Anne of the Year

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Jean, Flossie and Pebbs stood amongst the Wartwood town, awaiting the announcement on who would be this year's Frog of the Year.
"Man, what is with this crowd?" Anne asked, as the Plantar's came up and stood beside them. "Are fruit flies on sale or something?" She chuckled at her own joke, as Flossie jumped up and down on the spot, waiting impatiently for the announcement.
Hop Pop shook his head at her statement. "No. Today's the day they announce the Frog of the Year award." Anne was confused by this, tilting her head in confusion. "Frog of the what?"
"Frog of the hoppin' Year, Anne! Every year, the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best embodies the values of Wartwood." Sprig explained, jumping on the humans shoulder. Jean raised a brow at the 13yo. "We all voted last week. Didn't you?" She asked. Anne shook her head. "Nope. I don't remember anything of it. Wonder why."


Anne sat on the Plantar's couch, absorbed in her music. The Plantars stood at the doorway. "Anne, we're gonna go vote for Frog of the Year now. Wanna come?" Hop Pop asked.
Anne shook her head to the beat. "No, you'll never make me go." She sang. Hop Pop rolled his eyes. "Okay, then." And with that, they left Anne at home.
"Break it down!"

End Flashback

Jean hummed. "Huh, maybe I didn't see you here last week." She muttered to herself.
"Alright, folks." Mayor Toadstool said, hopping onto the stage. "It's time! As you all know, the Frog of the Year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah...Let's get on with it." He took an envelope from Toadie, opening it. "And this year's Frog of the Year award goes to-well, this can't be right. Anne Boonchuy?"
The crowd let out a gasp, before loud cheers where heard all around. Anne was stunned, as Jean picked her up in a tight hug. "Yeah! Go Anne!" She squealed. Letting her back down, she pushed her toward the stage. "Go get em' Anne! Get up there!"
As Anne walked up to the stage, Hop Pop wiped a tear from his eye. A Plantar, Frog of the Year. I'm so proud." He sniffed. Jean chuckled, as she looked at Flossie and Pebbs. Both were still happy for Anne, but Flossie had lost her previous excitement.
The human hopped onto the stage, looking out at the cheering crowd. She felt honoured that they would vote for her. "Wow! Thanks, everyone. I don't know what to say." She exclaimed. "I do." The Mayor interrupted. He turned to the town of Wartwood angrily. "Are you people out of your frog-dang minds? She don't deserve to host a party with a partner!" He yelled. Anne perked up at the word "party".
"Party? What party?" She asked excitedly. Toadie spoke up equally as excited. "Oh, its one of our oldest traditions! The Frog of the Year and a partner of their choice has to put on an incredible party for the whole town!" He informed.
"Yeah. And that party is supposed to demonstrate the Frog of the Year's selflessness. Anne isn't selfless. Far from it." He yelled.
Jean glared at the Mayor from the crowd. "Oh, I bet he's just jealous nobody voted for him." She muttered. Flossie, who'd overheard her, giggled.
Anne glared at the toad mayor as well, taken aback by his outburst. "W-You don't know me! I'll prove I deserve this by putting on a party so big, it'll blow all your minds!"
Her voice echoed throughout the town, as the crowd went quiet, murmuring to themselves. "I don't want my mind blown..."
Jean stepped to the front, spreading her arms out to calm them down. "That's a good thing!" She said.
The crowd went back to cheering, relieved.
Mayor Toadstool stared blankly at Jean, before walking off the stage. "I'm looking forward to seeing this go down in flames." He grinned.
Jean hopped onto the stage, wrapping an arm around Anne's shoulder. "Eh, don't listen to him. I bet you'll throw the biggest and besets party anyone's ever seen!" She said. Anne smiled at her. "Thanks. That good for nothing slug will-"
The Plantars hopped over to the stage as the crowd dispersed. "So, who'll you pick to be your partner?" Sprig asked. Anne scratched her chin, her gaze switching between Sprig, Jean, Hop Pop, and Polly. Her eyes lit up as she noticed a familiar figure making her way to the stage. "I think I'll choose Flossie!" She announced, hopping off the stage. Hearing her name, Flossie turned around. "Huh?"
It was now Anne's turn to wrap an arm around Flossie, bringing her close. "Floss and I haven't had any girl time together, so I thought "Hey, why not spend time with Flossie? And what better way then having her as my partner in hosting this year's Frog of the Year party!""
Flossie's eyes widened at the statement. "Really?" She whispered. Her eyes sparkled in awe and wonder. Anne shot finger-guns her way. "Yep! I hope you guys don't mind." She said to the others. Jean was ecstatic. "Heck yeah! You go girls!"
Anne and the excited Flossie walked off, making plans together for the party. With a satisfied sigh, Jean watched the go. A thought occurred to her, and she turned to Pebbs. "You never did tell me who you voted for. Let me guess, you voted for Anne?" She chuckled. Pebbs was quiet for a moment. "Actually, we voted for you, Jean?"
Jean was stunned. "Huh?"
"Anne isn't the only one who's changed, Jean. You've changed since you've come here. You've learned to stand up for yourself, to trust others judgement, and protected those you care about. You've helped a lot of people, and even helped Flossie grow and make friends. For that, i'm grateful. I'm glad you came here." Pebbs said.
Jean wiped the tears from her eyes. "Gosh, you need to stop making me cry, Pebbs. Thank you." She mumbled, hugging the newt.

