The Shut-In!

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(Nvm about my announcement the other day I'm just gonna wing it)

Warning: This chapter may be disturbing for younger readers (I really don't know just felt I should warn ya'll in case you don't like horror)

Either way I suggest you don't read at night. I gave myself the creeps.

Note: This isn't edited. Like many of my other chapters iauyjcns


"Happy Shut-In!"
"Thank you."

Fall was upon Wartwood. Giant pumpkins the size of houses were decorated around the town, and right now many frogs were walking around Wartwood, going from house to house in costumes.

Jean smiles, as she, Anne, Flossie and the Plantars were approaching Mrs. Sundew's home, each carrying a sack.
As the door opened, the older teen watches as all the kids begin to chant. "Stay inside, hide your eyes, give us practical supplies!"

"Oh, you're just in time. I've got one last box of nails. And they're rusty!" Mrs Sundew smiles, pouring the nails into the bags. The kids think her, and head off.
Anne readjusts the sack over her shoulder. "Ooh, man, this is a workout! Explain this holiday to me again."

Sprig deadpans as he turns to her. "It's not a holiday, Anne." He states. Flossie jumps onto Jean's back, and the older teen stumbled to catch herself. "It's the annual Blue Moon Shut-In, Anne!" The axolotl says, as Polly nods, hopping onto the younger girls shoulder.
"We need the supplies to survive through the night."

Anne tilts her head. "Huh. Well, you know, we have a similar thing in my world called Halloween. We say "Trick or treat", and people give you free candy."
Polly gasps. "Free candy! What's the catch?" She asks suspiciously.

Jean grins. "If they don't give you any, you get to prank them!" She explains. Polly gasps once more, crying cartoonishly. "That is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." She sniffs.

"Hey, kids!" The kids look up to see Hop Pop approaching with Bessie. He pulls her reins as he reaches them. "What'd ya'll get for tonight's Shut-In? Show me the goods!"
Polly pulls out a weapon from her sack. "I got a hatchet!"
"I got a first aid kit!" Sprig adds. Anne reaches into her sack, pulling out a large bug of some kind. "I got a flamethrower!" She exclaims.

She demonstrates, activating the flamethrower bug. Surprised and jealous, Polly throws her hatchet to the ground with a pout.

"Alright then kids, hop on! We're going home." Hop Pop declares. Anne and the Plantars hop up on the wagon. As they do, Hop Pop looks down to Jean and Flossie. "Will you girls be alright? Do you need me to give ya'll a ride?" He asks, concerned. Jean waves him off.
"Nah, Pebbs should be here any minute now. You guys just head home."

Hop Pop sighs. "Okay, then. Be safe out there. And Happy Shut-In!" He calls out as he gets Bessie moving. Flossie waves to him. "Bye Hop Pop! Happy Shut-In!"
"Catch ya later, HP!"

Now that they were by themselves, Jean carries Flossie around Wartwood on her back. The weight was a little heavier than usual with the added sacks, but the older teen didn't mind.

Reaching the water fountain, Jean sets Flossie down so they could both sit. "So, what do you do during Shut-In?" The older teen asks.
Flossie scours through her sack, checking out what she'd retrieved on her little outing. "Oh! Mum and I lock all the windows and doors, sit around the fire and tell spooky stories!" She explains.
Jean nods, smiling. "Okay, I like the sound of spooky stories." She chuckles.

Hearing a toot, the two girls look up to see Pebbs driving her wagon with Boris their slug. The newt waves to the two girls. "Hey, girls! How was your evening?" She asks as the two climb up on the wagon. Flossie sits right next to her mother, giving her a quick hug. "It was great! We got lots of things! Like an axe, some nails, a couple of bandages..."

Flossie continues listing off random items as Pebbs gets Boris moving. Jean leans back in her seat, looking out at the frogs boarding up their homes and the giant pumpkins currently being carved. She found it strange how they look very similar to the ones back on Earth.
Maybe Earths Halloween and Amphibia's Shut-In are somehow connected.

Jean chuckles. That's silly. There's no WAY that they're connected. Just another weird coincidence.


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