Fast-Food Apprentice

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"Are we nearly there?" Flossie asks eagerly, wearing her normal attire consisting of a white, long sleeved shirt under dark purple overalls. Jean chuckled at the axolotl's excitement. "Almost. The stand should be on this street." She explained. The human wore her jeans and long-sleeved blue shirt. Her jacket was tied around her waist, in case it got chilly out.

The two were by themselves, walking down a not-quite busy street of Newtopia, not too far away from the hotel if they needed to go back. Gertie had asked Flossie if she wanted to spend more time with her, to get to know her better, and even stated that Jean and the Plantars were welcome to come as well.

Of course, the axolotl was excited. But the Plantars already had plans for that day. So, it was just Jean and Flossie.

"There she is!" Flossie squealed excitedly, pointing further down the street. Sure enough, there was Gertie's stand. The axolotl was waving a family of newts goodbye, the children munching happily on their food. Catching sight of the excitable red head and her human friend, Gertie waved them over. "Hello, girls! How ya'll doing?" She asks, as Flossie pulled her into a tight hug.

Flossie grinned. "Great, thanks!" She giggled. Jean smiled, walking around the stand to join them. "Hey Gertie. We're doing fine, thank you. How about you?"

"Oh, a little sleepy, but over-all okay! Thank you for asking. Now, I'll just close my stand, so we can all get ice-cream." Gertie states, about to put her stuff away when Flossie gasps. "Ooh! Why don't we help you run your stand? It will be a fun learning experience!" She explains. The older axolotl tilts her head.

"Are you sure, hon? It gets busy on the weekends, so it might get overwhelming..." she trailed off, looking down at Flossie's hopeful expression. Letting out a sigh, she gave in. "Alright. But tell me when it gets a bit too much, okay?" She says, to which Flossie grins, giving her auntie a salute. "Yes, ma'am!"

Gertie turns to Jean. "What about you? You wanna help out too?" She asks. Jean shrugs. "As long as Flossie's happy, I'm fine with it. We're here to spend time with you, after all." She points out. Gertie gives both girls a grateful smile, as she shows them how to make the nachos with the necessary safety precautions.


"Come again!" Jean waved at the last customer leaving.

The trio had been kept on their toes, since Gertie wasn't kidding about it being busy. It went mostly well, other then when Flossie burned a batch of nachos. Both Gertie and Jean had to console the young axolotl that it was okay.

But other than that, their day went well. Right now, the sun was starting to set, and it was time for Gertie to close her stand.

Gertie let out a sigh of relief, stretching her arms. "Wow, today was busy! Thanks again for the help, girls." The axolotl said. The human waved her off. "Hey, it's no problem! Anything to help a friend." She smiled.

The two glance over to see Flossie leaning on the stand, almost falling asleep. Her chin rested on her hand, her eyes closed as her head started to slowly lower. Chuckling, Jean ruffled her hair. "Is someone too tired for ice cream?" She asked jokingly. Flossie jerked awake slightly, trying to shake the sleep away. "Huh? Ohnonono i-im good just gimme a mini..." she slurred, almost face planting the counter again from exhaustion.

Gertie giggled, looking through her wallet. "We better get going, then. The shop closes in about an hour from now, and we wanna get there before all their ice-cream's gone." She says.

Seeing that the axolotl was still exhausted, Jean pats her head. "Would you like a piggy-back?" She asks softly. At that, Flossie nods sleepily, taking off Gertie's spare apron before she climbs onto the humans back.

The trio set off, the two youngsters following Gertie to the shop.


Flossie sat on Jean's shoulders, now fully awake and eating away at her cricket-leg ice cream. Jean had her own in one hand while the other hand held Flossie's leg to support her. It was dark, and they were headed back to the hotel, ready to relax after a long day. The human turns to Gertie. "Thanks for the ice cream, Gertie." She says.
At that, Flossie also hummed, mouth full of the sweet treat. "Mhm! Tank you!" She said as best she could. Gertie giggles.

"It's no problem, girls. You sweet-hearts are always welcome to come visit my stand at any time." She states, as they walk by a large university campus.

