycaon asks after a minute. 

"Yes." I answer. 

"See you when you wake up son." I hear Lycaon tell me and then I feel him bite into my neck. 

Third person pov

Once Lycaon pulls away from Percy he sits next to Palena in he corner. "Whenever I do this and bring someone into our world, I always think about what humans call vampires. Those aren't real. Empousai are the closest we have." He sighs and Palena licks his face. 

Charvank comes in and looks at Percy's form on the table. Percy's breathing and heart rate rapid and increasing. The heat he normally has rolling off of him increasing the temperature around him to unbearably hot. His chest rising and falling quickly. The bite mark on his neck already gone. The tree table's edges surround him, it's used as a table and altar when it could really be a bed. 

"He will be alright. Lady Artemis wishes to see you. She awaits outside beyond the barrier." Charvank reports. 

"Will you watch him?" Lycaon asks his friend. 

"I'd be honored." Charvank smiles and grabs a chair to sit next to Percy. 

Lycaon leaves and ears for the entrance to their home. The Wolf Entrance seems to know Percy is inside and changing. It glows a navy blue and when Lycaon steps out, he sees the Hunters and the twin gods looking at the cave with wondering faces. Artemis is the first to notice him and bounds forward. She lands in front of Lycaon and starts to fire questions. 

"Hang on!" Lycaon holds up his hands and she quiets, but she is still bouncing with energy. "Okay, one question at a time." Lycaon tells her slowly. 

"Where is Percy? Is he changing? Why is the tunnel glowing? Why is it glowing that color? Where is Palena? Is Percy okay?" Artemis asks. 

"Or a bunch of questions in a slower manner works." Lycaon sighs. "Percy is lying down. I offered the gift and he took it without hesitation. That's why the tunnel is glowing. That's just the color Percy chose to radiate when he uses his aura. Palena is helping Charvank watch over him and he is fine." 

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