A Caravan Named Desire

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A/N: I've rewritten the previous chapter fksjnczmwesficjkn (partly) and this chapter has NOT been proof read i wrote most of it when i was 1. sick or 2. tired and this is WAY overdue you have been warned

The fwagon holding the Plantars and their companions cross a dark path at night. Hop Pop was driving, and he held up a water bottle. "Alright, kids! We're about to hit the dry swamp."
Jean and Anne peek their heads out of the trapdoor, as Hop Pop holds out the canteen for them. "Here, girls. You're gonna wanna hydrate." He states. Jean gladly takes it, holding it as Anne waves the elderly frog off. "That's okay, dude. It's still a swamp." Snapping her fingers, she chuckles. "How dry could it be..."
Hop Pop shrugs. "Suit yourself. And Jean? Make sure that canteen gets refilled." He states. Jean gives him a thumbs up. "No problem, HP." Retreating back into the fwagon, she sits down on the couch.
All the younger kids were almost asleep. They were trying to keep their eyes open as they play a board game.
Chuckling, the human takes a sip.

She was gonna stay awake all night.


The next day, Anne was leaning out the fwagon trapdoor, dehydrated. She lets out a strained groan, voice hoarse as she reaches into the fwagon to find some water. Sprig happened to be standing by her, holding a bottle of water. She grabs the bottle, dousing herself. "Gimme that stuff!"
Sprig let out a "Whee!" As he was lifted over Anne's head. Jean takes a peek outside, eyes red and hair dishevelled. Polly eyes her as she hops out too. "Whoa. Jean, you okay?" She asks.
Jean nods her head, letting out a tired "mhm". "Never been better." She yawned.
Hop Pop chuckles. "Welcome to the Dry Swamp, kids! Home to giant frog-eating sand worms, bandits, vagabonds. You'd know, of course...." Pulling out a scroll, he holds it up for all to see. "If you'd ever read the classic play, "Fear the Dry Swamp"."
The kids let out frustrated groans. Even Flossie, who was inside the fwagon, could be heard screaming into a pillow. "Please don't."
Jean blinks slowly, one eye after the other. "What's he doin'?"
Hop Pop clears his throat. A cloud passes over, a single ray of sunlight shining down on him like a spotlight. ""Hark. For I am homeless. I am friendless. I am the Dry Swamp."" He says dramatically.
The spotlight disappears, and he puts his scroll away. "You know, I was this close to getting the lead part once." He says, looking off into the distance. The kids grumble things under their breath. Jean shrugs, returning back into the fwagon. No one notices patches of grass moving in their direction, the sand moving beneath it.
"Yep. Before I was a farm frog, your Hop Pop had dreams. Next life, I suppose." He sighs.
A giant, worm-like creature bursts from the ground, towering over the fwagon. It roars at them ferociously, showing the fwagon members its sharp teeth. Everyone screams, and Hop Pop flicks Bessie's reins, urging her to flee.
The sand worm attacks them, attempting to eat them as they escape. Jean's adrenaline kicks in, and now wide awake, grabs her sword.
Climbing out of the fwagon's trapdoor, she stands on the roof, wobbling dangerously around.
"Jean! Get back inside the fwagon this instant!" Hop Pop screams, taking his eyes off the road for a brief moment. The human ignores him, facing the sand worm that was slowly inching closer and closer. "Alright, dirt-face. Come and get it."
The sand worm roars, opening its mouth to swallow the human. With a scream of rage, Jean slices her sword at its jaw. The sand worm lets out a shriek of pain. It stops in its tracks a moment, gaining the Plantars some time before it charges after the fwagon once more.
As they escape the sand worm, an unknown amphibian riding a large bug flies up beside the fwagon. "Hey, you!" They call to Hop Pop. "Head towards that dune! We've got a caravan on the other side and this thing's spooked by numbers!" They fly away, leaving the fwagon. Hop Pop was left confused. "What?!"
Jean, who'd over heard the conversation, turns to Hop Pop angrily. "Just do what they say!" She screams.
With that, Hop Pop heads in the direction of the dune. Suddenly, the same bug rider comes over the dune, followed by a large caravan. It circles around the Plantar's fwagon, in order to confuse and intimidate the sand worm.
The sand leaves, letting out one last angry roar before diving back underground. Hop Pop cheers, and Jean jumps down from the fwagon roof onto the drivers seat. "That was a close one."
The elderly frog, realising that he was still mad at Jean, gives her a glare. "Jean! What did I tell you? You could've gotten killed!" He yells angrily. Jean doesn't look at him. "Right. Sorry." She mutters. "Just trying to help..."
Hearing someone clapping, the two turn to see the masked amphibian walking up to them. Jean raised a brow, as they continued to clap. "That was a spectacular show of bravery! We could really do with someone like you guarding our caravans!" The amphibian stated. Jean blushed, taken aback by the compliment. "Oh, uh, thanks!"
Hop Pop turned to the amphibia. "Hey, thanks for your help out there!" He said gratefully. The amphibian waved him off. "Don't mention it. You know, you folks really shouldn't be out here on your own. Haven't you ever read "Fear the Dry Swamp"?" She questioned. Hop Pop gasped, as Jean let out a yawn from beside him. "You know that play?"
The amphibian cackled. "Know it? I directed it!" She exclaimed matter of factly. Taking off her hood, she gestures to her caravan. "Renee Frodgers is the name and managing this acting troupe is my game!"
Hop Pop gasped once more, looking at the caravan before him. "An acting troupe? Here?" Anne, Flossie, Sprig and Polly all peeked out of the caravan trap door, curious about what was going on. All were surprised at this outcome. "Wow. What are the chances." Anne said.
Flossie and Polly turned to Jean, who was about to fall asleep in the front seat. Her head tilted tiredly to the left as Renee walked closer to them. "Say, why don't you folks join our caravan?" She invites. "We could use extra stagehands and patrollers, and you know what they say: "Safety in numbers!""
At that, Jean jerked fully awake, as Hop Pop jumped in his seat excitedly. The two grinned as they looked at Renee. "We're in!" They cried in unison, jumping down from the wagon to follow the frog actor.
Flossie's eyebrows furrowed. "I don't like where this is going." She says. Anne, Sprig and Polly nod in agreement. "It's not like Hop Pop and Jean to agree on something like this." Anne added.

