Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Oh boy...

Point of view: Third Person

Lycaon watches as the demigod he has come to love as his own son falls asleep without any worries, deep inside his home. He is concerned about the child's arms and the state he is in more so than ever now. When he first thought about accepting Percy into the werewolf family, he was going to turn him right there in the stream. But when he felt the poor child's sorrow and fear and longing rush through him from the powerful aura of depression he radiated, Lycaon knew that he should offer it to Percy willingly and see if the boy would accept, rather than forcing him to become his heir.

"I have grown attached to you, young one. I have a feeling you will live long and happy amongst my brethren. I just hope I can heal your deep, scarring wounds from the gods. I can sense the fear rolling off of you even when you sleep. You aren't truly free from your injuries in this state either, are you?" Lycaon speaks to Percy's sleeping form.

Percy whimpers and Lycaon moves to stand next to him. He leans down and presses his hand on Percy's forehead. Percy melts into the wolves lying around him, a peaceful expression now on his face instead of one of fear and anxiety. A wolf lies its head on Percy's stomach and another one curls around Percy's head.

"Sweet dreams, Perseus. I will be here when you wake. I will be your protector from now on. Someone you need in your life." Lycaon whispers and Percy smiles at his words unconsciously, causing the old werewolf to smile at the reaction.

~On Olympus~

Apollo sits in his throne, not paying attention to the meeting. No one would be surprised, he normally never listens. Only because he knew what was going on before they did and had to keep it to himself because of laws. So he acted like he never knew anything to keep his father from getting mad.

But this time is different. Ares notices that his brother is brooding and is uncharacteristically upset for some reason and decides to voice his findings. "What troubles you brother?"

Apollo looks up, surprised Ares of all people would notice his brother's different look today. The only day in many years he has not just played the fool. "'Tis nothing my brother. I shall be fine. Just a little thinking I'm doing on a particular mental term and its symptoms. One that normally does not pop up and I'm trying to help cure a patient of it." Apollo answers as he stares at the floor.

"It's not nothing if you are being that serious. Who's the patient?" Artemis asks.

"Someone who is severely traumatized and fears almost everything around them. The only one able to communicate with them without fear striking their heart is someone I never thought in all my years would ever be that soft. But it seems best that they help them heal. The poor child doesn't know who they are anymore and cannot cope without an older figure." Apollo replies and rubs his head, Artemis looks worriedly at her twin.

"How bad is it?" Artemis asks.

"So awful I can't believe I'm stuck in this damned situation with that, that freak to heal the kid. I want to rip that monster's throat out, but he is able to reach the patient in a way that I can't. It frustrates me to no end!" Apollo tells her.

"What monster? Who's the child?" Athena asks, trying to see if Apollo will calm down if they all knew.

"He might as well be a child in his state of mind. The poor thing, I can't even get near him without him cowering away from me." Apollo tells her, avoiding giving Athena a straight answer. "It matters not at the moment. What were we talking about? Perseus Jackson? Do we know where he is? Why would he disappear?" Apollo looks at Poseidon, who looks guilty and so does Zeus. "What did you two do? Don't think you can lie to me." Apollo narrows his gaze at the two brothers.

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