Day at the Aquarium

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The kids yawned tiredly as they were led to the king's throne room. As Lady Olivia approaches, one of the guards notices her state: her hair was an absolute mess, she had bags under eyes and doodles all over her face. He holds out a handkerchief for her, and the lady newt snatches it from him, not pleased with what the kids did to her last night.

King Andrias grins as the Plantar family approach. "Wonderful to see you all again!" His voice booms. The family all smile up at him, returning the greeting.
The large newt king bounces on the spot, excited to show the small frog family and two humans what he and Marcy found. "So ask me if I found out anything about the box."
"Did you...." Anne starts, but the king interrupts her with a loud "Bingo!" And a cackle. He holds out a large book, placing it on the ground for them all to see. "Ta-da! Take a gander."

Flossie eyes gaze over the books pages. There, that must be the box! It looked identical to the one on Anne's phone, and identical to the one...Hop Pop buried that night months ago...
The axolotl shakes the memory from her mind, as she listens to the King talk.

"According to this book, it's a magical artefact that is thousands of years old. Apparently, my ancestors used it to visit entirely different worlds. They were peaceful explorers, scientists, if you will. These four stones are the key to getting it working again. They need to be recharged." The king explains, pointing to the four colourful gems on the pages.
Flossie tilts her head curiously, as Jean asks. "Recharged? How do we recharge them?"

"The book mentions four different temples, each channeling a different kind of energy.' Andrias explains, holding up his four-fingered hand. "And once the stones are recharged...."

"We'll have a way home?!" Anne pumps excitedly, shaking Jean's arm. Flossie could see the wide grin on the older teens face too.
They were so close to getting the girls home! Floss knew she should be happy for them, but she couldn't help but feel a little upset at the prospect of them leaving.

"Steal my thunder, why don't you? But yes!" Andrias turns the page to show the fully charged box. Anne claps excitedly, looking down at the giant book.
Flossie grabs onto Jean's hand, holding it tight. She put on a smile, reassuring herself as she pushed all the negative thoughts to the back of her mind. Even when Jean goes home, she'll always come to visit! They'll have the box, so it'll all be okay! Who knows? Jean could even take her to see Earth!
Jean's hand squeezed back, giving the axolotl her desired reassurance.

"Right? Now let's get out there and conquer these bad boys!" Marcy shouts. Andrias holds up his hand to stop the girls from marching right out the door. "Whoa-ho. Let's rein those snails in for a sec. The book only gives the location of one temple. Besides, you still have a lot of preparing to do before you go."

Marcy hums in thought, realising the king was right. "Good point. Gotta get equiped for a mega-quest like this. Armour to buy, maps to study...."

As Marcy ranted on, Jean taps Flossie's shoulder. "You excited for another adventure?" She smiles. Flossie returns the grin. "Of course! Another adventure with my besties before they go back home? I wouldn't miss this for the world!" The two fist bump, doing an explosion sound afterward. Jean had taught her this sometime during their trip to Newtopia (and definitely not because author completely forgot).

A voice cuts into their conversation, completely throwing them off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! It doesn't really make sense for you and Jean to go back to Wartwood." Marcy explains. The Plantars and two girls turn to her, stunned. "What?"

"The last thing we should do is seperate again, now that we're so close to finding our way home." The girl explains. As Anne tries to change Marcy's mind, the axolotl looks to the ground. Everything was crashing down all at once. Jean and Anne were going to stay here, while she and the Plantars return to Wartwood. What if they returned to earth without saying goodbye? What if they decided to never come back? What if, what if...

"Flossie? Are you okay?" Jean asks quietly, placing a hand on the axolotls shoulder. Flossie looks up at the human, seeing her expression was full of concern. "Do you need some air? We can go outside if you want, do you want your cloak?" She asks.
Floss hadn't even realised her breathing had escalated. She gives Jean a nod, too upset for words. Quietly, Jean guides Flossie out of the throne room. When Hop Pop asked if she was okay, the older teen said something that Flossie couldn't quite hear over her own negative thoughts.

She could already feel their eyes watching her from every direction, and she hugged herself, scratching her arms nervously.
Finally, finally, after what felt like forever, they were outside the throne room on a balcony. Jean couldn't find Flossie's cloak, so she gave her her blue jacket instead. Flossie pulled the hoodie over her head, feeling a bit of comfort now she was out of view of everybody. But she was still upset.

"Are you alright, Floss?" Jean asks again. But Flossie doesn't respond. At least, not right away.
They sat in silence, overlooking the city of Newtopia, when Flossie turns to Jean. "Are you...are you going to stay here?" She asks quietly. Jean's face turns to that of guilt, and the axolotl already knew the answer.

"I mean, Marcy does have a point, Floss. I'm sorry, but... if it'll help the girls and I back home..." she trails off, and the axolotl looks down at the newts below, a pit of dread forming in her stomach.
Jean wraps an arm around the axolotl, pulling her close. "Hey, it'll be okay! I'm sure that we'll still get to see each other before I leave. It's not the end of Flossie and Jean!" She informs, giving the axolotl a poke in the ribs. This gets a giggle out of Flossie.

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