Renee opened the doors to one of the caravans. "Welcome to our humble operation." She states, revealing a bunch of frogs in acting gear walking around preparing for the next show. One stage hand helped a tiny frog into a huge dress. Hop Pop gasped, looking around in wonder as Renee guided them inside. Spotting a free drink tray with a sign saying "Bugachinno's", Jean discreetly grabs one, taking a sip.
Renee either noticed or didn't care, for she kept her introducing her guests to her caravan. She soon stopped next to a young frog dressed up. "Hey, Francis! Show these youngsters to the kids' wagon." She instructed. Francis turned to them, flaring his cape dramatically as he bowed. "As you wish, madam. I a Francois, heir to House D'arncool." He says.
"He's method." Renee explains blankly. That makes all the younger kids confused, as they muttered amongst themselves. The only one unfazed was Jean, who was still drinking her buggachino.
Hop Pop rolls his eyes at his kids murmuring. "It means he embodies a character on and off set! Duh!" He states, exasperated. Renee grins at him. "Ha! Ha! Sharp as a tack, HP. Care to join me in my trailer? I'd love to pitch you our latest production." She asks, gesturing to her office.
Hop Pop gasps for what felt like the millionth time that day. "WOULD I?"
The two start walking off, Hop Pop giggling as he follows Renee. Jean reaches toward them. "Wait! Renee?"
Renee turns to her. "What's up, kiddo?" She asks. Jean chuckles awkwardly. "You wouldn't mind showing me the direction the other bug riders are, would you? I'd love to help patrol the caravan for you." She says. Renee grins. "Well, thanks a ton, kid! You'll find the bug riders in the second last caravan! Tell em' I sent ya!" She says. Jean waved at her, as the frog heads towards her trailer once more. "Thanks Renee! And it's no problem!"
Jean finishes her buggachino, tossing it in a nearby trash can, when Anne grabbed her shoulder. "Dude, are you sure about this?" She says, rubbing her arm. Jean raises a brow. "Yeah, why do you ask?" She asks.
Anne hesitated, but Polly beat her to it. "Girl, you haven't slept in how many days! You look like trash!" She exclaimed. "Polly!" Anne scolded the pollywog, but Jean was unfazed by the outburst. Anne turned to Jean. "Well...what she said. Partly. You haven't been yourself recently, and if you keep putting off sleep, you're gonna get yourself hurt. You. Need. Sleep."
Jean shrugged. "I think I'm doing pretty well. All I need is more buggachino's whenever I'm tired and I'll be good." She states.
None of the amphibians or Anne say anything. Jean turns away. "Welp, I better get started that bug riding stuff! See ya guys later!" She chuckles, speed-walking away to avoid anymore questions and scoldings.
The younger kids watch her go, suspicious. Someone clearing their throat comes from behind them, and they turn to see Francois (*cough* Francis *cough*), waiting patiently for them. "You four are free to join me if you wish. Ha! Ha!" He cries dramatically, flaring his cape once more before scuttling away.
Sprig tilts his head. "Wow. That guy...is the coolest kid I've ever met! Let's go with him!" He yells excitedly. Flossie grins. "Thought you'd never ask!"
"I'm in!" Polly adds, jumping into Sprig's open arms. The trio cheer, about to follow him when Anne butts in. "Absolutely not."
The trio pause, turning to look at the remaining human. "I was in a school play once. It was awful and this place is bringing back...memories." She says darkly.


