Cap. 6 - The Real Problems

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As soon as Lisa entered the premises, she took off her aviators and found two well - known women looking at her with their mouths open

- Any problem? -I ask.

Lisa frowned more and more on her face when she did not get an answer from the other girls, she did not like this at all. All her alarms began to sound, she had already given up the comfort of her home due to the obligation of her psychologist, she did not want lo lose her secand home either. The brunette shook her head and tried to calm down - What.... what are you doing here? - She asked them a little nervous.

- CHECK THIS OUT! - Jimin had gotten up from his post and was approaching the group - BIG P AGAIN LEAVING GIRLS WITH OPEN MOUTHS he celebrated walking towards Lisa - You don't get tired of doing it, right? - He said laughing to the brunette and then take the opportunity to hug her.

Everything for Jennie was something absolutely new in her, in the blink of an eye she went from being terrified by a needle piercing her body to being intrigued by every tattoo on the brunette's body. She did not consider such a quantity of drawings on the skin of a beautiful person attractive at all, in fact she used to cross the street when someone like that approached her, but in Lisa it was something else, something different. Of course, the hug between Lisa and the boy made Jennie not be able to distinguish the drawings, and she began to wonder why the brunette was moving away from her while the other people could hug her, she did not understand. Just when several questions were about to come out of her mouth, she interrupted the brunette who had been waiting in the couches.

- LILI - with a sensual voice and with a sway worthy of admiration, the woman approached Lisa like a Predator to her prey. The tight dress and, if you ask Jennie, in a harlots style, what she wore, nothing Left the imagination free - How nice ta see you again - She left a kiss on the brunette's check, making her bow her head in shame, Jennie She just wanted to slap the silly smile that she put before the girl and rub her face with a cloth until the lipstick that the other woman had left came off - I was already missing you - the compliments continued.

Jennie's rage increased to unexpected levels. A hug from a boy passed, but a kiss from a cheeky woman was already a lot. Why did everyone have the right to touch her, if she was denied it?

Still ashamed, Lisa raised her eyes to the brunette - Are you ready? - Asked professionally - Did you prepare as l asked? - apparently the woman's tattoo required certain things in some certain way.

- Of course - the woman turned her back to the brunette - Is this okay? - Not slow at all, the woman grabbed the end of her dress and lifted it revealing a revealing thong. There was barely a leopard print band-aid to be seen.

Jennie felt Jisoo mutter a "My God" and could not help but roll her eyes, a whistle that came from Jimin made her turn them again for the second time in a row and also made the woman who still had the dress up to smile shamelessly. But Lisa's face, which was the destination of Jennie's gaze, was totally unchanging. She was looking at the girl's butt like Picasso must have looked at her canvases. For the brunette that was her blank page.

- Perfect - Natalia concluded - Seulgi - She looked at the young lady - can you accompany Annju to my office? In a few minutes l'll be there, go prepare everything please - She asked kindly and then return to the woman now dressed - I'm with you - She said

The woman smiled at her and moved even closer to her - Don't delay - she whispered not at all soft and turned around to follow Seulgi and for both of them to disappear through the door that was in the back wall.

- BIG P SCORE AGAIN! - Jungkook shouted to make Jimin laugh. Lisa was getting more and more red.

- BIG P THE UNSTOPPABLE! BIG P CONQUERS THE WORLD! - Jimin shouted in an emperor's tone.

I'M NOT FOR YOU (JENLISA)   (adaptation story)Where stories live. Discover now