Back at the Plantar's house

Anne put a plan out on the table, showing the two families what Flossie and herself had planned. "Boom! Here are my plans for throwing the best party ever and proving that Mayr wrong." She exclaimed. "Stupid mayor with his stupid dumb face." She muttered angrily.
"Anne, don't worry about what the mayor said." Jean tried to comfort. Sprig nodded in agreement. "Just have fun throwing your party!" He included.
"You're Frog of the Year!" Polly piped up.
Anne waved the trio off. Right, right, right, right. Okay, guys, listen up. A great party has three ingredients: entertainment, exclusivity, and spectacle." She turned to Flossie, who handed her two mics. "Hop Pop, Jean, you two are in charge of entertainment." She informed, handing the two mics to them. "I dub thee Masters of Ceremonies."
Hop Pop's eyes glistened, as he gratefully took his mic. "I've been waiting for this day my whole life." He whispered. Jean took hers. "Cool. This'll be fun." She said with a smile.
Flossie turned to Polly. "Polly, exclusivity! It's your job to decide who gets into the party, and who doesn't." She said. Polly gasped. "I can't wait to abuse this power!" She yelled.
Anne turned to Pebbs. "Pebbs, your assigned to making our outfits. You decide what is appropriate, and what isn't." She said. Pebbs looked up from her book, raising her brow. "And who told you I was a retired fashion designer." She said, turning her gaze to her daughter. Flossie smiled sheepishly, holding her hands behind her back. Pebbs sighed. "Alright. But don't expect too much from me." She said, pulling a pencil and book out of her hair as she took notes as she walked away. Anne watched her go. "How long have those been in there?" She asked curiously. Flossie shrugged. "I don't know."
Sprig jumped on the table excitedly. "And what about me?" He asked in a singsong voice. Anne looked down sternly at the young frog. "Sprig, you have the most important job of all: the spectacle."
Sprig jumped up and down on the spot, excited for his part. "Oh my frog oh my frog oh my frog!"
"At the're going to tell Ivy how you feel about her!" Anne exclaimed. Sprig paled at the news. "Wha-huh?"
"Yup. A legendary party needs a legendary spectacle." Anne said, handing the frog a magazine. "Can you imagine how excited party-goers will be to see true love blossom before their eyes?" She asked excitedly.
Sprig seemed unsure of the whole situation. "I'm not really sure I'm ready for this." He replied nervously. Anne fell on the couch, begging him. "Sprig, please! I need your help to make this party amazing."
Sprig groaned, but smiled at her. "Okay." He said. Anne cheered, picking up Flossie. "Come on, everyone. Let's bring the thunder!"