A young Anne dressed in a tooth costume smiles sweetly. The star of the show, she starts singing and dancing around. "I'm a tooth, that's the truth-"
Tripping over, the young girl lets out a scream as she collides with the wooden toothbrush beside her, setting it aflame through the theatre. Panic ensues as many other children dressed in tooth costumes start screaming in fear, one even being on fire.


Anne shudders. "Four to five dentists agreed, I was traumatised. Anyways, see you dudes later." She pulls out a box of puzzles, showing them to the young amphibians. "I've got a complicated jigsaw puzzle with my name on it! Plus, I might have to talk some sense into Jean." She explained, holding the puzzles close.
Sprig and Flossie scurry off. "Mm okay bye."
"See you later, Anne."

Jean opens the door to the caravan. Immediately, she was met with the smell of cockroach dung, along with the sounds of chirping and frogs talking. A few glanced her way, even stealing a second glance at the tall gangly creature that entered their caravan, but over-all mostly ignored her. All except for one, of course.
A small blue frog walked up to her. "Are you lost? May I help you, strange creature?" He asks tiredly. Jean stands up straighter, holding out her hand. "My name's Jean. I'm here to help patrol the caravan. Renee sent me." She explains. The frog let out a sigh, shaking her hand back. "Of course she did. I'm Twig, the leader of the patrollers here. Thanks for joining us, Jean." He greets. Pulling out a clipboard, he taps his pen against his chin. "So how long will you be staying with us for?" He asks. Jean shrugs. "I don't know, that's up to HP, my guardian." She chuckles. "But considering that, it'll probably be for a while."
Twig "ah's" in response, scribbling something down. "Alright. And do you know how to ride a bug?" He finishes. Jean hesitated before answering. "Well...I did do horse riding for a bit back in my world. Not long but I got to learn the basics." She explains. Twig nods. "Don't know what that is but I'm gonna take that as a yes. Now." Taking the clipboard away from his face, he points to where one of the bugs was sleeping in its stable. "You can take Rocky. She's old but gentle, reliable and sturdy, easy for a beginner. And here are your times if you want them." He states, giving Jean a sheet of paper. She takes it, taking note it was a timetable.
"Thanks Twig! Much appreciated!" She thanks, walking off toward said stable. Looking inside, she looked down at the sleeping cockroach. "Hey there, Rocky. Looks like you and I are gonna become good friends for a while."
And she's gonna need to let the bug take breaks so as not to wear her out. That was gonna be a bit annoying to the human personally, but it'd be worth it.

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