Hopping Mall

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A/N: If you're reading this when I first posted this...this takes place before Reptile Mayhem. I switched the episodes around.


Jean took in a deep breath. The salty air stung her nostrils, but the older teen didn't mind. She'd always loved the smell of the ocean air. It reminded her of the old days, when she'd spend time at the beach with her friends as a little kid. When everything was simple, and rarely anything bothered her.

The older teen, Anne and the Plantars were currently hanging out in Newtopia, visiting a brand new area: the Newtopian Markets. A mall-like street with many shops like "Hop Topic", "Frog Claires" and others.
Anne gasps, looking around eagerly at all the shops. "Whoa! Look at this place! It's like the outdoor mega mall from back home!" She exclaims excitedly, holding Jeans arm and guiding her forward. The older teen nods, seeing the similarity. "I know! Man, who knew our worlds could be so similar yet so different?" She adds.
The young axolotl standing beside them squeals excitedly, eyes sparkling. "I've never seen anything like this! It's huge!" She shouts, spreading out her arms to prove her point.

Hop Pop hums in thought, now walking away from a barista stand with a hot cup. "Mm-hmm. Sure." He replies nonchalantly, sipping on the warm drink that Jean could only assume was a buggachino.
"Anyway," the elderly frog continues, gaining the kids attention. "Since we only have a couple of days left in the city, I figured we could spend the afternoon shopping for souvenirs." He explains, bringing out his wallet. "Now get out there and buy anything you'd like!"

The kids all cheer, getting pumped and excited. Jean grins, ready to buy something to remind her of her time in this amazing city. I mean, who wouldn't? This place is amazing!

"-For two coppers or less!" Hop Pop finishes, tossing all the kids a small pouch of coins. They land in their open arms, leaving all the kids speechless. As Polly starts complaining, Jean opens the bag to take a look inside.
There were 2 small copper coins. Jeans face drops, realising that the kids had every right to be angry. This wasn't even enough money to buy a small, good quality object. She was pretty sure whatever they'd buy would be so pathetic it'd break after using it a few times.

"What?! This ain't enough for a candy bar!" Polly whines, as Anne nods in agreement, a look of confusion on her face. "Yeah, what gives?" She questions. "Let's just use that sweet bling-bling from the king-king." She grins, trying to change the elderly frog's mind.

Sprig, hearing this news, hops up excitedly onto Flossie's shoulders. "Oh, yeah. The Royal credit card!"
The axolotl, not expecting the sudden weight placed on her shoulders, falls back, landing on top of Sprig as the two yelp in pain, hitting the cobblestone path. Everyone winces, as the two 10 year olds hurriedly get to their feet. "I'm okay!" Flossie says, brushing herself off as Sprig apologises.

Hop Pop shakes his head, before replying to the kids. "Nuh-uh. Kids, souvenirs are only meaningful if you pay for them yourself." He explains, to which the kids groan.
Jean places the pouch into her own pocket, half listening to Hop Pop explain to Polly what "haggling" was, only for him to lose the Polliwog as she bounced off, giggling maniacally.

Sprig stands, putting away his own pouch of coins. Flossie follows his lead. "Side note: exciting!" She exclaims, as Sprig nods. "Yep! I guess I'd better get an item for Ivy. Since we are an item." He snorts at his own joke, giving Anne a nudge. "Who are you gonna shop for?" He asks her.

"My mom."

At this statement, Sprig quiets down, surprised. "Your...mom?" He asks again, to which Anne hums. "Yep! I figured if I'm gonna go missing in a different dimension, the least I could do is bring back a gift."

As she talks, none noticed Sprig had wondered off. Flossie tilts her head, eyes wide. "That's so sweet! I'm gonna do that now! Thanks for the idea, Anne!" She smiles. The brunette grins. "No probs, dude. What are you gonna get her?"
Flossie hums in thought. "Well, I was thinking of getting her a cane. Her last one broke when we fought that giant crab." The axolotl explains.
Jean listened intently, a soft smile on her face. Like the axolotl said, it WAS sweet of the two to get a gift for their mothers. Maybe instead of getting something for herself, she could get a gift for someone too...

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