Teen Girl in a Frog World: Cattail Catastrophe

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Anne, Sprig and Flossie ran ahead of Jean, giggling. Running up to a cliff, Sprig easily jumped onto the ruins stacked on the other side. Anne and the axolotl came to a halt. "Whoa! Dude, I don't think we can make it across this gap." Anne pointed out, looking at the ground down below.
Jean, who'd caught up with them, sighed. "I'll go find a log or something. You guys wait here." She ordered, before walking off.
A moment of silence followed.
"...she's gonna be awhile." Anne pointed out.
Sprig hummed in thought, before grinning widely. "I've got an idea!" Hopping back to their side, he grabbed onto a cattail and pulled it down. "Get on this cattail and I'll fling you two across!" He said.
Anne and Flossie cheered, sitting on the cattail. "Fling! Fling! Fling!" Flossie chanted.
Sprig started having second thoughts, and he hesitated. "Actually, this seems very dangerous..." he muttered.
"Sprig." Anne placed a hand on the pink frogs head. "Fling us, bud."
The axolotl chants grew louder. "FLING! FLING! FLING! FLING!"
Sprig shrugged. "Okay."
With that, he let go of the cattail. The two flew into the air, screaming as they started fading off into the distance. Sprig gasped. "I can't believe they're gone...and having so much fun without me!"
Hopping onto the cattail, he flung himself in their direction, screaming. Soon enough, he caught up to the two. "Oh cool, dude. You caught up."

Jean dragged a large log back to the cliff, struggling. "Whew! I'm back guys, sorry I took so- guys?"
Looking around, she found none of the kids in sight. "Maybe they went back home?"
Hearing a distant scream, the human looked toward the horizon, where 3 small figures were falling from the sky.
Squinting her eyes, she started freaking out when she realised who they were. "OH FROG, OH FROG, OH FROG! ANNE! SPRIG! FLOSS! I'MA COMING!"
Looking around, she caught sight of the cattail. Pulling it back, she flung herself toward the 3 figures falling in the sky without a second thought.

A/N: Haha, she has no idea how to get them all down safely. 

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