Disarmed (One Shot)

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A/N: Take this one shot I've had in my phone drafts for a while now :3

Anne set up her camera, her tongue sticking out in concentration. Sprig, Flossie and Polly were behind her, carrying a variety of gardening tools. However, the pink frog was waving a large shovel around like a weapon.

Anne waves at the camera, smiling brightly. "Hey, everyone! Welcome back to my vlog! Today, we're at Miss Harvestons cabin, and we're gonna surprise Pebbs by planting turnip seeds in this empty dirt patch." The human explains, moving aside to reveal the patch of dirt. "Idea by yours truly...and Flossie!"

The axolotl, hearing her name, turns her back to the pink frog, waving at the camera.
"Yep! My mum has been planning on planting them, but... she's not feeling too well at the moment. So! Anne and I had the great idea to do it for her!" Flossie explains.

Anne glances over to Sprig, who was fighting Polly, both bearing shovels. "Uh, dude. You're gonna end up hurting someone." She points out. Sprig scoffs, waving her off.

"Oh ho, Anne, it's fine! I've got this under control." He states, spinning the heavy shovel. The shovel slips from his grasp, spinning into the air. The pink frog pales."Uh oh."

"RUN!" Anne screams, running off scream. Polly and Sprig yell, following her lead. Flossie looks around, confused. "Wait, what happened?"

The shovel falls to the ground, slicing clean through Flossie's arm before digging into the earth. The dis-armed limb fell, lifeless, to the ground.
The axolotl stares at her arm laying on the ground, mind processing what had happened. Once it had finished, her eyes widened in horror, and she screams, waving her now stump-arm around.

Anne hurriedly turned the camera off, as Sprig and Polly rush over to help the hysterical axolotl.


Back inside the house, Anne finally started recording once more, as she faces the camera to a sick Pebbs bandaging a whimpering Flossie's arm stump, while Sprig held Polly. The pink frog had a massive bruise on his head, a hit from the mother newt.

Anne chuckles awkwardly, patting Flossies head. "So... this isn't permanent, right?" She asks. Pebbs shakes her head, finishing up bandaging the axolotls stump-arm. "Thankfully no. Some amphibians can regrow limbs. Fortunately for Sprig," she shoots the young frog a glare, who gulped at the terrifying look the mother gave him. "Axolotls are one of those amphibians. Just don't go chopping off your arms willy-nilly, and it'll be fine. After a certain amount of times they stop regrowing, so keep that in mind."

The human hums in thought. "Huh, you learn something new everyday. How long does it usually take for a limb to regrow?" She asks curiously.
Pebbs took a minute to think. "I think roughly 2-3 weeks." She states.

Anne turns to the camera. "Well, would you look at that, folks! You learned a fun fact in today's video! Disclaimer please don't go cutting off your hand after watching this video OKAY BYEEEE!" She finishes, turning the camera off.

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