Vlogs from the Bog: Hop Like a Frog!

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"Hello humans!" Anne greeted to the camera. Jean leaned into the frame. "Hiiii guys!" She smirked, as Anne pushed her out, giggling. "Jean! Today, we're gonna have a look at how frog's move!" She announced. "Not just walking, but hopping!"
"Our buds Sprig and Polly are gonna show us how to hop like a frog." Jean continued, gesturing to the Plantar children.
"Hi everyone!" Sprig greeted.
"KNEEL BEFORE ME HUMANS!" Polly screamed, to which Jean playfully bowed. "YES!"

"Take it away guys!" Anne said, passing the spotlight to Sprig and Polly. Sprig cracked his knuckles. "Alright, everyone! We'll start with the basics. We're gonna do a classic lily-pad leap." The pink frog announced.
The two began to demonstrate. "Crouch nice and low."
"Work that high knee!"
"And...leap straight up!"
The two frogs jumped high into the air. Jean and Anne did as they said, but only managed to lift themselves a few inches from the ground. The pollywog burst into laughter at their performance.
Sprig grimaced. "Uh...okay? Let's try this next one!"
Jean stared blankly at the two frogs, not feeling up to failing the next one.
"The boggy-toe twist (Foggy? Boggy? Idk)! This one's a little tricky because it starts with one foot." Sprig explained. Balancing on one leg, he prepared to demonstrate. "And a-one, and a-two, and leap!"
Sprig and Polly leaped into the air once again, this time twirling around before landing. "Ta-da!"
Jean and Anne jumped, but failed once again. Anne placed her hands on her hips, feeling confident. "A little better that time?" She asked. Jean just crossed her arms, glaring off to the side. "Stupid legs..." she muttered under her legs.
"How do humans get anywhere?" Polly asked. Sprig hummed in thought. "When did your legs grow in?" He asked. Anne shrugged. "Humans are born with legs." She explained. The frogs stared at the two humans in disgust.
"Well, hopping works best under pressure." Sprig continued. "So let's try something a little more motivating."
Jean perked up, chuckling. "I could use some of that!"

Sprig, Anne and Jean were now standing on a small island in a pond. Sprig pointed to the shore. "Ok, Anne. The swamp is full of leg-chomping leeches! So just hop from one rock to the next without touching the water!"
Jean glanced at the water for a moment. "Sprig, I think we have different ideas of motivation-" she started, but Sprig cut her off. "Ready? GO!"
He hopped off the island, leaving Jean and Anne alone. A leech burst from the water, causing Jean to scream. Immediately grabbing Anne's hand, she jumped off the rock, pulling the younger teen behind her.
They landed safely on the other side, and Sprig hopped up to them. "Anne! Jean! You guys did great!" He yelled. Jean was silent, frozen in shock as Anne pulled her hand away.
The younger teen smiled triumphantly. "I did it, yeah!" She yelled. She lost her balance, however, and she fell into the pond.
Several leeches burst from the water, and began to chase the two humans and young frog.

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