The moon lit up the high, sturdy wall, and as Jean watched the path ahead, a certain figure caught her eye, trying to squirm through the gates bars. Squinting her eyes, she quirked a brow. "Is that...HP?" She wondered aloud.

Before Gertie and Flossie could follow her gaze, a siren blared from the other side of the wall. Spotlights could be seen shining over the wall, as low growls sounded out. Jean furrowed her brows in concern. "Hey, Gertie...this is a school, right?" She asked skeptically. Gertie nodded, confirming Jean's questions.

"Yeah, but I've never seen an alarm sound out like this. Wonder what happened?" She ponders. Flossie hums, scratching her chin. "Do you think there's been a murder?" She asks. Gertie and Jean share a glance, but neither said anything as they headed closer toward the figure at the gates bars. "I don't know, but I think that guy who looks like Hop Pop knows what's going on." Jean says.

Approaching the figure, they found them now inside, surrounded by many guards with a small pink frog in his arms. Jean wasn't surprised that it was, indeed, Hop Pop.

"Sprig and Mr. Plantar? What's going on?" The principal inquired, looking between the small frog and his grandfather. Jean and Flossie noticed two specific trouble-makers were missing. Were Anne and Polly back at the hotel?

"You're not frog-napping my boy!" Hop Pop cried angrily, holding Sprig closer. The pink frog glared at the newt in charge, as Jean, Gertie and Flossie peered through the bars. "You were trying to take me prisoner!" He cried.

Jean stared curiously at the principal, as everyone waited for an explanation. The principal shook his head, now seeing the problem. "I'm sorry, frog-nap? Prisoner? Sprig isn't locked up. He can leave whenever he likes." He points out.

Seeing that everything was fine and under control, but mostly just wanting to go back to the hotel to sleep, Jean gave Gertie a nudged. "C'mon, Gertie. I'm sure they'll sort it out." She chuckles, leading the way. Flossie leaned back as far as she dared, trying to watch Hop Pop, Sprig and the guards for as long as possible. "Hey! I wanna see what happens next!" She cries.


The trio approached the hotel, and were now standing at the large doors. Flossie gives her aunt a big hug, who gladly welcomed it. "See ya later, auntie Gertie!" She says.

"Bye, hon! I'll catch you gals later! Make sure to tell me what happened to the Plantars." She chuckles, walking away. The two girls wave the axolotl away, before entering the hotel.

Walking up to their room, they flop down on the beds, letting out sighs of relief. Resting her arms behind her head, Jean closed her eyes, letting herself relax for a few minutes.

"...hey, Jean?" Flossie called out. Jean hummed, motioning that she was listening. Flossie paused. "Are you...excited to get back home?" She asks quietly. Jean peeked an eye open, silently watching the axolotl.

Flossie was staring up at the ceiling, hands folded neatly on her chest. Her brows were furrowed, deep in thought. Closing her eyes again, Jean shrugged. "Eh, it's 50-50. Why?" She asks.

"...n-no reason." The axolotl states, getting up. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Want anything?" She asks. Jean shakes her head. "Nah, I think I'm good. Thanks, though." The human says.


Flossie leaves the room, passing by the Plantars on her way down to the main floor. Holding onto the Royal Credit Card Hop Pop had thankfully left behind at the hotel in one hand, she anxiously rubbed her arm with the other, thoughts swirling together.

The question was completely unprompted, but she couldn't help it. After spending a fun day with the older teen, she wanted to know if Jean really was excited to get back to her world. She was stupid to think that she wasn't.
What was she expecting her to say? "Oh, not really. I would rather stay here with you and Pebbs". What a stupid, selfish thought.

Of course Jean and Anne were going to go home. But after they left...would they even be able to come back? What if they couldn't come back?

As the axolotl stepped into the elevator, she tried her best to keep her "brave face" on. But when her throat closed up, making it harder to breathe steadily and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, she found it very hard to keep it up.

She didn't want to say goodbye to her best friend already.


A/N: This was more of a "try a different way of writing " and "almost no plot related stuff" chapter, so it was changed last minute. I also had absolutely no idea what to do for this chapter, so...enjoy this boring ass chapter?

I didn't watch this episode so this is completely by memory. I'm also very tired, so grammar will be bad.

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