Anne and Flossie walked throughout the centre of Wartwood, where the party wood be held. Flossie held a clipboard, checking off things that were finished and noting what needed to be done, while Anne encouraged everyone on, pointing out minor details that would need to be rearranged.
The two walked over to Hop Pop and Jean. "Alright, Mr and Miss. MC, let's hear some jokes." She said. Jean frowned at the nicknames in disgust. "Please don't call us that." She shivered. Hop Pop looked down at his notes. "Okay. Have you heard about the snail who went on a diet? He's a shell of his former self!"
Flossie giggled, while Anne stared blankly into space, placing a hand on her chin in thought. "Hm. Okay, okay. A little soft, but keep working on it."
Sprig was breathing heavily, standing in front of a dummy of Ivy. Anne walked over with arms outstretched. "Sprig, my man. Let's see how that romantic proposal is going." She said. Flossie looked up from her clipboard, curious to see what Sprig was gonna do to ask out his crush.
Sprig cleared his throat. "So it's gonna go a little something like this, okay?" He began walking toward the dummy nervously. "Uh, Ivy, i got, uh, s-something to tell you, uh-" he let out a yelp as he tripped on a rock, knocking into the dummy of Ivy. Falling to the ground, he rubbed his head and let out a scream as dummy Ivy's head fell into his lap. Anne pulled at her hair in exasperation. "No, no! This needs work too!" She let out a gasp as her gaze wondered to Polly. "Polly! That's not what those are for!"
Polly giggled. "Says you." She replied, swinging her new weapon around. It struck a frog walking by, sending him into large crates and knocking him out. Mayor Toadstool and Toadie walked by. "What'd I tell you, Toadie? She's gonna be the worst Frog of the Year ever." He complained.
His words echoed around Anne's mind, and she let out a groan, grabbing Flossie's clipboard and throwing it to the ground. "No, no, no, no! I told you guys. This party has to be lit! At this rate, its gonna be lame! Hop Pop, Jean, lemme see those jokes." Before he could answer, she snatched the jokes from his hands, reading through them. "You know what? Written jokes are pasśe. Get up there and do some improv." She ordered. Hop Pop was unsure about this. "Improv? I've never done that before." He said anxiously. Jean nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Anne. I don't think any of us are comfortable-" she started, but Anne hushed them, pointing to Sprig. "Sprig, work on that proposal. Get some confidence."
The human then began to point out all the work everyone had been doing a few minutes before. "Loggle! I'm gonna need you to redo that statue. Make it cooler."
"You serious?" Loggle complained.
"Stumpy, you gotta throw that slop out and replace it with somethin' fancier. Like, I don't know. Sashimi." She ordered. Stumpy stared at her in confusion. "What's a Sashimi?" He asked.
"It's fresh fish, okay? Get it. Burn these decorations and get new ones. Replace that jug band with a DJ. And where the heck is that chocolate fountain!?"
Anne breathed heavily as everyone stood around her in awkward silence. Flossie picked up her clipboard. "Uh...Anne? Don't you think you're taking this a little too seriously?" She asked timidly.
"NO! Now, hop to it, everyone. We've only got 12 hours left. Hop! Hop!"
Everyone hurriedly hopped off, as Flossie was left with the stressed out Anne.

Bright lights lit up the night sky, as a line of excited frogs began to murmur amongst themselves. Polly pointed to random frogs in line. "You. You. Uh-uh! Not you!" She growled, pointing to One-eyed Wally. He let out a sad sigh, laying on the ground. "Aw..."
"I'm just kidding, Wally. Get in there!"
Wally leapt up from the ground. "Validation!" He chuckled, running into the party.
The crowd of frogs were met by a well dressed Anne and Flossie. Anne wore a tux, bearing the Frog or the Year sash, as well as holding a new cane. Her hair was combed back to look more presentable. Flossie wore a purple dress with mushroom designs, holding her clipboard. Her hair was tied into a frilly ponytail, as she smiled at the guests.
"Welcome, my friends, to the bus Frog of the Year party ever!" Anne announced, gesturing to the party. Fireworks went off, and the crowd gasped in amazement.
Mayor Toadstool looked around at the party, waiting in line for the meal."Alright, Stumpy. What do we got here?" He asked. Stumpy pat the giant fish laying on his stand. "This is Sashimi. He's a mudskipper." he informed. The Mayor perked up at this. "Ooh. And is it, uh, fresh?" He asked curiously. Stumpy shrugged. "Well, ya can't get fresher." He muttered.
The giant mudskipper jumped to life, letting out a roar as it chased Toadstool around the party.
Hop Pop and Jean stood on stage. The elderly frog fumbled with his mic, sweating nervously as he surveyed the crowd. Jean couldn't help but feel anxious as well. "Why couldn't I have played guitar." She hissed quietly through her teeth, giving the crowd a big smile.
Alright, folks. It's time for some improv." Hop Pop chuckled. He pointed to a random frog in the crowd. "You, sir, where are you from?" He asked. The frog shrugged. "I'm from the same town as you, buddy." He replied.
"Oh! Great." He chuckled, as the crowd began to murmur. Jean watched them for a second, before pointing to the Mayor still running around. "Oh, hey! Would you look at that! It, uh, looks like someone wanted to a live fish?" She said, smiling widely. The crowd stared blankly at her, before beginning to boo. Jean's smile fell, as she watched the crowd judge her and Hop Pop.

