Bottlebrush Manor

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The Plantars and the girls were outside a Newtopian restaurant that Marcy had suggested to them. "Enjoy, everyone! This place makes the best beetle burger in all of Newtopia!" Marcy says, as her friends dig into their food.

Polly finishes her beetle burger in one bite. Bored, she spots Marcy writing in her journal. "What's that?"
"Oh, just my journal. I like jotting down theories and observations. You know, all about indigenous fauna, medicinal techniques,, customs and nuances of Amphibious species-based caste systems..."
Polly was already zoning out, blocking out Marcy's rambling.
"Sometimes I even do drawings!" The girl shows Polly a picture of the polliwog eating her burger. Polly gasps. "It looks just like me!"

Hop Pop claps. "Wow! Anne, Jean, have you two been keeping a journal too?" He asks the two girls. Jean shakes her head. "No, I hadn't really thought about that. What about you, Anne?"
Anne turns to face the table, two straws sticking out of her nose. "Look, guys! I'm a straw-lrus! Like a walrus, but with straws!"
Flossie, who was still wearing her cloak, giggles, while Sprig slaps his knee in laughter, wiping away a tear. "What's a walrus?"

At that moment, a waiter walks out with their bill. "Now who should I give the bill to?" He looks down at Anne, staring at her a moment. "Probably not you." He points out.Marcy raises her hand.
"Oh! I'll take it! It's, oh, let me guess...28 coppers?"
The waiter shows the bill, proving Marcy right. "Right you are."

All the amphibians and two humans clap. "Wow! Can you do math like that too, Anne? Jean?"
Jean chuckles. "I wish. If I had brains like Marcy, I would be top of my class." Marcy chuckles. "Aw, thanks Jean. But you're smarter than you give yourself credit for." She points out. Jean hums. "I don't think so, but okay."

Anne turns to Hop Pop, removing the straws from her nose. "Uh, you mean like with numbers and stuff?" She asks, unsure.

Polly rolls between them. "Can you imagine if Marcy got stuck with us instead of Anne? We'd be set for life!"
Anne looks hurt at this statement, and Hop Pop doesn't make it any better. "Hush, Polly. Think those thoughts, don't say them."

"Oh, yeah?" Anne starts. "Well...Agh! Look out!" She screams, as an arrow flies through the air above them. All duck as the arrow strikes the wall. "Someone's trying to kill us!" Hop Pop cries out in fear.

Marcy stands up, calming down her friends. "No, no. it's fine! It's just a message from the king!" Pulling off the paper from the arrow, she puts the arrow away and opens up the message. "Oh, correction: It's a puzzle-gram from the king." She chuckles.

The amphibians and two humans were confused, so Mary explained, showing them the message. "He's basically hidden clues around the city and when I collect them all, I get a message. Ah! It's so fun!" The girl squeals.
"Okay, this first symbol is a tree, so we should head towards Coral Park. Now come on, team. It's puzzle time!" She yells. Sprig jumps onto the table. "A puzzle tour of Newtopia? Count me in!" He yells excitedly, hopping ahead with Marcy.

Anne was about to follow, when she spots Jean and Flossie still sitting down. "Hey, you guys coming?" She asks. Jean waves her off. "Maybe later. Flossie and I were actually planning on finding her mum today. She's really excited to meet her." She explained. Anne gave her a thumbs up. "Oh, yeah, no problem dudes! I'll just tell Mar-mar and Sprig." She says, running off as well.

Flossie smiles up at her friend. "Thanks again for helping me, Jean. It really means a lot." She chuckles. Jean grins. "No problem. Now, let's get going. The sooner the better, right?"
"Heck yeah!" Flossie cheers, getting up. "See you later, Hop Pop!"
"Catch ya later, HP!" The two say, giving the elderly frog a wave. Hop Pop seems too engrossed in the menu to notice. But Polly begs them to take her with them.


"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you happen to know where a Lilly Bottlebrush lives?" Flossie asks a newt hopefully. The two friends had wandered around Newtopia for a while now, but no one had given them directions yet. That is, until now.
"Oh, you mean that celebrity actor? She lives in Bottlebrush Manor down on that street, one of the biggest ones there. Pretty easy to find. Good luck trying to get an appointment." The newt states, pointing in a direction. The axolotl and human thank them, before heading in that direction.
"Wow, this is so much easier! Maybe I should wear this cloak all the time." Flossie says. Jean frowns at her statement. "Well...I don't think you should hide yourself just to please other people." She points out. Flossie shrugs. "Meh, I'm sure everyone's done it at least once. Besides, it's just for a little while." She states.

The axolotl and human stop in front of a gate. In big, bold letters were the words "Bottlebrush Manor" hanging over the gate. Inside, a long pathway led to a large mansion, just like the newt said.
Flossie grins from ear to ear, practically vibrating on the spot. "Oh-my-frog-oh-my-frog! This is it!" She squeals. Jean only looks up at the mansion, brows furrowing in confusion. If Lillly had succeeded in her dreams...why didn't she come back for Floss? All of a sudden, Jean felt a sinking feeling in her gut.

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