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It was market day in the town of Wartwood. Anne and Sprig were running the Plantar stall, while Jean was running Pebbs new Harveston stand. The stand held many vegetation that Pebbs had harvested, bugs and grubs she'd caught and even some dishes she'd made. The newt had named it: "Grubs and Shrubs", which the kids thought was kinda catchy.
Jean sighed in boredom. Flossie was sick that day, and Anne was busy with a customer. Sprig was no where to be found. Glancing over to the Plantar's stand, she watched the customer pay. She was lucky to get a place right next to the Plantars, but for some odd reason no one wanted to buy anything.
"Here you go, deary." The frog said, placing copper coins into Anne's hand. "Catch ya later, Mrs. Croaker!" Anne waved, as the older frog chuckled. "Oh, they'll never catch me!" Mrs. Croaker stared at the Harveston's stand, but walked briskly away. Jean groaned, her eye catching sight of the stand across from them, the sign reading "Flour: Breads and Pastries". Anne was looking at the same stand, more specifically the stall owner. "Hey, Maddie! Happy market day!" She greeted. "Maddie" turned to face the human creepily, a sinister smile on her face.
Anne giggled. "Haha, classic creepy Maddie. Hey, how ya doing over there Jean?" She asked. The older teen groaned in frustration. "Nobody wants to buy anything! Pebbs dishes aren't that bad! Maybe it's because I'm new? Is that what it is?"
Anne walked over, giving Jean a pat on the back. "Hey, don't sweat it Jean. These guys do this with everyone new. Heck, they even did it to me. Just give them time to get used to you." She advised. Jean only sighed, watching another frog glance at her, before quickly walking away. "Alright, I'll give it a shot." She muttered.
The two girls heard a cough come from a pile of vegetables in the Plantars stand. Looking over, they noticed a strange shape hidden among the vegetables. "Uh, Sprig, what are you doing?" Anne asked. Sprig peeked out, staring at Maddie's stall. "Hiding. Ever since Maddie and I got engaged, things between us have been...awkward."
Jean rested her chin on her hand, a smirk covering her features. "You're engaged? I didn't know that. How'd it happen?" She asked curiously. Sprig sighed. "Anne sold my eternal happiness for pizza." He mumbled. Jean shrugged. "Hmm, seems accurate."
"Dude, if you don't want to be engaged anymore, just go break it off." Anne said. Sprig freaked, jumping out of the barrel. "BREAK UP WITH HER?! TO HER FACE?!" He cried as he crawled into Anne's hair, peeking out at the creepy frog. "She'll kill me!"
The trio glanced over to the stall, where Maddie was madly chopping at a bread with a butcher's knife. Sprig whimpered at the sight, and Jean wasn't gonna lie when that sight made her uncomfortable.
Anne pulled Sprig out of her hair, placing him back on the ground. "Look, breakups are no big deal. I used to do it for my friends all the time. They called me the breakup queen. Also Angel of Death." She stated. Jean nodded. "It's true, she helped me break up with my ex. Wonder what he's doing now?" She pondered.
Sprig smiled. "Perfect! You go break up with her for me, and I'll go find a new hiding spot!" He said. The two cheered. "Yeah! Spranne against the world!"
Jean smiled at their nickname for each other. Looking at her stall, she grabbed a beetle, grinning at Sprig. "Hey Sprig! Go long!" She yelled, throwing the beetle. Sprig jumped up, and Anne boosted him higher with her hands, sending him in the direction of the ball.
He caught it mid-air, but he crashed into someone passing by, carrying a pot of berries. Jean winced when the frog dropped the berries, and they landed in the mud. She rushed over as Sprig stood up, the trio apologising. "Oops, sorry about that Barry."
"I didn't see you there, Barry."
"I'm really sorry Barry."
Barry stood up straight, facing the trio. He smiled brightly, winking at them. "Shucks, kids. Don't worry about it. Nothing gets Barry down!" He said. He reached behind Anne and Sprig's ears, pulling out a piece of candy. The two gasped in amazement. Barry then did the same for Jean, who stared at it for a moment. Shrugging, she took the candy. Picking up his bucket, Barry walked away. "Have a "Barry" good day." He laughed. The trio watched Barry walk to his stand, announcing his presence to the town.
"There goes Barry, sweetest frog in all of Wartwood." Sprig stated. Jean leaned against the stand, watching Barry for a minute.
"Swell. And now to break up with Maddie for ya." With that, Anne made her way over to Maddie's stall. Jean grinned. "Don't die!" She called.
Barely a minute went by, when Anne came back. "Or maybe breaking up by text would be better." Sprig was confused with the statement, and Jean laughed. "What happened Anne?" She said with a grin. Anne squinted at Maddie. "Text would be better." Was all she said. Jean scoffed, getting up from her stand. "If you really want to, I'll tell her for you." She stated, walking around the stand and making her way across. Anne shrugged. "Ok, go for it." Sprig once again asked what text was, and Anne explained it to him.
Jean was about to talk to her when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. In the oven sat three figures. One was of Anne, another of Sprig, and oddly one was of Jean. She backed up, retreating to her stall. Anne laughed at the teen, and Jean glared at her. "Shut it."
"Hehe, now we're all cowards!"
"Alright, back to plan C." Anne said, taking out a piece of paper and a pen. Leaning on the ground, she wrote: "Dear Maddie, I break up with you. Sprig."
Folding it into a paper plane, she threw it to Maddie. It struck her in her head, and the frog read it. She stared at the trio across from her, before disappearing into the back of the stands.
"Huh, it worked?" Jean muttered, as Sprig and Anne high-fived each other. "See? Like I said, no problem."

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now