Fiddle Me This, Remember This

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The Harveston's and Jean had arrived in Wartwood, and were currently trying to find a place to park Boris. "Hey there's a spot!" Flossie pointed out.
Pebbs glanced skeptically at the small space. " may be a bit small for Boris, sweetie." She answered. "Let's try another place."
Jean leaned against the seat, resting her hands behind her head as she let herself relax. "Alright, so we're here to sell Pebbs dishes, buy some groceries, and-wait is that the Plantars?"
Everyone glanced to where she was pointing. Hop Pop was backing Bessie into the tiny space Flossie had pointed out, giving a determined glare to the deputy as Bessie's shell scraped against the other snails. Flossie covered her ears at the horrific sounds. Even Pebbs clenched her teeth uncomfortably. "Frog dangit Hop Pop, we're all desperate for a parking spot, but I don't think anyone's that desperate. Sheesh." Jean chuckled.
The Plantar's hopped down from Bessie, and made their way into different shops.
Pebbs finally found a parking spot big enough for Boris, and after parking hopped off the snail. "Alright, kids. You can go find the Plantar's while I make these deliveries." Pebbs stated. The kid cheered, rushing off to find their friends.
Pebbs chuckled, and walked over to a shop.
Flossie ran ahead of Jean, before coming to a halt, staring up at a poster. Jean came up beside her. "Oi, what's up?" She asks. Flossie smiles brightly, pointing at the poster. "It's Amphibia's Got Talent! They're coming to Wartwood!" She said. Jean glanced up at the poster, inspecting it. Unbeknownst to the Anne, Sprig and Polly had wandered up behind them. "Amphibia's Got Talent?! Woohoo!" Sprig yelled, startling the axolotl. "Sprig! Don't do that!"
Anne smiled. "Huh, another thing our worlds has in common." She remarked, to which Jean nodded.
Hop Pop wandered up behind them, squinting at the sign. "Wait, what is this nonsense?" He asked critically. Anne picked up Polly. "We've got the same thing in our world." Anne explained. "It's a contest where regular people get on stage and try to prove they're special."
"That sounds potentially humiliating." Polly piped up. "Yeah, you get it."
"Yeah, I get it." The two chuckled, making Flossie step away out of fear they were planning something.
Sprig continued to read the sign. "'Auditions are being held this weekend!' Hey. Could be fun to play my fiddle in front of a crowd." Pulling out his fiddle, he played a little tune to demonstrate. "Eh? Eh?"
Hop Pop was a little skeptical about the whole thing. "I don't know Sprig-"
"One thing's for sure." Jean interrupted. "Winning this kinda thing sets you up for a life of success and opportunity."
Hop Pop's eyes widened at that statement, and he began to imagine the kids future.

A large golden gate with a fiddle on it stood in front of a mansion. In the front yard, a large fiddle-shaped pool sat. Sprig had his a drink in hand, taking in a long sip. "How's life, Polly?" He asked his sister. Polly rested in a pool, wearing sun glasses with her own drink. "Ding dang delightful." She sighed blissfully.
Flossie did a backstroke through the pool, the camera panning to Jean and Pebbs suntanning in the background. Anne pushed an old and shrivelled Hop Pop out in a wheelchair. "At last, I can rest...forever." He uttered, closing his eyes.
Polly took her sunnies off as a thought struck her. "Wait. If this is the future, why don't I have legs?" She questioned.
"Why are we still here?" Anne shouted, gesturing toward herself and Jean. Jean sat up, staring down at her hands. "Why am I caring about my appearance!? And what are the Harveston's doing here?!"
Hop Pop scowled at the commotion. "Hey. Can't you see I'm trying to pass on?" He sighed, closing his eyes once again.

Meanwhile in the real world, Anne was poking the elderly frog, snapping her fingers to bring him out of his trance. "Hey, Hop Pop. Did Hop Pop just leave us?"
Sprig freaked out. "Should we get help? I'll get help!" He was about to run off, but Hop Pop snapped out of his trance, grabbing him. "Hold on there, boy. Let's give this talent show nonsense a try." He said, pulling Sprig closer. "It's a long shot, but with enough dedication and teamwork, I'm sure we can make you a star. Who's with me?" The Plantar's and Anne cheered, Anne holding up bags of things. Hop Pop noticed them. "Anne, how'd you pay for all that junk?" He questioned. Anne shrugged. "I may or may not have mortgaged the house."

The Plantar's had left to prepare for Amphibia's Got Talent. Flossie and Jean were back on Boris, the axolotl excited for the upcoming talent show. "I wanna give it a shot! I think it'd be fun." She said. Jean shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, what're ya gonna do? Show off your water powers?" She asked with a small smile. Flossie went quiet. Glancing over, Jean realised she was thinking. "I...don't know what I'm gonna do...I don't want to do the water thing because 1. I can't do it on command and 2. I don't want to show THAT off." she mumbled. Jean sat up properly, turning to face the axolotl. "Well, can you sing? If you want, I can play the guitar for you. We just gotta find one." She chuckled. Flossie beamed up at her friend. "I'd appreciate it a lot. Thank you, Jean."
"No problem, Floss."

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