Chapter Seven

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I am trying to update every day, but I make no promises. Here is the next chapter my lovely readers!

Chapter Seven: The Details...In A Way...

Point of view: Third Person

"I think it's supposed to be your friend young one. Try holding it. It looks friendly enough." Lycaon tells him. 

Percy crouches down and reaches out to the unnaturally white bear. The bear watches him warily. When Percy touches it, the bear jumps at him and Percy catches it easily. It doesn't attack, but burrows into the warmth Percy always seems to radiate. Percy hugs it closer and rises, smiling at Lycaon. 

"Do you know what gender it is?" Lycaon asks Percy expectantly. 

"It's a female." Percy answers confidently. 

"Very good." Lycaon smiles at Percy proudly. 

The bear calls softly and Percy looks down at it, everybody now gathering closer to look at the scene unfolding. 

"I don't understand bear." Percy tells her. 

She just licks his face in answer. Percy giggles like a little kid. Which causes the bear to repeatedly mess with him, and Lycaon is watching with a warm smile. 

Percy looks up at Lycaon, the werewolf towering over him because of the natural height of werewolves. The women are the same height as normal human males. So Sylvia and Percy are basically the same height while most of the others are like skyscrapers. Lycaon pets the bear and it looks at him a lot like Percy does, making Lycaon happier. 

"Percy, do you wanna talk?" Artemis asks sweetly. 

"You're not mean like the other ones." Is all he answers with. 

Thalia holds out her hand and Percy eyes it warily. "C'mon Kelp Head. I'm nothing like my father, remember?" Thalia pleads with him. 

"Neither is Lady Artemis. She's a child of Zeus." Atalanta chimes in helpfully. 

Percy looks between the half-sisters as if determining how similar their personalities are and if the younger one is truly unlike her father. Percy nods and looks at Artemis, as if waiting. 

That's exactly what he's doing, Artemis realizes. She smiles kindly and starts to walk towards their camp. Percy follows after a little nudge from Lycaon. The cub still in Percy's arms, settled down and looking around like she'll bite off fingers if someone she doesn't approve of touches her new friend. 

"No offense to the bear, but does anyone else find it strange that a white bear, that has a resemblance to a grizzly, is out here all alone with no mother and no explanation?" Phoebe asks incredulously. 

"The forest made Palena." Percy whispers quietly. 

"Palena?" Thalia looks at him. 

The cub yelps sweetly and licks Percy on the cheek. Percy grins and puts the bear on his shoulders. Her front paws resting on top of his head and her back paws next to Percy's face. She looks around from the new height excitedly and starts padding at Percy's ears, sounding like she's talking. 

"Oh, now I understand you. That's nice." Percy smiles and points at a tree. She must say something to him because he replies back, "Yes, he is nice. I'm pretty sure he understands you though. Ask him." Percy turns and starts walking backwards with no problem. Weaving around trees with ease. 

Lycaon looks at the bear cub expectantly and walks next to Percy, letting him turn around to walk forward. Palena enjoying the swaying motion from the high point in the air. Lycaon chuckles at what the cub starts telling him. "I smell like a wolf because I'm a werewolf."

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