Lost Child?

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Anne Boonchuy glanced at the frog box on the shelf, to the sleeping receptionist, then back to her friends standing by the window to the antique shop. Sasha and Marcy gave her a thumbs up, but Jean shook her head, looking over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure no one was watching.
Anne wanted to trust the older teen, but she didn't want to disappoint Sasha and Marcy. Taking in a deep breath, she prepared herself. "Ok Anne, you can do this." She whispered. Grabbing the frog box, she stuffed it into her bag, before walking casually out the front door.
They were now in the park, and Jean was attempting to grab the box, when Anne opened it, enveloping all four of them in a blinding white light.

Jean awoke, letting out a yelp as she abruptly sat up. "MAN that was one crazy dream." She said. Suddenly, a large wooden spoon whacked her on the head. Letting out another yelp of pain, she turned to the assailant. There stood Pebbs, holding a wooden spoon as Flossie jumped up and down excitedly, oblivious to her mothers weapon. "You're awake! So glad yesterday wasn't a dream!"
Pebbs hummed in response, walking backwards out of the room as she held the spoon threateningly.

Jean chuckled nervously. "Hehehyeah...so glad..." she said, looking at the picture of the girls she left out all night. She frowned sadly, picking up the photograph. Flossie noticed. "Who are they?" She asked curiously, leaning over to take a closer look at the picture. Jean moved the picture around to let the axolotl see. "These are my friends." The human responded. She pointed to the curly-haired girl. "That one's Anne, she's a big softie. The blonde one is Sasha. She knows how to throw a good party. And finally there's Marcy, our little nerd."
Flossie glanced up at Jean. She had a small smile on her face. "They sound really important to you." She stated, tilting her head. The human sighed. "Yeah, they are. I just hope they're ok..." putting her picture away, she stared sadly out the window.
The axolotl placed a hand on Jean's shoulder. Startled, the human looked toward her. Flossie smiled up at her. "We'll find your friends."
Jean smiled too. "Thanks Flossie."

A loud yell from the kitchen drew their attention to the door. "Breakfast is ready!" Pebbs called. Flossie's eyes lit up. "FOOD!"
Darting out the door, Jean was left in the room by herself. She chuckled, shaking her head. "What a strange child." She mumbled, following the young axolotl to the kitchen.
Pebbs had the breakfast served out in wooden bowls. As she sat down, Jean noticed that Floss had insects in her bowl. She grimaced in disgust as her own bowl was placed in front of her. But, knowing that it was rude to not eat your hosts food, she began to eat.
Pebbs had her back to her, glancing every now and again to a small room to the right, a sign reading "Study Room" above it. "Alright Flossie, I want you and Jean to go out and collect mushrooms and fire-wood after finishing your breakfast. I'll be joining you after I finish cleaning up." Pebbs announced. "Yes mum!"
Jean pursed her lips, getting up. "You sure I shouldn't be resting?" She asked, pointing at her leg. Pebbs glanced over her shoulder, eyeing her. "It's not infected, and the cut isn't too deep. Washing and covering it should be fine." She stated, before turning back to the dishes. Jean eyed the ground for a minute, before Flossie dragged her outside.

The two trekked through the woods, picking mushrooms Flossie allowed. Jean picked up a stick, using it as a cane as she surveyed the area. "I don't think Pebbs likes me..." she muttered. Flossie perked up. "Who, mum? Nah, she likes you! This is just her way of showing she cares to new people!" She stated, swinging a stick around like a sword. Jean didn't believe her, but didn't say anything more.
Returning to the cabin, they each carried bundles of mushrooms back. "Now time to collect wood! We don't have to walk as far!" Flossie stated, grabbing a large basket. As she struggled to carry the large basket, Jean grabbed it. "I'll take this, I'll be fine." She said, taking the basket from the young axolotl. Flossie grinned, leading the human toward the forest.

Pebbs watched the two children leave from the window. Heading to the study, she sat down at her desk, looking down at a large, red book with a golden, six-fingered webbed hand. Reading the title, "Unusual Monsters from Other Dimensions" she started flipping through the pages. "Human...human....here it is." inhaling deeply, she began to read.
"Humans are one of the least dangerous creatures in the multiverse, though a little hostile to new beings. I had the fortune to meet one who was kind enough to let me stay and observe their behaviour." Skipping over a few paragraphs, she stopped when her eye caught the ages.
"The juveniles age gaps from newborn to 12yrs, before hitting adolescence, ranging from 13-17. Once reaching 18, they are considered adults."
Reading all she needed to know, Pebbs closed the book slowly. "She's only a child, then." She muttered. Hearing giggling sounding from outside, Pebbs moved toward the window.
Jean was pulling faces, pretending to impersonate someone as she told a story. Flossie clutched her stomach, laughter erupting from her.
Pebbs smiled softly at their interaction, closing the curtains. "She really is just a lost child..."

It was now night, and Jean was lying awake in bed, thoughts of the girls rushing around her head. Where were they? Were they ok? Were they in this universe too?
Hearing a knocking on her door, she lifted her head. Flossie was peeking into the room, holding a book close to her chest. "Hi, Jean. I couldn't sleep...You don't mind if I spent a bit of time in here, do you?" She asked timidly. She paused, holding out her book. "I-i brought my favourite book."
Jean smiled at the axolotl. "C'mon in." She replied, resting her head back once again. The albino axolotl was ecstatic, rushing into the room and sitting down on the end of the mattress. Placing the book in her lap, she begins reading quietly.
Jean looks at the book cover curiously. "That looks cool, what's it about?" She asks. Flossie lifts the book up, showing her the cover. "It's about magic! I've been studying this book for ages, about how some amphibians can possess and harness magical abilities! I've tried doing it, but it doesn't work..." she says, blushing a bit as she glances to the floor. The human inspected the child sympathetically. "Well, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it one day. You just...gotta believe in yourself, ya know?"
Flossie beamed. "You really think so?" She asked, hugging her book. Jean grinned back at her. "Of course, kid."

Pebbs yawned, carrying a candle as she moved through the house to her room. Stopping by Flossie's door, she opened it to reveal an empty bed. Quickly shuffling to the guest room, Pebbs noticed a small bundle wrapped in blankets on the bed, and another figure sleeping on the floor. The two snored away, and the newt chuckled to herself. Grabbing Flossie's blanket from her room, she placed it gently on the sleeping human.
"You're here for a reason, Jean." She whispered sadly, walking back to the door and closing it. "I don't know what it is, but hopefully no one will get hurt in the process." 

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