Sprig walked by the stage, looking around for Ivy. He found her kicking at a firefly light, making it pop unexpectedly. "Whoa."
The young frog gulped. "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this." He muttered, slapping himself in the face. "For Anne!" He screamed, running at Ivy and yelling.
As he drew near, Ivy noticed him. "Oh, hey Sprig." She said. Sprig froze, going pale and whimpering. The frog ran away screaming, running pass the DJ frog. The DJ frog had his ears covered, not liking the sound of the music.
Some frogs on the dance floor grumbled. "I don't know how to dance to this." they complained. Anne rushed over to them. "Like this, you guys, like this!" She said angrily, demonstrating her own dancing. The frogs walked off as Flossie came over to Anne. "Anne, no body is enjoying the party. They keep saying the food isn't edible and the music is too loud and foreign." She said with a worried face.
Hop Pop rushed over, sweating anxiously. "Have someone else do your comedy, Anne! I can't go back out there!" He yelled, passing Anne the mic. Anne tried to stop him, as Flossie looked over to the stage to see Jean awkwardly standing there, the crowd booing her.
The crowd screamed, and both girls looked up to see the mudskipper bouncing around, chasing random frogs and trying to eat them.
Flossie dropped her clipboard, looking around in dismay. Anne sighed, taking off her sash. "This party stinks. Some selfless Frog of the Year I turned out to be." She muttered. Flossie put a hand on her shoulder, about to say something to her when they both heard a villager scream. The mudskipper was chasing them up a flight of stairs, crashing into the statue of Anne and knocking it over. It scared the frogs wielding fire torches, and they threw them away in a panic, setting the entire party ablaze.
"At least the party's "lit" now, Anne." Loggle stated. Anne and Flossie glanced around at the panicked crowd in danger. Looking back down at her sash, Anne clenched her fist. I'm fixing this right now." she yelled. She turned to Flossie. "You with me, Floss?"
The axolotl grinned, nodding as Anne rushed toward the mudskipper. Leaping off the chocolate fountain, she leapt onto the giant fish's back, using the sash to rein it around to Flossie. With one swift motion, she swept the axolotl off the ground, placing her behind her as she turned the mudskipper toward the chocolate fountain. "Can you use your powers to control the chocolate like water?" She asked. Flossie raised her hand, concentrating with all her might. She growled in frustration when the chocolate fountain did nothing. "Ugh! It won't work! Must only work for water. But it's too dry!" She yelled.
"Hold on!" Anne lead the mudskipper toward the Mayor.
"I knew it! Didn't I say it'd be a disaster?" Mayor Toadstool boasted, as Flossie yanked him away from harms way.
"Mayor Toadstool, we need your help to save the town." Anne said. The mayor scoffed. "Me? Work with you two? Ha!"
The two girls glared at him angrily. "Okay, well, just this once." He muttered. Anne turned her gaze back in front of her. "Great. I'll steer, you two grab." She instructed. "Don't tell me what to do!"
The trio rushed around the fiery party, Flossie and Toadstool snatching the villagers and placing them on the mudskipper's back. When they had everyone, Anne turned to Flossie and Toadstool. "We gotta put this fire out. You ever use a chocolate fountain Floss?"
"I think I got it."
Heading toward the fountain, Flossie grabbed the hose, and Anne led the mudskipper around the town. They put the fire out, saving the town and villagers from danger.

