▪︎ Four ▪︎

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Selena woke up to a soft shake. The light was beaming through the window onto to her face so the second she opened her eyes, she was groaning in pain.

"Ugh my head." She sat up holding onto her head earning a chuckle from Solomon. "Are you really laughing at me?"

"Yes. It would appear so." He laughs at her reaction of diving her head into their pillows.

"Now come on love it is six." He helped her up with a smile. "Breakfast is ready."

They sat at the table eating their breakfast, talking amongst their selves. "Do you remember much of last night?" She shook her head no. It was all blurry.

"I remember Sara slapping someone then blank" she chuckles at the thought of her sister slapping someone.

Selena dresses herself for the new day as Solomon cleans their breakfast away. "My love it is getting on. Shall I come with you ?" He called out to her just as she walked out in her pretty white dress.

"No sol. I am okay to walk by myself. The sun is shining, best you get yourself a healthy crop." She kisses his cheek before walking out the door.

"I'll come visit later then my love. Be careful." He called out to her with a grin. She waved back before beginning he small journey to her village.

When she arrive back to her village, she noticed her sister standing next to other villagers. They were all standing near the villages well.

"What's going on sister?" Selena asked coming up behind her, getting a startled response.

"Sister. I was beginning to worry." Sarah held onto Selena's hand before looking at the well. "Somethings caught onto the bucket."

A women's voice screeches out shocking them fier twins. "Our water. It's poisoned." The look to see their family dog, Merry boy, dead tied to the wells bucket. The small animal who Selena had raised since he was born.

Selena gasps quietly as she stares at the animal she loved so dearly. Tear begin falling from the corner of her eyes.

"The devil has come. He has cast his darkness over us." Mad Thomas stares over at the fier twins, Morse specifically Sarah with his evil beady eyes. "There's a darkness growing inside of us."

"Let us go home sister. I've had enough of his talk." Sarah says to Selena loud enough for him to hear. Mad Thomas snaps his head towards the pair.

"What is that girl?" He questions about to rant about the devil again when he sees the innocent fier staring at the dog with tears in her eyes.

Mad Thomas decides to move onto another, as he stares into the sad eyes of Selena Fier. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to bother the innocent girl, it did him no good anyway.

As the girls walked away, Selena noticed how the towns people seemed to be in panic, everywhere. Chaos was everywhere.


Selena sat down, drinking some warm milk watching as Sarah swept the floor, cleaning it of the dirt.

"Sister. It will be alright." Sarah reassured her sister.

"Tell me sister." Selena was slightly worried about what she was about to ask. "Have you..."

"Have I what." She had stopped sweeping to giver her sister her full attention. Her nervous gaze on Selena.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now