Vlogs From the Bog: Glamour 💄

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"What's up, ya'll?" Anne greeted. "So something I've learned here is that frog hygiene is VERY different from the human world." The human explained, turning her phone to face Polly and Sprig playing in the mud. Both were chewing away. "Don't knock until you've tried it!" Sprig called as Anne stares in disgust at the two frogs.
Mud is thrown into Sprig's face, and Flossie laughs hysterically as she runs on screen.
"HEY NO FAIR I WASN'T READY!" The pink frog yelled, chasing after the axolotl and throwing mud at her. Polly gasped. "I WANNA JOIN!" She began throwing mud all over the place, and Anne moved a fair bit away from the playful trio.
"I miss showers so much." The brunette stated, staring into space for a minute before turning back to the camera. "Anyway, I thought I'd use some make-up I found in my backpack to give these frogs a lesson in glamour."

Anne, Sprig, Polly and Flossie were back in the Plantar's house. Polly and Hop Pop sat on the couch, while Flossie was standing behind Sprig.
"Polly and Hop Pop have kindly volunteered to be our models today." Anne explained. "We didn't." The pollywog stated before Anne interrupted her. "Now, obviously Sprig's never done this before," Sprig waved at the camera nervously. "So everyone back home, go easy on him. Just try your best, bud." Anne encouraged.
Hop Pop sweated nervously. "I feel nervous."

Anne was doing Polly's make-up, while Sprig's was doing Hop Pop's. Flossie watched Anne, fascinated. "Can you do me next?" She asked. Anne grinned. "Sure! Alright, just a little more blush and we're done."
Anne stepped away, revealing Polly with red lipstick, and a light blush on her cheeks. "A fresh and natural look for a tadpole on the go." Polly posed for the camera, while Flossie gasped at her.
Anne turned to Sprig. "Sprig, show us what you got!"
Sprig stepped away, revealing a full glamoured Hop Pop. The human was taken aback, and the two amphibian girls wowed at him.
"Sprig, how are you so good at this?!" Anne asked in awe. Sprig shrugged. "I don't know."
Polly held up her flippers. "I wanna look like Hop Pop!" The pollywog shouted. Flossie began chanting. "Sprig! Sprig! Sprig!" Polly joined in too, as Anne turned the camera off with a grin. "Ok, yeah, it's do-over time!"

Anne held a mirror to stare at her reflection, Polly on her lap. Sprig was working on Flossie. "Sprig, forget makeup guru, you're a makeup god!! You've gotta share this talent with the world!" Anne announced. Sprig finished on Flossie, and the axolotl snatched the mirror out of Anne's hands. She let out a gasp, staring at her reflection in awe. "I've never looked better in my entire LIFE!" She shouted, almost throwing the mirror if Anne hadn't caught it.

Sprig, Anne, Polly and Flossie travelled around Wartwood, giving all the frogs a make-over.
"Okay, that's almost everyone, now we just gotta find Jean." Anne stated, ticking off another frog's name. She chuckled. "Oh, she is gonna HATE this."
Flossie spotted the older teen walking just down the road from them, stopping by to ask a glamoured Mrs. Croaker something, visibly cringing at the frog.
Anne chuckled. "Alright. On three. One...two...three!"

Jean stared down at Mrs. Croaker. "Uh...hi, Mrs. Croaker. Quick question: who did your make-up?" Mrs. Croaker laughed. "Oh, is that what this is called? Ha! You and your humans weird names." The elderly frog cackled, hobbling away.
Jean thought for a moment. "Human....oh no. Not again!"
Anne, Polly and Flossie pounced at Jean. The older teen saw them approaching too late.
"NOOOOO!" She screamed, as the trio pushed her to the ground. Anne and Flossie held an arm each, and Polly sat on her chest.
"Sprig! Quick!" Anne shouted. Sprig scurried over, doing Jean's make-up as the human cried. "End meeeeeeeeeeee!"

The entire town of Wartwood stood in front of Anne's phone recording, fully glamoured. Jean had her arms crossed, make-up still on her face. She had immediately tried to wipe it off but Anne begged to take a recording first. "For the vlog!"
"Everyone looks so gorgeous!" Anne complimented. "Turns out Sprig knows a lot more about glamour than I do."
Everyone laughed at her statement. Just then, a giant bug let out a roar, appearing out from behind the houses. Everyone screamed.

The giant bug was staring lovingly into a mirror, fully glamoured up. Sprig felt proud of himself.
"HE'S A GOD!" Anne yelled, as the screen turned dark.

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