The mudskipper wheezed, flopping to the ground in exhaustion. Flossie jumped down first. "Whoo! We did it!" She yelled. Anne hopped down as well, a sad look on her face. "Yeah. We did." She muttered. The Mayor jumped down as well, turning to the human. "You were right about me, Mayor. I am selfish. I got so obsessed with proving I deserve this, I ruined everything." She handed Mayor Toadstool the sash. "I'm no Frog of the Year. Why did anyone even vote for me?"
Everyone was silent. Hop Pop sighed, stepping forward. "Anne, we didn't vote for you because you're flawless." he chuckled. "Far from it. We voted for you because of how far you've come. You've grown so much in your time here, and this town just wouldn't be the same without you."
Anne's eyes widened, as the crowd cheered in agreement to Hop Pop's statement. Mayor Toadstool threw his hands in the air. "Gosh dang it, I tried to fight it, but I have to say, even I'm a little impressed with how you just saved the town from a raging inferno. Here. This belongs to you." he handed Anne the sash. Turning to Flossie, he ruffled her hair. "And you picked a great partner. I gotta say she was pretty selfless too." Flossie giggled, as Anne smiled. "Thanks, Mayor." She sniffed.
The Mayor waved his hand around dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it. Now come on, everyone. Lets try to salvage this party, shall we?" He said, as everyone cheered.
Jean walked up to Anne, ruffling her hair. "Look at these people, Anne. You've done them proud." she stated, hugging the younger human. Seeing Flossie she brought her into a hug too. "You've both made me proud."

The frogs danced to folk music with their partners. Stumpy handed out stew, giving his new pet mudskipper a belly rub.
Anne, Jean, Flossie and Sprig sat at a table, watching the party. "Sorry I tried to rush you into confessing your love Ivy." Anne apologised. "You do that when you're good and ready."
Sprig smiled. "Thanks, Anne. When the moment strikes, i'll know it." He said. "Hey, Sprig." Ivy greeted, walking up to the group. She stood awkwardly in front of them, avoiding eye-contact. "There's something I've, uh, been ask you. I, you, um..." she stammered, shutting her eyes tightly. "Do you think you'd wanna go out with me sometime?" She finally blurted out, peeking to the young frog.
Sprig's eyes sparkled, gasping as Anne squealed from behind him. Flossie joined Anne in her squeals, and Jean chuckled at little shipping girls.
Ivy's face glowed a bright pink. "Never mind. I'm stupid. This is stupid. This is stupid." She back peddled, pulling her beanie over her face as she walked away. Sprig hopped off the table, calling out to her. "Ivy, wait."
Ivy turned around, peeking out from under her beanie. Sprig smiled. "I'd love to. Mlep!" He said, pulling his own cap over his eyes.
Ivy blushed, smiling.
"Wanna dance?"
"Heck yeah!"
The two ran off giggling, as Flossie gasped. "They're so cute!" she squealed. Anne nodded excitedly. "I know, right?!"
Jean chuckled again. "You girls are such shippers." She said. The other two giggled, as Flossie stood up. "Ima go get a drink, be right back!" She informed, heading over to Stumpy.
The two humans watched her go, when they heard a cough from Toadie. "Miss Frog of the Year, Miss Jean. There's someone waiting at the bridge for you. They say they're a friend." He informed. The two girls glanced at each other. Anne raised a brow. "....a friend?"

Flossie was returning to the table, bearing three cups of drinks with great difficulty. "Hey! I got you two a drink...two....Anne? Jean?"

The two humans made their way out of the party, to the outskirts of town. All was dark, as they noticed a figure standing on the bridge, their cape blowing in the wind. Anne squinted at the figure, trying to get a better look.
The figure turned to them, their armour clanking as they moved.
Letting out a gasp, they pulled the cowl of their hood back. "Anne? Jean?!"
Anne and Jean's eyes widened. "Sasha?!" They yelled in unison, the two younger girls squealing in excitement.
"Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's really you guys!" Sasha yelled. The trio ran to each other, clutching at each other tightly.
"Oh my gosh! You're here too? I wasn't sure! I woke up all alone. Is Marcy with you? I've missed you so much!" Anne ranted, as she hugged her again. Jean pulled Sasha into a head-lock, ruffling the girl's hair. "C'MERE YOU LITTLE RAGGEDY TROUBLE-MAKER!" She yelled. "This is way over-due! Where have you been?"
Sasha managed to pull herself away, laughing as well. "Jean! Haha. I'll fill you in later. For now, I'm just glad I found you guys. We came as soon as we heard." Sasha said.
Anne was taken aback by what she said. ""We"?" She asked, confused. Sasha nodded. "Yup. Just me and some friends of mine." She informed, pointing into the darkness.
At first, the girls couldn't see anything. A firefly buzzed by something, lighting up a scarred face and grin, before it was eaten, putting whatever it was in darkness once again.
A pair of eyes glowed from the darkness.
"Nice to finally meet you, Anne Boonchuy and Jean Goodmen."
A voice said from the darkness, as over a dozen more eyes glowed in the dark.

A/N: Haha they're in danger.
also, 17 DAYS LEFT 

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