Anne Hunter

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A/N: I've rewritten the chapter (partly) and there's some spoilers for The Core and the King

The Plantars and their companions were setting up camp, taking shelter in a wooded area. Jean was helping Sprig set up the tent, Flossie collected firewood, Anne was busy laying out a blanket and Polly sat on the log, watching them. Hop Pop hums a tune as he cooks them dinner. Turning to the kids, he brings over a covered tray. "Okay, dinner's ready." He announces. The kids let out cheers. "Whoo-hoo!"
"I'm starving!"
The kids sat down, as Hop Pop placed the covered tray on the makeshift table stump. "Hold on to your butts. Bam!" Taking off the lid, he reveals their dinner: a single stick. "Stick surprise!"
Everyone's excited smiles faded, sighing. Sprig turns to his grandfather. "Hop Pop, this isn't food." He states. Hop Pop grins at them. "But I didn't tell you what the surprise is!"
The kids perked up once again.
"Alright there's no surprise." Everyone let out groans of disappointment. Hop Pop sighs. "Sorry, kids. This journeys been longer than expected." He explains. "And we're all out of food."
Polly chuckles, reaching into her bow and taking out a biscuit. "No food, huh? That's what you plebes think." She mumbles to herself, taking a bite of her biscuit before putting it back in her bow. Anne clutches her hair. Noticing her stressed state, Flossie gives her a pat on the back.
"Ugh! This is all my fault. I dragged you guys out here to figure out how to get us home, and now we're all gonna starve to death." She places her head in her hands. Jean, who'd been sitting quietly by herself, gives Anne a sympathetic glance.
The Plantars and Flossie burst into laughter, and the two humans give them confused looks. Sprig turns to Anne with a smile, wiping away the tears of laughter. "We're not gonna starve to death." He explains. "This is our chance to find food the way nature hunters!"
The brunette scratches her chin, deep in thought. Jean turns to Flossie. "Hey Floss, why don't we go out and harvest? We haven't done anything together since we started this journey." She asks. Flossie grins. Standing up, she strikes a heroic pose as she pulls out a familiar looking dagger. "It is time to live up to the Harveston name! We'll go harvesting for small bugs and plants to eat!" She announces to Hop Pop. Hop Pop nods.
"Alright. But be back before dark." He orders. Jean gives him a thumbs up in understanding. "Okie dokie! Alright, let's go Floss." She chuckles.
The axolotl lets out a cheer, holding up her dagger dangerously as she charges into the woods. The older teen chases after her. "Flossie, put that away before you hurt yourself!"


Jean and Flossie walked through the woods. Flossie's arms were full of bugs, while Jean helped carry the plants.
"This is so fun! I... missed our adventures. Just the two of us." Flossie comments, struggling to carry the pile of dead bugs. Jean chuckles. "Yeah, I missed them too. But hey, we also get to have amazing adventures with Anne and the Plantars, am I right?" She says, ruffling up Flossie's messy, curly hair. The axolotl giggles, but her mind wandered elsewhere. "Jean...what are you gonna do when know- find a way home? What will be the first thing you do when you get back?"
Jean pauses. "Hm. I'm not quite sure. I didn't think that far. I'll probably try and find my phone, if it didn't land here in Amphibia, that is. Have a proper shower maybe, and try on every single one of my clothes again." She laughs at her own jokes. "Then maybe see Charlie and tell her I'm okay..."

Who are you kidding? She's probably forgotten all about you. She's probably moved on, even gotten herself a partner.

Flossie glances at the older teen, who was looking at the ground with a frown. Jean shakes her head, turning to the axolotl with a smile. "Anyway! What are you gonna do when you get to Newtopia?" She asks. Flossie grins, relieved. "Oh! I'll definitely see what the city is like, and find my mum! I wanna know what she's like. Is she nice? She has to be nice, right?" She seemed a little more anxious now.
Jean, after placing all the plants carefully into one hand, brings the axolotl into a side hug. "I'm sure she's great, Floss." She reassured. Flossie leans her head on Jean's side.
Catching sight of a nearby bush, she points excitedly to it. "Oh look! There's some more berries!" Many of the bugs she held fell out of her arms, and she hurriedly picked them up. Taking a look at the axolotl struggling, Jean has an idea. "Hey, why don't you head back? I'll get these berries for you." She says.
Flossie chuckles awkwardly. "Yeah, I should probably do that. Thank you Jean! See you back at camp!" With that, the axolotl leaves.

The older teen watches her go, before turning back to the bushes. She plucks the blueberries for a while, placing some in her pockets. "Huh, wonder what these taste like." She wonders, about to put one in her mouth.
Loud screams resounded throughout the woods, causing Jean to drop the food. "Oh no, they're in trouble!" Getting up, she runs toward where they set up camp.

This has gotten interesting.


As Jean ran through the forest, she doesn't watch were she's going. She HAS to get to the Plantars and Floss. Barging into another figure, both are sent tumbling to the ground, and Jean rubs her head as she sits up.
"Jean? What happened? What's going on?!" Anne asks frantically, already up on her feet and holding out her hand to help the older teen. Jean gladly takes it. "I don't know! I thought you were with the gang?" She says, confused. Anne holds up her makeshift spear. "I was hunting."
"But if you're here and I'm here, then the Plantars and Floss-" Jean started, feeling panic setting in. They were alone.
The brunette grabs her friends hand. "Let's go!" With that, they both charge back to camp.

When they arrive, they found the camp abandoned. The wind rustled the tent, the cooking pot's fire was still burning, and Polly's bucket was left turned.
"Sprig? Hop Pop?"
"Polly! Floss!"
Bessie chirps, spooked. Anne rushes over to calm her down, while Jean rushes over to the tent to make sure it was really empty. "Hey, hey, hey, girl. Shh. Any sign?" Anne asks, directing the question to Jean. The older teen shook her head, moving over to the snail. "None."
"Bessie, where's the family..."
A shadow passes over the two girls, as something growls menacingly. The two girls look up, gasping at the sight of a monster towering over them, the Plantars and Flossie being held prisoner by its tail. The amphibians scream in terror, struggling to break free.
"It came out of nowhere!" Sprig screams. Flossie bites down on the tail, but hurriedly let go, spitting out bits of dirt and scales. "Bleh! It tastes terrible!"
"Careful, girls. It still might be psychic." Hop Pop warned. "I'm too cute to die!"
Anne and Jean start to run toward the monster. "Guys!" Anne yelled. The monster runs away, taking the screaming amphibians with it. A biscuit falls out of Polly's bow, leaving a trail of crumbs behind.
Anne picks up the biscuit. "Dang it, Polly. Food hoarder." She grumbles. Looking up, she notices the trail of destruction the monster had left behind. She grins. "It left a trail! Super huntress instincts engage! C'mon, Jean!" Anne waved a hand, motioning for the older teen to follow. Hearing no response, she turns to find Jean leaning against the tree, breathing heavily. She clutched her chest, tears threatening to fall.

You failed.
You were too late.
You could've saved them.
This is all your fault.

"Jean? Come on, we can still save them!"
Jean looked up to see Anne standing in front of her, pointing in the direction the monster escaped.
With a deep breathe, she composes herself as best she could. Staying here and crying wasn't going to fix this. She could still save them. "A-alright. Let's go."
Anne grins. "We can totally do this!"

"Yeah, we-we can't do this." Anne mutters, as the two humans stared at the three paths in front of them. The trail of destruction was gone, leaving them with nothing to track the monster and amphibians. The brunette sighs. "The trail's gone completely cold." She says, defeated.
Jean lets out a groan, hiding her face in her hands as she sinks to the ground.

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