Night at the Ruined Inn

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"Wow, that was a long trip! Travelling to towns just to trade IS a big thing for you." Jean commented, to which Flossie nodded tiredly. "Yeah, luckily we only have to do it weekly." She giggled. Holding up a bottle, she lifted her hand. A small bubble of water floated from the bottle, hovering above her hand.

"Hey, you're getting better! In no time you'll be a natural!" Jean said, causing Flossie's eyes to sparkle.
Pebbs smiled warmly at the girls, keeping her eyes on the road ahead. Her smile faded as she saw a hooded figure up ahead. "Huh, a hitch-hiker. Wonder what they're doing out here this late." She muttered. Drawing closer, she pulled up beside the figure. "What seems to be the problem?" She asks, as Boris started to graze once more. The figure chuckled, making the human and her friends uneasy.
"You wouldn't mind if you gave us some food, would you?" They asked. Pebbs shrugged. "I guess, we have things we've harvested, things we've collected...." She trailed off, looking through the bags. But Jean stared at the figure in confusion. "What do you mean by "us"?" She asked suspiciously.
The figure laughed, stretching out their arms. "I mean all of us. GET EM' GIRLS!"
Without warning, more hooded figures jumped from the bushes around them. One jumped down on the wagon, grabbing Jean from behind. Kicking and screaming, Jean struggled to get away. Another grabbed Pebbs by her arm. She was quick to grab her cane, whacking the figure over the head with it repetitively. A third grabbed Flossie, hauling her up and over their shoulder.
Jean watched as the third one holding Flossie jumped from the wagon, running off with the screaming and panicking axolotl.
Time slowed. As Jean watched the figure escape, she felt her anger boil up inside of her. "No one messes with my friends!" She yelled. Biting down on the arm holding her, the figure let out a cry of pain. Elbowing the figure in the face, the figure was sent stumbling off the wagon. Jumping down from the wagon, Jean snatched Pebbs cane, swinging at the figure trying to haul her off the seat.
Dashing after Flossie, she reached the hooded figure within seconds. In a furious rage, she smashed the cane upon the figure's head. The figure stumbled, collapsing to the ground as it dropped the axolotl. Flossie fell to the ground, backing away from the unconscious body.
Jean panted, marching toward the final figure. Letting out a yelp, the figure turned around to run, but Jean had already caught up to them, knocking them off their feet. The hood of the figure had fallen off, revealing a male frog.
The human towered over the trembling frog, a menacing aura radiating from her. The frog started to whimper. "P-please! Have mercy! I swear, we didn't mean it! We've already lost our home to one like you!" Jean glared down at the frog, grabbing his jacket and drawing him to her face. "What do you mean "one of us"?! What was her name!?" She yelled. The frog whimpered more. "I-i don't know! They just said something about kem-is-ty and blew up our home!"
Jean thought for a moment, not understanding what the frog meant. "Kem-i...chemistry. It's chemistry. Ugh, which one of the girls likes chemistry?!" She groaned, letting go of the frogs jacket.
The frog curled up into a ball, whimpering and begging for the human to spare his life. Jean glared down at the frog, scoffing at him in disgust. "Get out of my sight." She growled. Scrambling away, the frog lifted the bodies of the other hooded figures, and vanished into the night.
Jean lifted the cane to her shoulder like a cricket bat, she turned to face her friends. Pebbs was clutching Flossie close, staring at the human, while Flossie stared at her in adoration.
"Jean! That was amazing! Those guys won't be picking on us-or anyone else-anytime soon!" She cried, running out of Pebbs arms and hugging Jean. Jean bent down, hugging the axolotl back in relief. "I'm just glad you guys are ok." She said. Glancing up at Pebbs, Jean looked away at Pebbs unreadable expression. Sighing, she let Flossie go, standing up to face the newt. "Look, I can see why you won't want me around anymore..." she started, but Pebbs raised a hand to silence her. Taking in a deep breath, Pebbs smiled at the human. "Jean...that was very brave of you. You helped us out, when you could've run away. Thank you." With that, she wrapped Jean in a hug. A bit surprised, Jean hugged back.
"Now, let's get home before anymore Horned Bull Frogs come out of the bushes." Pebbs chuckled. All three jumped back on the wagon, and with a flick of the reins, they were off back home.

Jean smiled at Flossie practising her magic, but her mind wondered back to the frogs words. One of the girls was nearby, and she had to find them. 

A/N: sorry if all of this is rushed, i gave myself a deadline for this book. 

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