Handy Anne

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A/N: I'm sorry for the 3-4 month hiatus. I got carried away with my ToH book hahahahahahah....anyway.
If Jean's or Flossie's personality seems out of character then that's my bad. I can't be bothered to reread my book.
Beware, my writing has gotten way, way worse.

It is a bright and sunny day, and Anne, Jean, Sprig and Flossie are sitting on the Plantar's roof, enjoying the new spring day. A dragonfly flew over head, carrying an unfortunate frog.
"Yep. It's been three months. Still up here." He called out. Sprig let out a content sigh. "Spring is finally here." He commented. Anne hummed in response.
"Alright, Sprig. New season, new possibilities. I'm ready to blossom into my best self." She said. Jean nodded, leaning her back onto the roof. "Yep! Time to start anew." She grinned.
Sprig eyes the two girls out of the corner of his eye. "So, you two feeling better about the whole Sasha incident?" He asked curiously.
Jean and Anne went quiet, having flashbacks of that traumatic night. Anne grinned at the frog nervously. "Yep. Totally fine!"
"Nothing wrong here!" Jean chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head.
Ever since that whole incident, the older teen had felt guilty about what had happened. She should've known that Sasha would've pulled a stunt like that. She was her friend, after all. After that, she felt a need to protect Anne, the Plantars and the Harvestons. She didn't want something like that to ever happen again.
Flossie, who was sitting beside her, gave Jean a worried look as Sprig continued.
"Oh, cool. 'Cause if I had to fight like that, I'd be devastated." He exclaimed. Anne and Jean stared at him, unamused. "Heck, I'd be upset just hearing someone talk about it-"
"Oh look, Hop Pop and Polly are back!" Flossie said quickly, changing the subject. Sure enough, Hop Pop and Polly were driving back on Bessie, pulling a wagon behind them. The two teens and amphibians climbed from the roof, but Anne slipped on the way down.
Sprig was the first to reach Hop Pop and the wagon. "Whoa, Hop Pop. What is this thing?" He asked curiously, as Flossie walked over to it. Climbing up the steps, she had a look inside. "Ooh! So roomy!"
"Impressive, huh?" Hop Pop chuckled. "This here's an all-terrain, custom-model family wagon. Calling it the fwagon!" He exclaimed, giving it a pat.
Flossie and Sprig were impressed, yet Jean and Anne shared a glance at the name Hp chose. "Fwagon? Really?" Anne asks blankly. Hop Pop nodded. "Cheap too."
"The previous owners died in it!" Polly pipes up, grinning maniacally from atop Hp's head. Jean tilts her head, looking up at the caravan. "So...why do you need a new wagon?" She asked.
"Fwagon." Hop Pop corrected. Jean stared at him. "Not calling it that."
"Well," Hop Pop sighed, looking out to the mountains. "With the snow melted and the mountain pass open, we can finally travel outside the valley to Newtopia!" His eyes gleamed with excitement.
Flossie gasped, shaking Jean's arm. "Oh. My. FROG! You're going to Newtopia?!" She squeals, eyes wide with glee. Jean and Anne shared a glance. "What's in Newtopia?" The brunette asks curiously, as Sprig and Flossie started jumping up and down on the spot.

Hop Pop lay out a map of Amphibia on the table inside the fwagon, pointing directly in the middle of said map. "It's the beating heart of Amphibia. A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge, run by the wisest of newts. If anyone can help you two get home, it's them!" Hop Pop explains, holding up a picture of a newt. Flossie lays her chin on the table, eyes sparkling. "So majestic." She whispered. "So mystical." Sprig added.
Jean and Anne grinned. "I don't believe it!" Jean says, shaking Anne's shoulder. "You mean this could actually be our ticket home?" Anne asks. Pulling out a photograph of Jean, Sasha, Marcy and herself on it. "Not only that, but maybe out on the road we'll find Marcy!"
Hop Pop nodded. "You betcha. Pack your things, kids. You too Jean. I already spoke to Pebbs. We leave tonight!" He announces. Everyone cheers, except for the axolotl.

"We're going to Newtopia!" Sprig and Polly cheer, jumping out of the fwagon. Sprig tossed his little sister in the air excitedly. Flossie watched them, saddened.
The elderly frog turned to the humans. "Say, girls, since you don't have a lot to pack, could you give Chuck the spare key when he swings by?" He asks, holding up a key. Anne tilts her head, confused "Who's Chuck? She asks. Sprig and Polly turned to her. "We played bug ball together." Sprig stated. "He grows tulips." Polly added, falling onto Sprig's head. Anne places a hand on her chin as she hums in thought. "Nope, not ringing a bell."
"Why does he need a key?" Jean asks curiously.
"Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it." Hop Pop says casually, alarming the two humans. "Wait, what!?"
"And empty house is vulnerable, girls. Needs protectin'" Hop Pop explains, pointing to their own home. "Not to mention our crops, the very soul of a farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes. Anyway, here you go!"
With that, he hands Anne the key. The two humans look down guiltily. "Didn't realise you guys are risking so much to help us." The younger teen said, looking over to her frog family. Flossie, Sprig and Polly popped up between the two humans. "Eh, he's just being dramatic." Sprig stated. Flossie nodded. "Yeah, it's not all that bad!" She added.
Screaming filled the air, and Jean and Anne turned around just in time to see a windmill be destroyed by a flaming locust tornado. The amphibians didn't flinch. "Mostly."
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop headed inside, leaving the two humans and Flossie alone outside. Jean looked down at Flossie, seeing her sad expression. "Hey, aren't you gonna head home and pack?" She asks. Flossie shakes her head, looking at the ground. "I'm not going." She said quietly.
Jean's eyes widened. "What? Why not?" She asks, kneeling in front of the axolotl. Flossie looks up at the Plantar's home. "This is their adventure. Your adventure with Anne! There isn't any reason for me to go. It's okay, though!" She forced a smile, waving her hand. "I'll be fine! Mum's started growing her own farm. I'll help her around the house while you're away." She replied.
Jean frowns, looking back at the house. "Stay here with Anne. I'll be right back."
With that, she gets up, walking into the house.

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